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Theory to the Ending


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I forgot all about the ending of MI2 until last week, when I played the game again (Good old VDMS!!!).


Well I can't believe so many people couldn't make sense of the ending, at least a little bit. I think MI3 really screwed up, picking up where Ron left off. They could have tried harder!


First of all, Big Whoop, according to Ron Gilbert, is nothing but a BIG WHOOP. He even said so himself in an interview, that it was never really intended to be a major part of what was happening.


My theory (One of many) may have flaws, but here it is.


I think Guybrush is 'emotionally scarred'. When the Bone Dance happens, he says, "Mom! Dad! I thought you abandoned me!" (My quotes aren't perfect but close enough). They turn into Skeletons, right? When LeChuck comes, they run off and Guybrush yells, "Don't leave me again!"


This leads me to believe his parents died when he was young. He's also very young in MI1 (Look at his picture on the Password Thing)


At the Tunnels in the end, LeChuck promises to send him to an eternity of pain or something. Well, you know he just goes into the next room? I think that's where he enters the eternity of pain thingy. I mean, the next rooms make no sense, unless Guybrush is dreaming in which case they are memories. The Elevator leads to the Back Alley in MI1 where he first meets LeChuck, the next room has the Grog Machine from MI1 that he uses as a weapon against him, and the NEXT room has bottles of grog, which of course is what he used to defeat LeChuck. The last room is most telling though. His parents are skeletons, sitting on the sofa, and the other half of the room is an operating table, surgical gloves and a syringe. Um doesn't take a genius to put that together.


Then Guybrush remembers his 'Creepy brother Chuckie' (Who I believe doesn't exist as he wasn't mentioned before) and they go to the carnival, where we see 'chuckie's' eyes flash, letting us know he really is LeChuck.


Most telling, Elaine stands over the hole and says, "I hope LeChuck hasn't cast a SPELL over him or anything".


I think Guybrush is in his eternity of pain, remembering the things that happened to his parents and suchlike. There are a few places in MI2 where I thought Guybrush seemed upset, like the Bone Dance, and he's very clingy of Elaine. Maybe his parents died in a themepark of something. I know MI was inspired by a Disney Pirate Ride, though I can't think what that has to do with it.


What do you think? Shi--Sugar! I'm late for work!!!

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good story there, but it was too serious, i think that was austin powers downfall ni the third one (hilariously funy, but too seriouse at times, still love it to bit). quite frankly, all i think it was was a spell from lechuck (ah magic, is there nothing that can't be explained with you?).


here's my story, when guybrush falls away from elaine, lechuck is secretly hidden in the shadows and casta a spell on him. gubyrush dreams that he falls into the tunel place and all that happens, is just a dream. when guybrush is left walking away with his parents and his brother, they are actually just part of lechucks skelatal (sp?) horde along with lechucka s his brother and guybrush is in a sort of daydream/sleepwalk. how about that?

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Yah, but you have to admit there were a few times where it seems like Guybrush had a sad past. And the music that plays at the end of MI2 is really pretty! I love it!


We could come up with theories forever but on Ron really knows.


We should like kidnap him or something and make him tell us the secret of MI3. Like what REALLY happens.


I guess one thing that everybody agrees on in the MI2 ending theory is that LeChuck, at some point, casts a spell on Guybrush. If we could figure out that point that would be a helpful start. I think it's where LeChuck's Doll only sends him to the next room, (Shoddy Materials, I'll bet! Lol) U think it's when he falls. Loadsa people think he's dreaming cuz he obviously hit the ground at a great speed, if it took us THAT long to hear the bang. Also people have suggested Big Whoop is a parrelel universe type thing, because you can go to Melee Island and what I suspect could be Guybrushes Living Room, but Ron said Big Whoop was nuttin' important, but something along those lines, you know?


As for Seriousness, I know it is, but I think the game gets really serious in some parts, just masks it over with humour. There's nothing wrong with being serious, and maybe helping us to know another side of Guybrush. As for Elaine, dear lord she's a b-tch!!! Does anybody else share my opinion? She's like a power obsessed freako user!!!


Hey, omg, why is my picture a dude?????? Oh gawd.

