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how do i counter red saber special?


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I am a new one to this game. I have not figured out the red saber special (the lunge attack). Anyways, there is not a player in JKII who does not use this move. After someone lunges at me and misses, they have to recover. What is the best way to punish them/counter this? If there is a good counter maybe people would stop using the lunge, lunge, lunge strategy. Any help? Be specific if i need to use a specific color attack?




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run forward + red attack, then half way press jump.


You'll also hear it called DFA(Death From Above), it can be useful in FFA but its a little risky to use in a duel as you've noticed.


Best counter is probably the blue lunge or a good quick kick.

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You should not attempt a pull kick from behind or the side. There is a bug that will give them the full head on DFA damage (as if they hit you) even though you are basically kicking them in the back side.


It is not a 100% of the time bug but it happens more often than not.


In NF lunges work great.

In FF, just about anything works.

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Originally posted by Unnamed Jed1

You should not attempt a pull kick from behind or the side. There is a bug that will give them the full head on DFA damage (as if they hit you) even though you are basically kicking them in the back side.


Has this something to do with the GK counter you've mentioned?

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You just side strafe before their saber comes down(or rather,moves downward) and just red normal attack them RIGHT AT THE BACK.If you move after the saber MOVES DOWNWARD,if you're not fast enough,there's a bug that will kill you.Trust me,I've experienced it many times.

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What patch is it that we're talking about? Ive been playing in patch 1.03 all the time so this strategy of countering DFA may not work on other patches. ( I have no knowledge whatsoever on all other patches.) Heres my technique 1st i'd wait until he pulls the move, then noce he done it an approaching with dfa dodge it, then go from behind and BS him. Simple and ez. If he knows how to counter that then just use blue or yellow special.If your talking about in ffa instead of dueling then use protect and then just bs him.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Right... in 1.03 the only move you should do is the backstab. No point in executing regular swings.


Great patch.. :rolleyes:


Yep, usually those who possess no skill go on other patches cuz they don't have timing.

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If it's a gun server, I think that shooting someone after a missed DFA is the best. When you see them begin the DFA, switch to any gun and then unload into their back. With the bryar pistol, you have enough time to get a full charge, and any of the automatic weapons fire enough rounds to do some decent damage.


Saber only you can do any type of saber swing. You'll have enough time to get in some good unblockable damage.


Some people over use, or use at inappropiate times, the red DFA. Just take advantage of them. Those oppenents are there just to pad your score. Kill them and move on to someone more challenging.

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Yep, usually those who possess no skill go on other patches cuz they don't have timing.


HAHAHhaha! that or they like doing moves other then BS's.



What is the best way to punish them/counter this?


anyhow, it all depends on how much time you have because of distance. for example, if the move if obvious, and you predict it early, do a forward strong hit, even two. if you get two in that's almost sure to kill him, even with 100/100 hp.


if you have less time then just do a fast lunge, or triple fast hits + lunge, a bit trickier, but lotsa damage plus somewhat fast. and by triple fast hits i mean strafing left and right while swinging to do fast hits.


you can use medium too and use the strafing technique, i've gotten 4 hits in before, which totals to like 150 damage, but thats hard to do.


anyway, it all depends on how much time you have and what your doing at the moment, i'm sure you'll figure it out.

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  • 1 month later...

If you don't overcompensate in your sidestep you can just do a normal red-stance downhack (forward+attack)... that's 90 damage right there, 20 damage more than the lunge will do, although the lunge is easier to pull off, as the timing to make it a downhack and not a horizontal slash requires some practice.

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