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Homestar Runner


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Not only am *I* a homestarrunner.com fan, I've got at least 2 or 3 people completely addicted to Strong Bad emails. The best part about working where I work is being able to run around the store saying things like "ARROWWWWED!!" "OWW, MY SKIN!" and "Let's get ready to LOOK SO GOOD!" because that's our latest favorite.


My manager signed on AIM last night specifically to tell me that the music in "Japanese Cartoon" is from Rad Racer.

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I also forgot to mention that there was a relatively large gathering of nerds at my apartment a week or so ago, and many SB emails were watched. It was kinda scary, and not even my idea.


That may or may not make us all graduates of CGNU.

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Also, I've always wondered if anyone has considered the fact that Strong Bad might have been drawn to look a lot like Brak.



Obviously, Strong Bad is shaped like a Mexican wrestler, but if someone came up to you and said "HEY DRAW ME A MEXICAN WRESTLER THAT LOOKS LIKE BRAK" well ... yeah.

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