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The game starts with Guybrush telling what happened, you play that, blah blah blah, and then you get to the point where when you blow up the X on Dinky Island, and you use the crowbar. Guybrush explains that that's how he wound up there. The cord snaps, he falls, you complete the game.


Well, what I think is that at the point where you blow up the X and come down the hole, you're still talking, even in the LeChuck part, because, well, you know how Guybrush loves to tell stories.

Unless, of course, I'm wrong because I do believe he says, "And then you showed up" or something like that.


Okay, well:

1) How the heck did Elaine just appear on DInky Island?

2) How would she have known that Guybrush was there in the first place?

3) When she says, "Gee, I hope Lechuck didn't put a spell on him or something." How does she know that LeChuck is even down there?


Which means that he had to have been dreaming even before he fell.


But, there's probably some way to force my theory into impossibility.:rolleyes:

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Oh mah gawd I never even thought about that before. Yeah, Elaine goes, "that sounds like its coming from tyhe direction of big whoop" or sumn.


1 and 2 could just be down to 'the reality of impossibility' factor in lucasarts games, like how you even GET to Dinky Island, in a frikkin' conveniently placed crate. but the last point is interestin'. He probably wasn't dreaming from the start though cuz if he was I suppose people would have WANTED to listen to his LeChuck Stories instead of dying with boredom.



But my theory is that it's all real up until the point where LeChuck first stabs him away, at which point Guybrush doesn't notice the transition into the world of eternal pain or whatever, cuz if he did it wouldn't be very painful. The point is he's supposed to think it's real. Maybe Elaine saying, "I hope LeChuck hasn't--" was also part of his dream. She's a bit thick if she believes he can climb up a vertical slope easy as pie. Actually know I think about it, even the way she says it sounds kind of like..."Look at ME! I'm BLATANT! and OBVIOUS! LOOK! Some sort of HINT!"

I think her exact words were;


"I wonder what's taking Guybrush so long?"

"I hope LeChuck hasn't cast a SPELL over him or anything..."


What could it all mean!???



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here's my solutions:



solution 1:

EVERYthing about monkey Island is a dream... Guybrush is just some little 8 yr old kid who dreams everything......


Explains everything too, cause dreams don't often make any sense....



solution 2:

After he go knocked on the head at the carnival... He kept on dreaming and he still is dreaming. CMI and EMI is just some dream. He's never married to Elaine... She'd never marry him...



ah shucks...

Don't take this serious.

I don't really mean it

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i remember first hearing the theory about it all being inside a little boys head whilst at a theme park, but that was too depreesing, to think that we as players spent hours trying to figure out how to do all this just to find out that ll he ahd to do was find his mummy and daddy and walk home with them adn everything would be alright, it's stupid.


but then ron himself said that he was planning an MI3, but he did'nt say what it was going to be about. so my theory is that ron was planning on doing a star wars thing. if anyone saw the last three movies (ep IV, V & VI) they would know how it wen't, good ending with the first movie, cliff hanger ending with teh second, and then all alright with the third. and that's what happens in the monkey island series, the first game had an ending and it could have all ended pretty much there, but they made a second with options left open for what would happen next and then the third, guybrush and elain get married (although ron never intended them to marry, guybrush was always meant to chase after elaine.)

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Ever wonder what LeChuck was doing while you were gathering ingredients? He must have realised at some point that you were gathering voodoo doll ingredients and, knowing that his own doll wasn't working and that Guybrush could potentially kill him, formed a quick spell that would let LeChuck slip away whilst keeping Guybrush from chasing him. After a time, the spell wears off, erasing from Guybrush's mind the very notion that he was a little kid, and Guybrush busts out of the place on a dodgem. After the Voodoo Cannonball sinks LeChuck at the start of CMI, and after LeChuck's resurrection, he goes to Monkey Island and builds a real carnival of the damned to convince Guybrush that Monkey Island and Dinky Island are one and the same. Why/ He does not want Guybrush to discover what Big Whoop truly holds; it surely wasn't the E-Ticket, since "it was either so beautiful - or so horrible - that they never wanted anyone to find it".

