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The EBAY Game


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I thought of a game we might play after reading about the man who tried to sell his family on Ebay.


And some pop up ad came up and showed me a pic of this!




A beanie Jawa.


So my challenge to you in this game is to find the "strangest" or "funniest" or "useless" or "why the hell would anyone buy this" thing you can find someone selling on Ebay. Post its picture or description but I think Pictures would be a heck of a lot funnier. Alright...on to the posting...



The ad for the pic below is "ONE USELESS CAT"

Starting bid is 1.99 Want him?






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I have several old mining bags full of real diamonds! They belonged to my Family Estate When I looked at them I found these bags full of rough diamonds, aquamarine, amethysts, rubies, sapphires and emeralds! My family had a lot of land in Brazil and I know they used to mine for diamonds and precious stones.




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ok, I don't mean to be dominating this thread...but I found this and just had to post the link to it...




description & pictures tell the whole story


edit: even worse!




I gotta stop doing this...I'm finding stuff too fast....and, frankly, it scares me....

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Those are funny Rhett. :rofl:


I wooden body kit. lol that was so **cking funny. The Airplane houses also look funny too. I think it's a jip since the company is called Max Power. That name ring a bell to anyone? It was Homer Simpson's alias one time in the show. lol That is so funny.



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I got up a 5am to be at work at 6 to get off at 3 (that's 9 hours, for those who can't help but do the math)...this after my first week of my last semester of college (internship over the summer is required, so I'll be gaduated from collage in Aug)...I'm hungry right now, but it'll be 45 minutes until my steak gets here...must have food....OO! Oreos!

*Cookie monster sounds emanate from Homer's general direction*


edit: Maybe some music will help...hmm..what's this? Pink Floyd! Cool! I*snooooooooooore*


[Explanation: While Homer really enjoys music by Pink Floyd, he has found it to be very relaxing and not something to listen to if you're tied or, say driving 3 hours home, by yourself, at 1:00 in the morning.]

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this one isn't a stupid item, but it's an incredibly stupid thing to buy. it's info on how to get an x-box for $25. here are some quotes from the article:


"What you are bidding on is the info you need to get this XBOX. Not The XBOX its self "


"I know it sounds way to good to be true. But it is Ive seen it for my self and you can realy get a XBOX for only $25."


"You have to see to belive. Its not a scam its lagit and you cant beat it. I will be sending you two sites the second one i like much more i get the items much faster but they are both good. BUy now for $6.95 there is no shipping I will email you as soon as I see you have paid JUST REMEMBER THIS IS THE INFO ONLY PLEASE............ "


ok, like i'm gonna buy info from someone who has to beg and can't even spell "legit" right? :rolleyes: although i'm not really one to talk a/b spelling...

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Originally posted by Darth Homer






My gosh...they're right! They lood so real!! I just can't believe how real they lood! Have you seen them? LOOD!!!





I saw those in a magazine except in the magazine you could get golf balls that looked like they hit the car

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This is old school but for those of you who don't kow about this... Virtual items from diablo 2 expansion are being sold on ebay. Varyying from the crappiest such as this and the most 1337 yet hacked itesm such as this this occy stone of jordan and this truly hacked sc shownhere this charm is highyl hacked because a sc can only hold 1-3 dex and 3 str and can't hold 90 vit or ANY vit at all! it can only hold 20 life... and some people are WILLing to spend hundreds of dollars even on the most tiny-est things such asDUPE METHODS!! which can probably not work!

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