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Droids (and by extention, all constructable thingamies)

Trahern Valley

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What with being able to make smeg-knows-how-many-variations of smeg-knows-how-many things, it occurs to me that there must have been a great deal of thought put into the technical aspect of the Star Wars universe. I've seen the occasional tech manual in one book store or another, but never really paid them much attention.


Now I'm wondering how the technical aspect translates to SWG. So far all I've figured is that astro-droids are all about the hardware, protocol droids are all about the software, and battle droids are all about the arms and armor. How many gadgets can an R2 unit have? More or less than an R4? How smart can a protocol droid get? How many weapons can a battle droid have? I suppose a lot of this kind of stuff is still being ironed out...


Another thought occuring: how much will combinations of skills/professions come into play? I imagine someone who's good at making weapons and armor would have an advantage when it comes to building battle droids.

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Well, from what I've seen on the videos, a hell of allot of the star wars universe has been applied to the game, with races and customizing of characters, the list goes on and on.


It's obvious they spent allot of thought with making hardcore SW fans feel at home with the finest attention to detail. So I guess what I'm getting at is, if they put so much detail into other aspects of the game, then I guess they would most surely put it into droid building.


And I think there's a few hundred skill (that's what the guy on the video said, I was tired when I watched it), But correct me if I'm wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Real life time has nothing to do with it. Each character has a set amount of skill points they are able to use (that is where the average 3.5 professions came from). There are about 700 skills, spread out into about 40 skill trees (also called diciplines), which make up about 25 professions. Some professions require more skill points (and diciplines) than others (which is why they stated about 3.5 professions per character).



I get all of my info from here

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man I haven't seen that show in forever. (Even with my donation to PBS) Grrr! I miss it so.


"...and in your theory, since the universe is infinite and time is also infinite.......would you like some waffles?"


What can you expect from having intellectual conversation with a toaster? ;)

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Trahern Valley

<Lets hands hang from the wrists and wiggles them about a bit.>


Boys from the Dwarf...



"It's cold outside, there's no kind of atmosphere..."

I reckon that droids will be as customisable as anything else in the game (eg weapons, armour, both v.customisable), so we can expect to c lots of variations in PC built droids. Maybe.


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  • 3 weeks later...
How do they expect me to be good at everything when they make so many skills for me to work on?
I'm sure the devs are really concerned with your ability to be great at everything. :rolleyes:;)


Yes, There will be a wide variety of professions out there. I plan on being a ranger/teras kasi and maybe a trade skill thrown in the mix.

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