Considering I just made that all up, it's not a bad job :D

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ooh, i had a theory there and feral just filled in a huge gap.


now when lechuck kept sending guybrush into different rooms, lechuck himself was working on a plan to put guybrush into teh frame of mind of a little child with his brother and parents in a theme park.


the theme park was real as lechuck wasn't to build his crew and so that was easy. after guybrush tears off lechucks leg, lechuck casts his spell making guybrush think all of those thing. then lechuck sets sail for plunder where he plans to find elainewho has given up hope of finding guybrush and gone off to do her own duties on plunder. guybrush slowley but surely starts to realise who these peopla are around him and why they are soo skinny. suddenly, it all comes back to him and he remembers who he is. with that, he steals a bumper car and blasts off.


of and feral, good story there, but one little thing, if lechuck hadn't built the amusement park until the end of CMI, where did guybrush get the bumper car from?

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You know... when you describe it like that-


"The last room is most telling though. His parents are skeletons, sitting on the sofa, and the other half of the room is an operating table, surgical gloves and a syringe. Um doesn't take a genius to put that together. "


It actually sounds really disturbing....


If Guybrush is dreaming the whole thing there isnt a way that Elaine can be still there saying about a spell surely? I've mentioned this before in another post, and not to get too philosophical or anything, but Elaine can't exist outside of the dream...

Therefore..Guybrush isnt dreaming

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Well, no she couldn't exist outside the dream, but there's the whole theory that our dreams actually creates other dimensions or what not. I think Total Recall dealt with something similar to that, though I haven't watched that movie in years, so I may be mistaking.

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Well, as you know Guybrush was sad with his parents, LeChuck took advantage of that. All that time, LeChuck was putting his plan together when Guybrush was finding the map pieces. He would have hunted him down himself, remember in MI1 he took care of it personally? He wouldn't have sent Largo out to get him, unless he was taking care of big business! LeChuck's Voodoo Servent sensed Guybrush would be in the tunnles so LeChuck waited for him. LeChuck patiantly waited for Guybrush to make the voodoo doll (He tried the voodoo doll on him the times he found Guybrush to keep him guessing). LeChuck was scared of the doll, but he would have his revange. Right when the leg was torn off, the spell was casted. At first Guybrush tries to fight the spell, but he's so happy to see his parent's and brother again he dosen't care about the spell or the alternate demension (Big Whoop). After the Maddley Rotating Buckanire, they head for the bumper cars. The demension is so mysticle and unreal, someone hit Guybrush so hard, he flew off Monkey Island. As soon as he reached the boundreys of the Island, he turns back to the real Guybrush (Hey, the Largo doll only worked in limited range, why not the Guybrush one?). He passes out, his memory of the carnaval is foggy but there. He only remember's his time as a grown up, but still how he got lost at sea. And never remembered about Chuckie, his parent's, or ripping the leg off LeChuck. All he remember's is the tunnles, and the Carnelval of the Dammed...

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Originally posted by Neil Joshi

the theory about it all being inside a little boys head whilst at a theme park, but that was too depreesing.


Oh, I think those endings are weird. Like in Citisin Cane where at the end, they show the whole movie was just in Cane's head and a snow globe. After that... "Rosebud." Cane dies. Those endings send chills down my spine.

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I've got an idea!


Remember when Guybrush landed on Dinky Island, that he actually whacked his head against a tree? Well, couldn't he possibly have been dreaming from that point on, which means that he dreamt the beginning of the game when Elaine came down, asking him what happened?


So then he even dreams the falling down and the rest of the game. And when they end up at the carnival and he's a kid, that could have been a dream inside a dream!


And another thing: doesn't the carnival look somewhat like Booty Island (or whichever one is the one where you meet Stan again)?

Except for the fact that it has all these neon signs, it looks almost exactly the same.


And those guys that say "What are you KIDS doing down here"... don't they look like the guys that pick up the crate that carries you to LeChuck's fortress? Why are they saying kids?


And why does everybody say that LeChuck tries to hint that Dinky and Monkey are the same? I mean, just because they both have a Carnival of the Damned doesn't mean that they're the same. That's like saying that since Parker Brothers made Connect Four or whatever, and that Pavilion made practically the same game doesn't mean that they're the same company!


