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Whoa, what's this, a shameless plug for Promod

Doctor Shaft

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Zerowingzero said, "I think promod is the only mod in which a pure gunner and pure saberist can have a 1v1 and it could go either way."


I agree.


That's the only reason I play Promod on occasion. As much as I enjoy this game I don't have time to bother learning new saber aiming & combos. Christ I can't believe I read every post in this thread.


Pulling off complex saber combo kills can be very satisfying, but so can blowing Lazerous Half way across Nar shada with 1 homing missle (level 4).


No Jedi should be able to get away from everything.

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Originally posted by razorace

Woah, another "You suck" arguement. How original.


Base JK is NOT better than Promod.

It depends on how you rate it. :D Obviously, basejk2 has a much higher profit margin.


If you would've read and took it out of context then you would realize that it wasn't a "you suck" arguement. Please refrain from joining into a so-called arguement in a way that presents yourself as 'being above' the arguement-very childish. Anyway, I didn't say that promod sucked and blah blah but FFS, stop trying to throw it off on the community that actually likes basejk. I have enjoyed every patch and game type. Sure, the 1.03 backstab was a bit annoying but it promoted some skill. Promod is an attempt at balancing. That's it.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

Erm, I wasn't flaming you but now that you've started on some wild tangent, let me explain myself. You're one of those people that sucked at vanilla and tried something different (promod). You probably also suck at promod. It's not my fault you suck. You should just keep your aggression to yourself and the other idiots in your Lazarous Fan Club. Promod is NOT better than vanilla. Promod is geared more towards saber combat...that's it. Some like it, some don't. I tried it a few months ago and thought it was alittle too boring myself. 2000+ posts doesn't make you an expert on gaming. I would suggest moving along and prohibiting yourself from naively pressing the reply button. Good day.


Wow, how articulate. What an idiot you must be to actually pursue the argument instead of the topic. It's nice how easily you jump to conclusions, in all my time around only kids did that. Sorry to dissapoint you child but I owned 1.03 heavily, and as it appears I manage to own 1.04 about 50-60% of the time, however due to the fact that skill isn't the final determening factor in who wins or loses in 1.04, the times that I lose is the actual time when I try to have fun and play. I can kick all the time, not use my sabre and win excessivly, however I for one don't see any fun in that. I joined a duel server yesterday, right off the bat I lost in the first turn, and then in the second turn, however in the third turn I won 8 matches straight. So, do I suck or do I own? I can't really tell since there isn't a definitive showcase on werther someone is more skilled or less skilled.


I would suggest that you stop writing.....forever, since the more you type the more you make yourself look like an imbecil. Good day. :)

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yes yes, we need more european promod players since lag/ping and time zones affect my playing-of-promod immenseley.


I would motion to setting up schaduled games among the european promodders and setting up gametimes at the official promod server. :D

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To "Blackdove"


First off: http://www.dictionary.com


Secondly: You didn't own in 1.03. You don't own in 1.04. The House of Sanguis Frater is always open to narrow-minded individuals such as yourself. You comment on how I jump to the arguement; yet, you do the same. Come by our server sometime and I'd be happy to shut you up. Oh, and please, learn how to spell your insults before you type them...

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Originally posted by Break_dF

To "Blackdove"


First off: http://www.dictionary.com


Secondly: You didn't own in 1.03. You don't own in 1.04. The House of Sanguis Frater is always open to narrow-minded individuals such as yourself. You comment on how I jump to the arguement; yet, you do the same. Come by our server sometime and I'd be happy to shut you up. Oh, and please, learn how to spell your insults before you type them...


OUCH HITTING ME WHERE IT HURTS; MY SPELLING SKILLS!!!! Yet again proving you're a kiddie.


Get a life, I don't need to prove myself, I don't really give a damn if you CAN beat me, I'm not saying I'm the best player or that I can beat you, that's what kids like you argue about. I try to play to have a good time in the time that I HAVE, not to go around kicking like an idiot and WIN!!! like you and many others do. Your whole argument is about beating me? Truly you have no idea what this topic is all about.

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Originally posted by BlackDove

OUCH HITTING ME WHERE IT HURTS; MY SPELLING SKILLS!!!! Yet again proving you're a kiddie.


Get a life, I don't need to prove myself, I don't really give a damn if you CAN beat me, I'm not saying I'm the best player or that I can beat you, that's what kids like you argue about. I try to play to have a good time in the time that I HAVE, not to go around kicking like an idiot and WIN!!! like you and many others do. Your whole argument is about beating me? Truly you have no idea what this topic is all about.


Ahh, you are out of tactics so you resort to pure, pathetic insult. "You're a kiddie, blah blah I'm an idiot, blah blah." Thank you for proving what many have believed. Now go back to your rpg servers in shame.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

Ahh, you are out of tactics so you resort to pure, pathetic insult. "You're a kiddie, blah blah I'm an idiot, blah blah." Thank you for proving what many have believed. Now go back to your rpg servers in shame.


I'm out of tactics? Nah just can't be arsed to argue with someone who doesn't get the topic. Bye Bye, have fun with 1.04 where you can kick to oblivion.

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Actually...I was the first to reply to this pointless thread. I understand english soo...I don't know where your going w/ the whole "you not know thread derrr" thing.



Don't let the virtual door smack your virtually large ass on the way out.



Originally posted by razorace

Yeah, Promod is plugged more often than a crack whore.

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Since the high point of your understanding of the topic was my spelling, I'd say you have trouble grasping things.


Lego cubes await you, get off your fathers computer.


Originally posted by razorace

Yeah, Promod is plugged more often than a crack whore.


With reason

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Originally posted by BlackDove

Since the high point of your understanding of the topic was my spelling, I'd say you have trouble grasping things.


Lego cubes await you, get off your fathers computer.


I'm not the one bitching about kicking just b/c "itz two difIcalt fer mi." The high point of my understanding, sir, is that you are an idiot. You keep proving it by posting. If you play for "funn" then why are you even arguing? Stfu and go back to the JA server to serve imaginary alchoholic beverages and rack up on credit points. (I know you probably didn't understand the reference...futile isn't it?)


Oh, and btw, it's *father's* not *fathers*.


I guess when all you're used to typing is "SABER OFF = PEACE," you forget proper grammar.


Now...I flip you off: :tsk:



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Originally posted by Break_dF

I'm not the one bitching about kicking just b/c "itz two difIcalt fer mi." The high point of my understanding, sir, is that you are an idiot. You keep proving it by posting. If you play for "funn" then why are you even arguing? Stfu and go back to the JA server to serve imaginary alchoholic beverages and rack up on credit points. (I know you probably didn't understand the reference...futile isn't it?)


Oh, and btw, it's *father's* not *fathers*.


I guess when all you're used to typing is "SABER OFF = PEACE," you forget proper grammar.


Now...I flip you off: :tsk:




Proof that you have no idea what I'm talking about. I manage to own most with my kicks, it's just that having kick as the main weapon in the game is quite boring. Time to start reading and stop writing sensless posts where your main point is based on something your stupid little mind created or even better, my spelling.


Time to go script pull+kick because that seems like the most you can do with this game.

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Originally posted by BlackDove

Proof that you have no idea what I'm talking about. I manage to own most with my kicks, it's just that having kick as the main weapon in the game is quite boring. Time to start reading and stop writing sensless posts where your main point is based on something your stupid little mind created or even better, my spelling.


Time to go script pull+kick because that seems like the most you can do with this game.


LMAO...you're calling me a scripter. Woah...I didn't realize I was speaking to a total noob. You aren't even worthy of my posting. Good day.


Now, I flip you off again: :tsk:

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