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xbox gaming!


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Just got back from a sleepover, I brought my xbox and tv, bought the patch cable, connected the xboxes together, went off to work 5-11, brought back a pizza, ate, played 4 player mech assault split screen on 2 tvs, that was SO much FUN!!! I also played Halo, and Rhett-I must say i like Turok more, but Halo is still an awesome game and I plan on buying it sometime. I also played a little starfighter, the last level is too ****ing hard, but its pretty cool.


Anybody else play any awesome games all night and into midmorning for new years?

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I have had my xbox for about a year now...and Halo, still love it...I go to game nights w/ my friends on a semi-regular basis and we always play Halo...well, that's generally because there's always about 6 of us at least and they got tired of me kicking their asses at DOA3 (and no, I'm not exaggerating, I really would dominate them all in that game :D )

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My comic book shop has Lan parties on Friday nights. I stopped over there and played MechAssult a few times...that is one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played! And I cannt wait till they start releasing the new levels and Mechs to be downloaded on XBOX live!


Right now I play that, Splinter Cell and Morrowwind. They are three of the best games I've played!

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I got addicted playing Splinter Cell in the two weeks I spent in plaster from my knee reco, and found out how little the XBOX loves 35+ Celcius heat for over a week....


I used game cases to get it off the carpet - which keeps the heat in the XBOX, and someone suggested a cake tray (What you use to cool them if you bake them yourself) so that it doesn't keep the heat that the carpet helps keep in....

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