This whole thing is so twisted. If only Ron could've just given an answer that was straight-forward, it would be so much easier! That's like when certain teachers tell you that they're going to give you homework, but they say, "Oh, I'll give it to you at the end of period even though we're doing nothing the rest of the time." It's like they're taunting you. You want it then! But, then again, I guess it is fun to make guesses at what actually happened there.

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I think what we're supposed to assume, vaguely, is all that happened was that Guybrush lost his parents while at the fair/amusement park/disneyland, and therefore he assumed they abandonned him (ie turn around to play a game, turn back and your parents have wandered off, or you just dont see them and assume they left and go running off). Realizing Guybrush was gone, his parents sent his brother Chuckie to go get him.


All of this stuff is pretty ridiculous though.

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If Monkey Island and Dinky Island are the same, where does Melee come into it?

Unless it's like um, a hint or something.


I don't buy the whole kids thing. That's what makes the ending suck. But in MI2 stuff CAN happen in dreams and exist outside too. remember the bone dance, when he wrote all that stuff down? I don't think he wrote it down when he was asleep, I think it just sorta happened.


Where is it that LeChuck hints Monkey Island and Dinky Island are the same? I'm dying to know.


Thinking about it, they look exactly the same, and Herman is still on it. He never got off Monkey Island in MI1 did he? But then I think he had a boat if I remember correctly, and if you didn't sink the Sea Monkey then he'd still have it. But if they were the same island that would explain loads! Well it wouldn't but it would help explain the secret of Monkey Island 1. Maybe.


Where do you think Guybrush and LeChuck being brothers come into it? Maybe they're just far distantly related and that's why Guybrush can fight him or sumn. In the words of Ron, "Are they brothers? Well, yes and no." Damn, that is just sooooo vague!


I don't think they're brothers. I get the idea LeChuck is old. If I had to put an age to it, if somebody threatened me with a red hot poker and a waffle toasting device, I'd say he was 40-50. You know, the beard and all. I'd say Guybrush is only 17 in the first game and maybe 18 or 19 in the second. From what I gathered, him and Elaine went out for a while together and then she left him, with no forwarding address or whatever. That is SUCH a mean thing to do to a lil boy! I'd say Elaine is around 25-6, because she IS governer after all. She also looked a lot older in MI1, than Guybrush that is.


Maybe they're distantly related, or Guybrushes Parents bones wouldn't have worked on LeChucks Voodoo--


Hey, how the HELL did those bones get there? Y'see, this is why I think at that point it's all just a dream. Unless they're LeChuck parents and Guybrush only thinks their his because he's a bit self centered.


Maybe they're LeChucks Parents! Woo!

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maybe they are causins?


the voodoo doll lechuck made is probably made by sloppy materials....


the similar thing happens on scabb when making a doll of largo. The wig etc... It's not directly Largo's


What bone did lechuck else use for his guybrush voodoo doll?


man this is confusing :)


Maybe Lechuck killed guybrush his parents just to lure him to the dark side :D j/k


I don't like the idea of parts being a dream. Has anybody ever thought of the idea that the carnival of the damned thing could be a flashback? That would mean they ARE brothers. Or maybe Chuckie or Guybrush is adopted? Cause Ron said "yes and no". Heck, maybe they both are adopted. After guybrush tore chuckie's leg of. He left him, found a bumper car and tried to sail back home with it. (or somethin).



Maybe there's a resemblence between the ending scene of mi2 and the end part of cmi where guybrush is a little kid. Like some kind of deja vu?


I dunno.

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the difference between citizen cane and monkey isladn is that in citizan cane, they were quite plainly showing the insanity manifested in canes head and is therefore very 'chilling' storyline. but for monkey island to be liek that, makes the entire process seem a little pointless, it means that there was no goal, adn quite frankly, whenever i play a game (and i mena any game) i'd like to think that there's goal in mind, even if one is set, but not quite good enough, i'll make up my own just to make it that much more entertaining and bearable. but to find out that in the end, it was all for nothing, it's like guybrush doing all he can to save the world from lechuck and thenafter he's don't simply everything possible, the world is destroyed by lechuck, it make it all pretty pointless and therefor not worth it. remember, we've bought these games and spent a long time on the lateral thinking exercises trying to get guybrush further into the game, it would be all for nothng if we were to find out that ll he had to do was got to a help desk and say he'd lost his parents.


quite frankly, that's why i don't like that ending theory, i like the spell one better as teh story can go on and there is a goal.

