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Elite Professions!!??


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I was originally going to use the farmer profession to get cash for my other characters but i can't seem to find out how to become a farmer. What I mean is it's an elite profession and SWG.com doesn't say anything about obtaining it. Does anyone know about obtaining elite professions??




"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."

- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

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well why would it not be an elite proffession simply put an eleite proffession is a proffession with prequities as in you would have to reach a certain skill level to get there. And personally i think that a farmer would need a wide variety of skills to cope so i don't think that he/she should just be able to go out and be a farmer because its just too hard if you don't know what you are doing.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

Come on...it's a farmer. Sure, it's a profession but...picture some guy w/ a pitchfork attending any type of wide-scale event...it's insane.


You will feel insane the 1st time you get your butt kicked by that same guy and his pitch fork. :D

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:yoda: "Break_dF, do not underestimate the power of the farmer..."


Picture the life of a farmer in real life; he does alot of things and knows a great deal about farming and animals. Anyone can smuggle something, or fire a gun, or "explore". Those thing are easy to learn, learning what kind of food a cow needs when it's a specific wieght and age etc. is more difficult.

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Thanks Wraith, I joined so I could chat on the boards about SWG because I most definitely want to play it when it comes out. I'll be dropping DAOC for it, as a matter of fact, I'm not even buying Shrouded Isles I'm just waiting for SWG. Thinking about being a farmer with a pitchfork really didn't fit the image that came to mind when I was thinking of a farmer in SWG. If you played that RTS that LucasArts produced you would've seen that droids tended to the farms. So I was thinking something more along the lines of a farmer having some sort of droid that only a farmer can use like a pet. They didn't use a pitchfork either they had something like a enhancer beam that they used; now, what plans they have for SWG I have no clue I'm just combining my imagination with previous projects from LucasArts.


BTW. I didn't see the place to add an icon under my name like everyone else. How do you add one?



"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."

- Yoda ('The Empire Strikes Back')

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Along with what Zendjir said, back in the 1800's America invaded Canada. Canada's farmers....farmers mind you, armed with only pitchforks and what little tehy could muster up, pushed back America's military. Never underestimate the power of a man defending his farm =)

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Originally posted by Gaalgoth

Along with what Zendjir said, back in the 1800's America invaded Canada. Canada's farmers....farmers mind you, armed with only pitchforks and what little tehy could muster up, pushed back America's military. Never underestimate the power of a man defending his farm =)



Yeah that's all well and nice but can I get a show of hands of the people who plan on being a farmer?...anyone?....anyone?....

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Well dude, you'd be surprised. A lot of people in the MMO scene would rather RP then be a bad ass killer, and one could do alot with being a Farmer. also, being a farmer will probably be a lot more interactive then something like sim farm where you plant your seeds and watch them grow. there'll most likely be more to it.

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Originally posted by Gaalgoth

Well dude, you'd be surprised. A lot of people in the MMO scene would rather RP then be a bad ass killer, and one could do alot with being a Farmer. also, being a farmer will probably be a lot more interactive then something like sim farm where you plant your seeds and watch them grow. there'll most likely be more to it.


Ehh..I still think it's an odd "elite" profession.

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I have a feeling that there will be many "sleeper" professions, the value of which will not be appreciated until someone spends the time to demonstrate just how rewarding that profession can be. This may or may not include the Farmer category, but as far as classifying it as "Elite", just switch things around: could a full-time bounty hunter turn a hefty profit by suddenly deciding to raise dewbacks? Elite is simply a measure of mastery in any given area.


Just my 2, possibly 3 cents...





btw, Falk, at the top of the page, there is a "user cp" tab- click on it, go to "edit options", and then to "change avatar".


:tied: :tied: :tied: :tied: :tied: :tied:

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I know what you're saying Sinn, but "Elite" professions are professions that you cannot choose at the start of the game. You have to acquire alot of skill points and possibly master other professions before that one is opened to you. That's what they mean by elite.

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Gonna settle this now. I own a farm. Not a farmer personally, I have someone doing the administrative stuff; but I'm learning.


Farming deserves elite profession status. It certainly isn't something you just 'start doing'. You need plenty of exp and resources, and even then nothing's certain (except 'fire: bad' of course). There's a frelling lot you have to juggle, and if you drop one ball, you may as well drop them all. It's like setting up your own ecosystem, except you have to include beaurocracy and finance into the process.


I'm guessing bounty hunters need to know about combat skills, weapons&armour, probably tracking/investigation skills. Farming is no different: it's a broad combination of skills and professions.

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First off, if you are going to use your farmer to make money for your "other characters" dont worry. You will only be allowed one character per server. They go indepth on the reasons for this on the official website.


I'm going to guess that if you pursue an elite job like farming, it will reak with benefits. You could probably roll in the dough. Also, yes, you will have to be good at a variety of skills...but thats ok, because you get tons of skill points. Enough, they say, to be able to master 3 1/2 professions.


And if all else fails and you become a farmer and hate it, then you can just transfer your points, and work to become some other main profession.



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