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Off to Disney World

Boba Rhett

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well from this small sampling of pictures it looks like you had a good time down in Disney World.


Heehee, the combination of Rhett being tall and Chase being short in that first picture, it hilarious! :D


No offense meant but when I looked at it first it looks lik Rhett is normal height and Chase is about the size of a dwarf. :D


That picture is a perfect example of forced perspective. ;)

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really people! whats so "special" about disney all they have is "shows" and "parades" if i wanted to see that i would watch tv. thats why its there...


Oh and dont say i dont know what im talkin about cause i was just there last wed and thurs and i had the most boring time of my life...

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I'm afraid I have to say that you don't know what you are talking about. "I would watch tv. thats why its there...". I... I.... I... GAH. How could someone possibly have such a lack of appreciation for such things? Are you upset by the lack of pro wrestlers and blood at Disney, perhaps? Or maybe it's the lack of chesty blondes. Is that it? What?

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Originally posted by SE_Vader_536

have you no intellect? look all disney has is parades and shows. NO RIDES that are worth riding. yeah maybe 1 or 2 a park yes. why dont you try going to universal studios that place i WAY better...


Maybe it's that way for you, Mr. Seenitall. The rest of the world doesn't seem to think so. :rolleyes:


All we've got in Alberta (that I know about) is Galaxy Land at West Edmonton Mall, and Calaway Park on the outskirts of Calgary. :mad: My family isn't rich, and the farthest away from home I've ever been is... erm... Saskatchewan. I'd love to go to California or Florida to see Land/World...


The majority of the world would be HAPPY to go to Disneyland. You've been very spoilt if you're not grateful to have gone. :rolleyes:

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Wow vader that is a strong anti-disney vibe coming off your avatar. I suggest you check yourself before you wreck yourself. Isn't that in a song. I'm sorry but the thing I find wrong with UNIVERSAL STUDIOS. WHAT FRIGGIN RIDES!!!! Disneyland has way more rides. Universal studios is full of SHOWS! Hey why don't you just watch the dvds. ....



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Trust us Southern Californian's Se_Vader. Universal Studios isn't any better than DisneyLand. DisneyLand has way more rides than Universal. The best place at all in Southern California is Six Flags Magic Mountain. They have the best rides out of any theme park in Southern California right now and they always do. I don't know if you'll agree with me but I think it's personally better.



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