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The smugglers moon

Wraith 8

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JoKen: *Looks at Corzip* Well... The Rebels have fled Yavin to a secret base that almost noone knows about. A lot of people left the Empire to join the Rebels because of the destruction of Alderaan. Umm... *Looks back forward* Ahh... There she is!

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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by Thew Rydur

OOC: Yay!! :D



Outside of Theed a XS-800 frieghter with gold and green markings sets down in a field. After a few minutes a hatch opens from the back and a speeder bike jets out, heading towards the city. The rider's features a blurred but he appears to be a human male wearing some type of long brown coat.

You spelled character wrong.
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Originally posted by Stenro

You spelled character wrong.

OOC: Listen stenro,if your not going to coroperate with the rpg,and correct people,then It's best advised if you don't come here...


IC:Else where...a soul crawls from a sand dune among the starry night in tatooine, the smell thickend the night air, the smell of bone and sinue,blood...a dreadful smell almost making you throw up.

"AHG"The body slowly slid down the large dune scraping against the sand in pain.

Morning arose and He was found by a bank of Tuskin raiders..

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OOC: Some of you have already rp'ed with my character Xero, and you might know that his home planet is Naboo, so I'm just going to say that this is before he starts traveling.


IC: Xero Anarian was a 6' human male, with bright green eyes and shoulder length dark brown hair. His face is unshaven right now, so his has a slight beard growing, nothing too thick, it's more on the lines of a 5 o'clock shadow. He always carries with him two things: #1, which is the most important is his instrument, which resembles a guitar. Xero is a popular musician on Naboo. #2 is his familys treasure. An old sword, made from Mandalorian iron. It is very old and primitive, but gets the job done nonetheless. Although Xero is popular for his music, he is a bit of an outcast. Ever since his village was destroyed by pirates, he has never been the same. Right after his village was attacked, he went into the forests of Naboo. People say while he was in the forest, he trained himself in the arts of stealth and camoflage, and strengthened his body and mind. Ever since he came back from the forest, he has been quite different, tending not to get too close to people, and not letting anyone know his true emotions. Xero frequently returns to Naboos forests to clear his mind.

Xero walked slowly out of the woods onto a path. He was in Theed. His home village had been right near Theed, and he frequently returned here to reminise about the past. He walked over to the Dark Nebula Cantina, turning his head to look at the golden ship, that was attracting a large crowd. It was a nice piece of work, whoever owned it had to be rich. He walked inside the cantina and sat at the bar. People gave him stares as he walked by them. Xero had been going into the forest more frequently, and for longer periods of time. People had began to believe something was wrong with him. He looked down at the bar, letting his hair hang down in his face.

"Corelian ale please... Just put it on my tab." the bartender fixed his drink and gladly gave it to him. Xero always payed the tab, and always gave the bartender a little extra, so Xero was his favorite customer.

"So, Xero... You gonna play any here anytime soon?" asked the bartender. Whenever Xero played, people would crowd the bar, so that was another reason he liked Xero so much. "I don't know, Jayg.. Probably soon. I've been in the mood to play lately."

"That's good to know," said Jayg "You bring me more customers when you play. "Do I really? I don't think I'm that good... I just do it because it feels good... My music is the only thing keeping me going nowadays..."

"Well, then you should play soon. People have been asking me to get you to play here again. Especially the ladies."

"Yeah, right"

"It's true! You're really popular with them. I think it's because you've got that whole mysterious thing about you. You go into the forest so much, and nobody knows what you do in there... It makes you really... Hmm.. Mysterious is the only good word for it."

Xero looked up at Jayg and smiled. Jayg always could cheer him up.

"You know, I think I might play here tomorrow.. If that's okay with you?" Xero asked, and then chugged down his Coellian ale.

"Sure! Sure thing! I'll get the stage set up for you tomorrow morning!"

"Alright, I'll see you then I guess. Later, Jayg."

"I'll be seeing ya, Xero"

Xero walked out of the bar and sat on a bench near the golden ship. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Xero yawned, and waited for something to do, or someone to talk to.


OOC: Sorry if that was a bit long and confusing... And this is the que for someone to approach me...

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Weeks have passed since the battle on tatooine,and now the young wounded was revitalized,Zex was the name of him,and he had a kene sense of instint.

He was in theed and was looking for buisness, a few towns people adressed him and directed to the 'Dark Nebula Cantina'

And told him he may find work there.

When he entered he looked around, and caught eye of two people talking, he kept his eye there, a dark damp stare,like he knew them from a recent battle,but it slowly went away, he walked over to where the scum where,Poor dirty thieves playing sabbacc,and Placed a bet laying down a full set of dark jedi winning 600 repubs.

"Too easy..."he sat then stared at the two people whome were talking.

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OOC: Alright, I'll just kinda float back in here...



After inspecting the rest of JoKen's ship, Thew said goodbye to Corzip and Joken, and decided to head back to the Dark Nebula.


Stepping back into the bar a few of the patrons recognized him from his grousome execution style killing of the Bothan. A murmur went through some of the crowd, but most just turned their heads. Stepping up to the bar he tapped his hand twice to get the barkeep's attention.


Jayg: Yeh?


Thew: Corell.... nah make it a Bantha Blaster...


Thew usually only drank Corellian ale, but he was in the mood for something with a bit more kick tonight.


Thew: You got an information terminal anywhere in here?


Jayg pointed to a small, dark alcove in the back of the cantina.


Thew: Thanks....


Thew sat down at the aged, obsolete terminal and started punching keys.