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Originally posted by Suuri Yksl

I've got an idea!


doesn't the carnival look somewhat like Booty Island (or whichever one is the one where you meet Stan again)?

Except for the fact that it has all these neon signs, it looks almost exactly the same.*


And those guys that say "What are you KIDS doing down here"... don't they look like the guys that pick up the crate that carries you to LeChuck's fortress? Why are they saying kids?*


And why does everybody say that LeChuck tries to hint that Dinky and Monkey are the same? I mean, just because they both have a Carnival of the Damned doesn't mean that they're the same.*


*1) They used the same art idea for Big Whoop and Booty Island.


*2) The spell was casted and LeChuck picked an image for an illusion for the spell. He used the crate guy to convince Guybrush that he was a kid. Same thing why he says "kids", to convince Guybrush.


*3) Why dosn't anybody listen? In MI3, in LeChuck and Guybrush's long conversation, LeChuck tells him that the tunnels were underground passages form Dinky to Monkey.



Questions answerd.... Well, most of them.

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Originally posted by Suuri Yksl


Okay, well:

1) How the heck did Elaine just appear on DInky Island?*

2) How would she have known that Guybrush was there in the first place?*

3) When she says, "Gee, I hope Lechuck didn't put a spell on him or something." How does she know that LeChuck is even down there?*



*1) Elaine is Captin Marley's grandoauter and Govoner of the Tri-Island area. Why wouldn't she know the route? In EMI on the Tri- Island map, Dinkey is listed.


*2) She herd the sonic boom of dynomite on the X and she knows that only that idiot would find it.


*3) Anybody who's anybody knows that LeChuck would get to Guybrush in all of his adventures.

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Originally posted by Yufster

If Monkey Island and Dinky Island are the same, where does Melee come into it?

Unless it's like um, a hint or something.*


remember the bone dance, when he wrote all that stuff down? I don't think he wrote it down when he was asleep, I think it just sorta happened.*


Thinking about it, they look exactly the same, and Herman is still on it. He never got off Monkey Island in MI1 did he? But then I think he had a boat if I remember correctly, and if you didn't sink the Sea Monkey then he'd still have it. But if they were the same island that would explain loads! Well it wouldn't but it would help explain the secret of Monkey Island 1. Maybe.*




I don't think they're brothers. I get the idea LeChuck is old. If I had to put an age to it, if somebody threatened me with a red hot poker and a waffle toasting device, I'd say he was 40-50. You know, the beard and all. I'd say Guybrush is only 17 in the first game and maybe 18 or 19 in the second. From what I gathered, him and Elaine went out for a while together and then she left him, with no forwarding address or whatever. That is SUCH a mean thing to do to a lil boy! I'd say Elaine is around 25-6, because she IS governer after all. She also looked a lot older in MI1, than Guybrush that is. *


Maybe they're distantly related, or Guybrushes Parents bones wouldn't have worked on LeChucks Voodoo--


Hey, how the HELL did those bones get there? Y'see, this is why I think at that point it's all just a dream. Unless they're LeChuck parents and Guybrush only thinks their his because he's a bit self centered.*



*1) LeChuck's Voodoo spell is kicking in.


*2) I don't know how, but in this Story of Monkey Island 1 and 2: A Look Back book I have, it says that Guybrush has the ability to write while unconstance... What the Hell?


*3) If you sink the Sea Monkey, you sail Herman back to Melee. Herman didn't want to go back, so he tried to drive it. He gained some lessons and was an expert. He went to Astrualia to compite for the All World Boat Race. Winner unlocks Big Whoop. Ozzy pushes Marley and the crew to the whirlpool. They did the map thing, Yadda,yadda and the crew escaped Monkey Island without Marley. He was walking one day and fell in the tunnles I mentioned. He got to Dinkey then. (You needed to play MI4 to understand what I'm saying).


*4) Your right.


*5) LeChuck's Voodoo Servent tracked them down and LeChuck killed them. (They are not his parents).

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If Monkey Island and Dinky Island are the same, where does Melee come into it?


