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It's Link!!

Lynk Former

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The Hylian shield may be a thin bit of metal stuck to a woodern backing but throughout all those Zelda games has it ever let him down? :D


(personally i like the mirror shield from Ocarina of Time cause it's got a kewl shape to it)


Link was great in Smash Bros and Smash Bros. Melee if u knew how to use him. Now we'll see him in a more mature field... let's see how he does :D


(i hope he has his spin attack in SC2)

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The controller should be fine. You only need 4, and the posistions on the GC controller would be pretty managable.


The way I see it, A takes kick, x and y take the two slashes, R takes block. If there's anything else that needs to be mapped, map it to B or Z.

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