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3 More Months Till Swg!!!

Dr. Zaius

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It's PHP, so the server you're running this on must have PHP running.



  	$releasetime = strtotime("April 15 2003");
  	$curtime = time();

  	$timeuntil = $releasetime - $curtime;
  	$days = floor($timeuntil / 60 / 60 / 24);

  	$timeuntil = $timeuntil - ($days * 60 * 60 * 24);
  	$hours = floor($timeuntil / 60 / 60);

  	if($hours>0) {
	if($hours!=1) {
   		echo "<b>$days</b> days and <b>$hours</b> hours until release (April 15th, 2003)  ";
	} else {
   		echo "<b>$days</b> days and <b>$hours</b> hour until release (April 15th, 2003)  ";
  	} else {
  		echo "<b>$days</b> days until release (April 15th, 2003)  ";


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