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I go to the mountains too but to sled on the non-crowded slopes. I have that special kind of sled that goes really fast. It is a racing sled.

And on my free time, I hang out on the computer playing games (usually violent games) and also surf the internet and look at the niro truck that I am saving up for that is $320.00. I sometimes rarely read for about an hour if there is nothing available.:)

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My fav is going anywhere outside the state of South Carolina...of course we pretty much have to...we got Myrtle Beach, but it's a little too crowded for a beach (at least for my taste in beaches)...I prefer to go to a beach just over the NC border called Sunset beach...place has (or had, it's been awhile since my last visit) a single lane bridge connecting it and the mainland...and gorgeous beaches w/ seafront condo rentals....very relaxing...

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Are you going to be driving through that there state known as the are kansas Rhett? If so be prepared for the crappiest roads you've ever ridden on... anywhere. :D


(I'm not kidding)


Anyway my family takes us to Pensacola, Florida for a week at a time and we go and stay out on one of the barrier islands. The beach is within 100 yards on each side of the island, but the island is like 30 miles long, so relaxing. It is such a nice place to go and just get away from everything, when there isn'ta hurricane headed towards it.

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Originally posted by Chewbacco

What do you like to do on vacations. What kind of vacations do you go on. Cold snowy mountains like skiing or boarding.

Or do you like to go to the beach to surf or have a good time.


Also what do you like to do on your freetime?


i like vacations where it's nice to go camping....or wherever there's a cool place to go rollerblading, fishing, and hiking.


i play games in my free time, mostly violent ones, and i recently have been downloading some funny movies (people getting hit by cars, etc, things that aren't supposed to be funny ,but i end up laughing to tears over I saw this one today this guy was carrying a pizza, and he didn't look both ways, man he went FLYING. oh and this other one where a guy sticks his head in an alligator's mouth and the cameraman says 'and the head is in!' and then the people start screaming and stuff. :/ )


umm and i also like to post on lucasforums and massassi.


i'm also enjoying my job at pizza hut. (which is one of the reasons why i couldn't stop laughing at the one video where the guy is carrying the pizza....)

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JETSKIING!!! We have a 3 seater Watercraft and its a lot of fun. :D I guess our favorite thing is to take that out and go have an afternoon of hopping wake and well trying to fling eachother off of it. :cool: Other than that...we really haven't taken a vacation since Dworld and the bahamas. I would really like to go to Tahoe.

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Rhett, Artoo isn't kidding. The state DMV is having a bunch of trouble because people are sueing them. Why? Because there are so many fookin' potholes in our highways that peoples' axle alignments are being ruined, and they have to pay several hundred dollars in repairs to fix it.


*spits on map of AR*

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