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With no hesitation Zex rose from the seat taking his winnings,but before he left the Dark Nebula,he was confronted by too thugs demanding his money,Zex slowly stepped back with a smirk on his face."If you want this your going to have to kill me first" without warning zex leaped into the air jumping ontop of one of the thugs heads putting him into the ground,then leaping to the right grabbing his blasters and firing at will cutting him in half from the accuracy.

Zex rose from the ground dusting himself off twilring his blaster withdrawing it,then walking out of the nebula too find some decent food.

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Accessing a local security database with the help of a few slicing skills, Thew enters the name Graf Rydur and performs a search. A list of minor crimes fills the screen.


Thew: (to himself) Well, well Graf, slipping up in your old age..?


Tapping a few more keys, a profile of Graf pops up. Entering his current address into a datapad, Thew takes another sip of his Bantha Blaster. Exiting the security program, Thew accesses a list of outstanding bounties.


Thew: What a surprise, almost all off-worlders...


After uploading the list to his datapad, he shuts down the terminal and starts to make his way back to the bar.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

OOC: ive barly done this kinda thing before, so tell me if i should change any habits e.g too Uber/ too unrealistic :D


IC: Meanwhile on Tatooine Davian has been captured by a double cross by his client. Davian had accepted a simple job and soon found that his client and an ambush were waiting for him. He's been stripped of his obvious weapons and his armour has been beaten up.



*Davian has grabbed the bars and is shkaing them violently, his face red with anger*


Turwen ((the client)):i doubt you'll ever get out of that cell Mr Anhell. of all my years people have done the exact same and well... look around you


*the cell is covered with bones, obviously Turwen just leaves bodies there, unguarded. Davian is shocked to see that all his things and many others are just lying down the corridor, obviously bait to make him use his energy*


Davian *to self* ok, calm down davian, this ownt look good if someone finds you here. Now, those idiots didnt expect me to escape, or maybe the WANT be to escape... *holds head* what am i going to do? *slaps head* im going to escape of course, i dont care if they are... uh oh, im talking to my self... SHUT UP DAVIAN AND ESCAPE!


*Davian pulls a knife from his boot and starts to saw at the bar with little effect*


Davian:This is useless... my only option is... *pulls a thermal detonater from his armour* now, i have to make this pretty weak and... *he rolls the thermal detonater a distance from his cell and runs to the far side of the wall.*




*Davian jumps at the cells with a kick and knocks some out hurting his foot. he then runs to his equipment and then runs to his ship, suspiciously no-one has cared about his escape OR the explosion but Davian doesnt care*


TurwenYou two, go see what that explosion was! and you, call my ship! i dont want him following us at all!


*two men run in Davians direction and Davian is waiting at the corner with 2 heavy blasters held out. The guards turn the corner and their heads are in line with his guns


Davian This'll teach you for Trying to lock me away to rot!


In an instant there is a flash and 2 men are on the floor... dead


*Davian charges after Turwen and realises that hes much better at tracking when hes not in mangled armour, so he turns for his ship knowing he is unequaled at chasing in space*


*He reaches his ship and notices his target has a head start*


Davian Not a problem at all, is it Sparks?


DroidBeep Boop Bwiit


Davian Yup, now hold on to something.... or whatever you do when i do this.


*The ship has a sudden propelling to it and the driod falls over, as always. As Davian nears his target he receives a call from Turwen*


TurwenPlease! have mercy! you can understand what it feels like to do anything for credits! you also kill people for it!


Davian Ok, first off, we have a difference, IM the bounty hunter and YOUR the target! and secondly, tell me who wants me dead and you'll live


Turwen Ok... ok! im just an old man, ill tell you. It was that Zabrak that you almost destroyed an entire building trying to get him. he escaped and is after you now! Please let me go!


Davian Hmm, smart. if you werent familiar with the bounty hunting buisness at all. Letting a target escape is like giving someone a second chance to stab you in the back.


*Davian presses a couple buttons and missles are fired from his ship*


Turwen WAIT! NOOO.....*Static*


Davian That'll teach you back stabbers *Davian continues to fly into space*



OOC:is this too much at once? :p

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*while aboard his vessel, the prototype Super Star Destroyer called the Imperial X-2, Admiral Damin Trosk recieves orders to strike a reported Rebel fleet near Naboo*


Admiral Trosk: Set course for Naboo, prepare the ship for a full out strike


Officer: Yes sir


Admiral Trosk: All pilots report to your Tie Fighters


*The vessel is closing in on Naboo when 5 N-1 Fighters try and stall the advance, they are easily destroyed by the many turbo lasers aboard this massive ship*


Admiral Trosk: Launch half the Tie Fighters and stand by for further orders!


*Imperial X-2 continues it's advance and prepares for it's assault, it will reach Naboo in 15 minutes*

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  • 2 months later...

So Bib, whats the name fo this guy? asked therival

Raula Tagara, a female twi'lek residing in theed. Tried to take out one of Jabba's prized podracers replied bib.

*crackle* this is theed starport. by order of the empire you must land your ship imidietlly for search of illegal contraband.

sorry bib, have to go. empire after me *returns to theed starprot channel* This is slugkiller04. i cant land landing gear seems to be jammed, have to land somewhere else.

Slugkiller you will land in this starport one way or another.* 2 warning shots are fired at the sides of the modified slave1*


if you want to play it that way.... therival says. therival pushes the ion gernade launcher button. 3 large ion gernades fall into the starport, disabling the weapons.


*therival lands his ship in a valley to the east. and takes out his speeder*


Time to go see raula

*therival speeds into theed, avoiding the alerted storm trooopers*

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