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Insure your items!!!!!

Deft Aklin

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I haven't seen this posted, and after reading the FAQ this past week, saw many posts that could have used this information.


In any event, the FAQ makes reference to a form of insurance you can purchase for your items. Whether this will apply to ship or not I do not know. After items are insured, if you die, your clone will have that particular item on it. IE. You don't lose your items! You don't need MCS to store your items for you!


I think LucasArts has put a lot of thought into this game, and if they think it will be best as a SCS, then let it be. I am sure that they have probably addressed almost all of your issues. Wait until the game comes out, then start complaining you snivelling drool monkeys. ;)


Snivelling Drool Monkey Dance

:monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4:

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Honestly, I am unsure, but I would assume that it charges you a small fee every time you die. Otherwise it would have to be re-purchased following your rebirth. I don't think it is a time related issue, as you suggest (I think). I don't think you would purchase insurance for say six months. More or less, it would probably be a percentage of the items cost and either cover the next replacement, or you would have to pay a deductable each subsequent occurance.


Of course now I am just reiterating, restating and repeating myself. (Still trying to look smarter than I am with the semi-impressive word selection.) ;)

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Don't you think that this system of Insurance could duplicate special items ?


Just think that Player A (Non-Jedi) finds a light sabre then some one Player B (Still non-Jedi) kills him to get it of him....


OK player A comes out of his cloning Cylinder and he has his nice lighsaber that he found on the dune sea......


But know player B has a identical one :)


Is it me or do's this seam I little screwy...and people are going to exploit this to duplicate items...depending on cost of clones....


Do's this make sense or am I waffling again ?

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I'm guessing it will work like in AO=Anarchy Online..


When you insure it will save everything you have on you at the time you insure....everything else you find after will not clone with you after you die. So if you find something cool or get a lot of xp since last insurance, you better run back and insure again:)


Thats one of the problems AO had, people would run back all the way to the city after getting a bunch of xp or finding something realy cool and insure again so they don't lose it. They would ran back during a hunt and make their group wait while they headed back to the city to insure...of course, this is if SWG will work insurance same way..


And I did read that lightsabers will not be insured..I think


Hope that made sense:)

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I come up with a new twist on this :D


Say that Player A (Pirate) has been a bad man so some one takes a bounty out on them.


So Player B ( A Fett wanna be) comes hunting them for there scalp.


So player B attacks Player A ...Out come is that the pirate (player A) has a bigger gun and kicks player B ass.....



Well if i was Player A i would want to loot the Fett wanna be's body and steal his Mandalorean Armour ...Woun't you ?


But if the Armour is Insured then they are not going to lose it becuse it will not be on the body.


It kind of takes the risk of losing your prize posesions away when you know that buy attacking some one you have nothing to lose becuse it's insured ...See what i mean....


Can't you tell i'm bored at work :D

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Originally posted by Can-able



I come up with a new twist on this :D


Say that Player A (Pirate) has been a bad man so some one takes a bounty out on them.


So Player B ( A Fett wanna be) comes hunting them for there scalp.


So player B attacks Player A ...Out come is that the pirate (player A) has a bigger gun and kicks player B ass.....



Well if i was Player A i would want to loot the Fett wanna be's body and steal his Mandalorean Armour ...Woun't you ?


But if the Armour is Insured then they are not going to lose it becuse it will not be on the body.


It kind of takes the risk of losing your prize posesions away when you know that buy attacking some one you have nothing to lose becuse it's insured ...See what i mean....


Can't you tell i'm bored at work :D


First of all, I have far too much time at work as well. ;)

Secondly, I believe that they have covered the unique item issue, and in order to keep these items circulating, they will be uninsurable. In addition, I am positive that Mandalorean armor will be unique.


Originally posted by Dr. Zaius

i remember reading somewhere that you can pick up a lightsaber, you just cannot use it.


You will be able to use a lightsaber, to my understanding, just not well and with serious risk of self inflicted wounds. ;)


Why can't I find the smiley putting the saber through his head? Anyone know it so I can edit this?

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I am not really just on about Unique Itams though....


What about that shinny blaster... ?


I just don't like the fact that if some one attacks me and i kick his ass i am not going to be able to loot him as well....


You know that spotty kid that wants to just P**s people of buy attacking them well i want his stuff once i take revenge and kill him :D



You see my point yet ?

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Originally posted by Can-able



I am not really just on about Unique Itams though....


What about that shinny blaster... ?


I just don't like the fact that if some one attacks me and i kick his ass i am not going to be able to loot him as well....


You know that spotty kid that wants to just P**s people of buy attacking them well i want his stuff once i take revenge and kill him :D



You see my point yet ?


I do see your point. Perhaps the Devs have already thought of this. In doing this though, aren't they lowering the reasons one would have for PKing? Perhaps the 'kid' you are talking about will grow bored once he finds that he is not rewarded for the senseless destruction he has caused. Just something for you to think about. After all, I think the devs are trying to get everyone to focus on the RP aspect of the game and not the slaughtering of the innocent. Make sense?

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Originally posted by Can-able

So how they going to stop Sith Lords taking over the galaxie ;)


Well, they won't have to. There are only two Sith and they are both NPCs. :p


Seriously though, I think they will have something in the programming to manually adjust the levels of Dark and Light Jedi in the Galaxy. They state that they don't want to do this, but didn't say they wouldn't be able to. I think the system will probably have some form of automated action to rectify this as well. It does say that you can lose force sensitivity after all. We can only speculate until the devs release more info though, unless someone has seen something that I haven't.

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