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So what are your first plans in game?

Wraith 8

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I have everything planned out. I will first become a gunsmith, making amazing weapons and stocking up my own collection. Then I will become an armourer and make more armour for myself while selling some off for money.


After I have made enough money and have a large stockpile of weapons and armour, I will become a soldier for the experience.


When I have had enough of that, I will be a bounty hunter. :fett:

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The first few months/ weeks I'll explore Corellia, gaining XP and meeting people. Setting up a network of friends. By smuggling stuff I will make some money. When I have enough money to buy a house, I'll buy one in the Associates town.


At that time I will probably know what businesses are profitable, and I'll start making big money by trading ;)


When the space XP comes out, I'll go to interstellar trading. Probably minerals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well basicaly I'm not quite sure yet... Firstly I will read every there can be read about skill trees and character concepts... Since I will probably recieve the game a few weeks after the start in America, I'll be able to hear some good tips (and I hope you all will give 'em to us :)) and then start a character...


My current concept is a Zabarak Assassin/Bounty Hunter... I'm acctualy modeling after my character on a SW MUSH (A New Threat). And then I'll basicaly go with the flow... I just hope the game won't be too adictive... I still have to finish school :D



Anyway these are just my 2.1 credits :)

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I'm going to make an army of Droid Hookers and sell them to lonely PAs!..:)


Thats about it. I'm just gonna stick with Droid Engineering far as I can go.


Oh and btw, Darth, The Empire will hunt down a Dark Jedi cause those 2 Ego maniacs don't want any other Jedi but them around..

And I actualy read that..don't ask me where but im sure it was from an official dev..)

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at first I plan on walking around alot and just saying COOL!... Alot :D


Then I will start to figure out which trade I want to work on the most... I am still pretty undecided. So many choices.


My problem is I always wanted to be a Stormtrooper (star wars) and I always wanted to kill them. Do you suppose I secretly hate myself?

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Explore, Explore, Explore, Loot, Sell, Train Animals or Make Driods, Sell, Repeat....


Then Architect (Freelance most likely) and work on skill trees, I'm leaning more and more towards Ranger/Combat Engineer/Droid Designer. I eventually want to design/make space ships and smuggle anything and everything.


I want to make "The Fastest Ship in the Galaxy!"



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I'd like to be a bounty hunter, start a fierce campaign to raise my skills. Immediately start running any quest I can to get Jedi flagged, while stalking any and every suspected Jedi I encounter, Building a nice friend base. Looking for players who are on when I log on and there when I log off, and make some buddies. Then go cancel my Everquest account.

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Well, when I get the game, I plan to make a character :p


I'm not sure what I'll be. I'm leaning towards bounty hunter w/ Teras Kasi Artist skills. But I'm also leaning towards droid engineer. . .


"You will ph33r my army of house hold droids! Muwahahaha!"

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I plan on starting out with a Zabrak Marksman working to become a smuggler! I also plan on starting if possible on Yavin 4 or Dathomir (the scenery just looks so cool). I think I am going to start out neutral then become loyal to the Rebels. Like everyone else I can't wait till it comes out (currently saving money to upgrade my computer to maximize the best sound and picture) anyway thats what i plan on doing to begin with ...but that could change.....even thought about the bounty hunter route but I think smugglers will be more up my alley.

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I just recently found out (I know, I'm blind!) that you can be a slicer...holy smokes I thought to myself, I would love to be a slicer.


Before I read that I thought, well the only occupation I would like to do is a teras kesai(SP!!!!) artist. So I suppose I'm going to put a skill into Brawler. Perhaps I would be a slicer with the teras kesai skills to defend my ass when ye ole Imperial stormtroopers wander around the corner and I'm gettin the low down on the hoe downs. I have no idea what that means, but I will kick some close range ass.

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