Remember when you need to get those pieces of LeChuck's beard and you go up in the elevator onto Monkey Island? Well, the tunnels that connect Dinky and Monkey run under Melee then, so that's where it comes in.


Which obviously means that that is one heck of a long underground passage.


BUT... since those tunnels don't keep leading on, and you're still on the same island even at the end of the tunnel, than Dinky and Monkey are really the same! And if there's an elevator to lead up to Melee, then Monkey, Melee, and Dinky are all the same! *shivers run up and down spine*


HOwever, what if LeChuck really did send Guybrush into another dimension, but he ended up in some tunnels underneath Melee, and Melee and Dinky are in different dimensions also.


Or, he falls down from Dinky, lands in some tunnels way underground, the elevator can only go up for a short while, which means that Dinky is on the surface of the Earth and Melee is closer to the center, inside the Earth. No, then it's too sci-fi.


There really can't be an answer unless someone actually thought of all the possible theories, piled them up into one huge thing, eliminated all the impossible things because they are contradicting other ones, and we've got our answer! But, of course, there would be a lot of detail, it would take a lot of time, and it would probably exceed the allowed message length.


I'm up to it!

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Lending a little bit of credit to the theory that there is no super hidden story in Monkey Island, the ending to 2 is exactly what it is supposed to be, I have dug very very lightly into some Disneyland "lore," in hopes of pointing out some parallels that they tried pretty hard to make, but would be lost on people who don't know about them. Mostly relating to the oh-so-confusing ending of Monkey 2.


First off, let's take a peek at where the hell Monkey Island came from. Here's a snip from an interview with our favorite Saviour, Ron Gilbert:


Q: Whatever possessed you to create a game about pirates, anyway?


A: I'd wanted to do a pirate game for a long time. You see, one of my favorite

rides in Disneyland is Pirates of the Caribbean. You get on a little boat and

it takes you through a pirate adventure, climaxing in a cannon fight between two

big pirate ships. Your boat keeps you moving through the adventure, but I've

always wished I could get off and wander around, learn more about the

characters, and find a way onto those pirate ships.


So with The Secret of Monkey Island I wanted to create a game that had

the same flavor, but where you could step off the boat and enter that whole

storybook world. The pirates on Monkey Island aren't like real pirates, who

were slimy and vicious, the terrorists of the 17th century. These are

swashbuckling fun-loving pirates, like the ones in the adventure stories

everyone grows up with.



Ok we all remember this:




Since Disneyland claims to be "magical" and whatnot, everyone wants really badly to know how it works. How is Mickey Mouse wandering around in Tomorrowland, then he shows up 3 minutes later in New Orleans Square without crossing the park? People eventually guessed (correctly) that the different lands at Disneyland are connected by some amount of underground tunnels (I once asked a Disneyland employee if these tunnels actually existed and she said "yeah there are a couple..."). See:





Anyway. I'm not saying there is an intentional 100% direct correlation to these tunnels and to Monkey Island the game series, but it would seem to make sense, right, if you follow the "its a kid with a hyperactive imagination in a place like Disneyland on a ride like Pirates of the Carribean"? Just like Disneyland's different lands are connected through tunnels, Dinky Island, Melee Island, and (in the end with the parents) Booty Island are all joined by the series of tunnels. Also the exact same style of tunnels show up on Phatt Island between the waterfall and Rum Rogerz' house.


And then there's "Big Whoop" itself: the E-Ticket.




I think this one was a bit more documented on MI sites. Before they went to a flat-rate system, Disneyland used to use tickets, graded A through E and as the letter got higher, the ticket would allow you to go on an increasingly cool/elaborate ride. For instance, Matterhorn, Pirates of the Carribean were both E-ticket rides.





Erm yeah. For sure none of this is meant to be taken super seriously, but I think everyone who spins some super complicated story about the gate to hell or time traveling or numerous degrees of fakeouts and tricks or falsified family relations and age shifting are all going a little too insane. I think Monkey 2 is meant to be taken entirely at face value. Play it through again with that in mind, because if you do, Monkey 1 and 2 fit together perfectly. There are no gaping or even tiny plot holes. CMI introduces a couple, but even it in many ways holds true to this idea from 1 and 2. Just my 2 cents.

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