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the EMI way or the CMI way?


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There are a lot of topics about The Curse being better than Escape. Because of the graphics and controls. But what do you guys think about the story in EMI? I think that it's been taken a bit too far. I especially don't like all the tourists and this concern about tourism. I think the game has lost a lot of its charm because of this. The feeling about a swashbuckling adventure is lost. The entire universe of Monkey Island has changed. The present and the past blended perfectly in CMI (home appliances, 16th century electrical equipment etc), but now there's too much of the present.


What do you guys think?

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Exactly! The Grog machine was so nice in part 1 and 2. They had quite a lot references to modern life, but EMI did it without style. It's like the new Simpsons episodes, where the writers seem to have taken some facts from the previous episodes and overdrew them. It needs sensible guys to pursue a series.


Much of the stuff in EMI just doesn't feel right.

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I agree....partly. Some scenes of "Escape from Monkey Island" seemed to be taken out of other games. Especially Monkey Kombat was awful. I mean, not the actual idea but the way it was presented by LucasArts. All the lights, all these special effects.....that wasn't at all Monkey Island-ish.

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I think both 3 and 4 lost a lot of what was, in my mind, central to MI, and that's basically Guybrush. In 1 and 2 he was always out to prove himself - first to become a pirate and then in the second one to win back the status he had at the end of the first game because nobody believes him anymore and they're tired of hearing about his one great accomplishment or whatever. Also he has the ability to be incredibly rude in an almost innocent way, like a kid who doesnt know better. I loved that.


In 3 he is just a harmless squishy goof (which is wrong) - by the time 4 came around everyone except him has been given their sarcastic wit and biting remarks back, but Guybrush is still Mr. Curious Squishy Nice Guy instead of Mr. On A Mission To Prove Myself Sarcastic Guy. Some people equate the return of sarcastic-everyone-else to EMI being closer in humor to the earlier games than CMI was... I guess so, it just seems like they got it backwards.


Makes me sad. I liked that 4 had the more biting wit and stuff from the previous games, but its lack of a good Guybrush (and equally important good Elaine, another story) makes it still sorta stink. CMI's Guybrush at least had a little bit of the hopeless desperation that made him so pathetically funny... but for the most part the "pathetically funny" hole was filled with giant amounts of blundering dorkism instead.*


*not to say blundering dorkism wasnt in 1 and 2, I just dont think it was his primary novel character trait/motivation/what have you

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i haven't played the first two games. I really wish i had known them before MI3 appeared. Now i just can't play them. I just can't get used to the graphics.


About the game, I know it was supposed to be a trilogy. Ant the story just like the one in Star Wars. I'm glad it didn't turn out that way: lechuck - father, guybrush - son, elaine - sister. So CMI was great in my oppinion. But now in EMI, Elaine and Guybrush are married, and Elaine is bosing Guybrush around.


Some things never change in the series - destroying LeChuck, but some things that should stay the same change: the position of the islans

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Originally posted by dacian

About the game, I know it was supposed to be a trilogy. Ant the story just like the one in Star Wars.


Rumor patrol out in full force here. Sorry, but the Monkey Island games were originally a "planned trilogy" just about as much as Star Wars was a "planned epic in six (or nine) chapters" (hint: this is me trying to say that they were not at all). George Lucas's original producer (the one who produced Star Wars and Empire and then left by Jedi, Episode 1, 2, 3 -- note he left right around when they started to suck) said that it was never a planned story from the start, and when I asked the ever-reliable "TS" about the "real Monkey Island 3" he said "we only say that stuff to keep you guys guessing."


I'm sure Ron Gilbert has or had a pretty cool idea for a potential Monkey Island 3, but, well, he "left" before he could make it, and definitely didn't have the idea from the start. The original plan was to have Monkey 1 end right off with the "its a dream, you're a kid with a superactive imagination on Pirates of the Carribean" type thing, but they held it off until 2 so they could make a sequel... That's what I've heard at least.




How can you not get over the bad graphics anyway? Maybe you should try running it in ScummVM in windowed mode or in 2x anti-aliased mode, either way it would simulate "good graphics." :)

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the graphics more then good in their original state....

hell, I sometimes even play airborne ranger and secret agent just for fun.....


There's nothing wrong with the original game graphics and if you can't respect that then it's not worth it to play these games :bdroid1:

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