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OMG its TTT!


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I'm going to see The Two Towers in about 20 minutes, I'll give a spoiler free (when possible) review when I get back. My fiance doesn't want to see it so I am going by myself, which will definately be better, because I'm not in the mood to hear comments on how ugly the orcs are or how cute Legolas is.

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Samwise Gamgee is neither puny nor pathetic in my book. Nor are Pippin and Merry, I forget which one was a knight of Rohan and a knight of Gondor. As for Frodo, well, lets just say that he's got a gentle soul.


Now, on to The Two Towers:





Fantastic movie, I nearly peed in my pants because I didn't want to miss anything. Smeagol/Gollum is the greatest CG character I have ever seen, and Gimli is funny as hell. That is all I will say about the movie though, I don't want to give out any spoilers.

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Just came back from theaters, the movie was sublime.


And yes the Dwarf guy is very funny



Especially when he's waiting in the fort and can't see a thing, lol!



The way Legolas jumped on that horse ruled and kicked universal arse.


Once again, sublime movie.


Can't wait until the 3rd movie comes out.




I still think Hobbits are puny and pathetic, but hey, at least these ones are courageous.




On other news, I got to see the trailer to Dumb & Dumberer and Bruce Almighty, both movies starring Jim Carrey. I can't wait to see'em, especially Bruce Almighty, that movie looks funny as hell!!


BTW, The Two Towers was Sublime

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Beh...they changed quite a few things in the movie that bothered me a bit.



First off, they left out entire chapters that were important parts of the book! "The Road to Isengard", "Flotsam and Jetsam", "The Voice of Saruman" and "The Palantir". Nowhere to be found in the movie! UGH.


Second, they brought the elves into the picture at Helm's Deep, led by Haldir of Lórien no less. What was that?



I'll post more when I see it again.

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Well they had to remove some stuff from the book or else the movie would have been 6 hours long (maybe even more...) Personally I wouldn't have complained if the movie was 12 hours long but hey, not everybody is like me. BTW, I never read the books.

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Skipped School...Saw the movie...Wetted myself...Seing it again Monday night.


Great movie all in all...didn't like what they did to Faramir though, he was less noble and honorable than Boromir, and in the books(i really hate comparing the movie to the book)..he was the opposite.


But see the movie...if you don't like the dramatic parts...you'll like the pants-wetting action scenes...and if you don't like that...you'll definately wanna see it, just to see 5 minutes of Liv Tyler.

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Orcs are perverse, corrupted versions of elves. Notice the pointed ears? They're kind of the opposite of elves and have been around since I think about the Second Age when they fought for Sauron in the Great War.


Most of Saruman's army was composed of Uruk-hai, though. Uruk-hai are orcs crossed with humans. So just like half-elves possess both qualities of elf and human, Uruk-hai possess both qualities of orc and human. Their human side allows them to run in daytime, something orcs cannot do.

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So to get 10,000 Uruk-hai, Saruman had to first corrupt a bunch of elves to turn them into orcs, then get 10,000 women raped(I'm assuming raped, since I don't see anyone willingly doing anything with an orc)? Heck, more like 20,000 women, assuming that only the males are warriors, then wait 20 years or so for them to mature. Plus losses for cannibalization, since they don't seem to have a problem with eating each other and the lands around Isangard look barren.

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I really enjoyed TTT.....sure they didn't include everything from the books, but that's ok by me. Some things could have been done better, but that's just the way it goes I guess. I really enjoyed Gollum/Smeagol, I dont think I've ever seen a better cg character (maybe Yoda).......I give it 4/5. :)

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Originally posted by Assassin

Skipped School...Saw the movie...Wetted myself...Seing it again Monday night.


Great movie all in all...didn't like what they did to Faramir though, he was less noble and honorable than Boromir, and in the books(i really hate comparing the movie to the book)..he was the opposite.


But see the movie...if you don't like the dramatic parts...you'll like the pants-wetting action scenes...and if you don't like that...you'll definately wanna see it, just to see 5 minutes of Liv Tyler.


I thought Faramir was pretty noble when he let them go...............

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Yeah, he was a major ass in the movie...in the book he lets them go right after the whole Gollum incident instead of taking them to..Osigalth...or wherever the hell they went...I think Peter Jackson did it that way just to show the audience that Faramir is noble and unlike his bro.

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No, I think it had more to do with the fact that there just wasn't enough tension around Frodo and Sam. Gollum's acting all nice and helpful, and we know that they are on the border of Mordor, but after the encounter with Farimir, there just isn't much left for them to do until they get to the tunnel with Shelob (and that was moved to the next movie.)

One the one hand you have the rest of the fellowship fighting for thier lives in these epic battles, on two fronts,.. on the other hand you have Frodo and Sam enjoying a nice meal and a chat with Farimir in a cave under a waterfall, then each going thier own way? Seems a little unbalanced. Doesn't make for exciting movie-making. You can ratchet up the tension in the narrative of a book by describing the inner fears and turmoil inside the characters, but that's REAL hard to show on the screen. I mean,.. how many times can you show Frodo staring at the Ring, looking all frowny and troubled towards Mount Doom, or saying that "the Ring's getting heavier, Sam" before it gets old? Putting the characters in real, immediate peril is what makes movies exciting. So the character of Farimir and the situation around him had to be changed to balance out the tension in the situations between all the major characters.

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