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*New* Jk2 Video!


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Originally posted by GreekJedi

Sorry to come in here and asking questions, but i tried making a movie from that one link u guys gave me up top.


it says to bind a key to record a demo


EX: bind K to record "demoname"


and it says to bind a key the stops the recording. well i've done that, and i saw in the game when i pressed the record button it started recording and when i stopped it, it stopped. then there are instructions on how to convert the demo into jpeg.


This part i dont understand cuz the rules say


1.Start up JK2

2. bring down the console and type in cl_avidemo XX (XX= u put the # of frames u want. i put 20)


3. Play the Demo you recorded.



The thing i dont get is ok i bind a key for the cl_avidemo XX

when i press the key that i bind to the avidemo xx THEN it records what i'm doing. and when i exit the game and go into gamedata i see the jpegs.


how do i do part 3. "Play the demo you recorded"


Cuz i made 2 demo's. i see them in the game data as FILES, but not converted into jpegs yet. so when it says


1. Star JK2 then

2. type cl_avidemo XX into console how do i get the DEMO i created earlier to become into jpegs instead of turning the actions in which i'm doing right when i type "cl_avidemo XX" into jpegs?


i HOPE u guys followed that. i dont know if i wrote it right.


i know how to do everything but i dont know how to make those DEMO's into JPEGS. but i can MAKE jpegs, but not the demos. The only thing that turns into jpegs is what i'm doing right when i press cl_avidemo XX till i get out of the game.



kkk basically:




1 : record your demo


2 : go to the ingame menu where it says 'play demo'


3 : now bring down the console and type cl_avidemo 20, now close the console.


4 : now play the demo. you will notice it is all choppy, this is because it is being transferred into jpegs, go have a coffee or something... when its finished...


5 : you will notice that a new folder in the jk2 folder has appeared called 'screenshots', if you dont already have one. if you already have a screenshots folder MAKE SURE IT IS EMPTY, if not all the shots you already have will be lost in there :/


6 : start up the ac/dc program and follow the instructions in the online guide provided to turn all these jpegs into bitmaps, now this may take a while too, go have some more coffee.


7 : now use that other program, cant remember what its called (its in the guide though) It may look complicated, but the instructions from shinyiu really are step-by-step, and if you follow them itll work out.


[you dont have to bind a key to cl_avidemo 20, thats just for a script if you want slow mo, just type it in the console, then play your demo, this will start the jpeg process]



try making a short one first, like recrod yourself jumping from one platfoirm to the next. itll be like 5 seonds long, but at least itll be short enough for yo uto try and if it works, you should get the video done in about 30 minutes or so, depending on your pc power.







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To wall float:


Turn on rage and speed.


Strafe jump really f8cking fast.


when you jump off of a ledge, hold jump while you hit a wall or w/e the hell it is....


Remember to hold down jump.


You have to have 0 force or it won't work.


If all else fails, ask Nutritious.

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- you don't need to be strafe jumping fast

- you don't need 0 force

- you don't need rage


Its easier with 0 force because of the holding jump part, if you have force you will use force jump, which means you will be falling slowly (if at all) when you hit the wall.


If you don't have rage, an easy way is to turn on force speed and do a full power force jump then fall towards the wall (you have to hit the wall significantly below the level you started from)


Its based on vertical speed rather than horizontal, so strafe-jumping makes no difference other than making it easier to reach greater distances horizontally initially.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

- you don't need to be strafe jumping fast

- you don't need 0 force

- you don't need rage


Its easier with 0 force because of the holding jump part, if you have force you will use force jump, which means you will be falling slowly (if at all) when you hit the wall.


If you don't have rage, an easy way is to turn on force speed and do a full power force jump then fall towards the wall (you have to hit the wall significantly below the level you started from)


Its based on vertical speed rather than horizontal, so strafe-jumping makes no difference other than making it easier to reach greater distances horizontally initially.


Yeah, yeah....I don't play ctf. I was close.

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Wall float for me is actually easier with 0 force unless its WF for that really easy one that hood always does. Because in BE its used alot if u mess up a jump or if you get pushed off while trying to get in the window. In fact, I prefer to wallfloat up to the window than do a half jump and fall into the window. The two best levels for wall float is Bespin Towers and Bespin Exhaust. In a match i would not use it in WF unless im raging and i miss a jump.


Best rules to remember:

Jump must be held the entire time.

Forward must be held before you hit the wall. You don't have to hold it the entire time in air but toward the wall you have to be going foward somewhat fast so hold foward. THe further you drop, the higher you go up.

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if any of you want to be in my JKO movie its going to be a lil different we are using a diff way of recording game footage where we get all the sound from the game and we are making our footage into a movie with voice acting and special effects its going to be mad ass sweet. The Script is almost finished and once it is we will begin casting for the roles that we have and then we will school you guys on how to play the parts then we shoot its a lil diff kinda movie its not a skill movie its a story movie like real movies. sign up on our forums at http://www.roleplayersinc.com if your interested make sure u leave ur email so we can contact you and your zonename.

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