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Star Wars vs. LOTR



38 members have voted

  1. 1. Which?

    • Star Wars
    • Lord of the Rings
    • neither, i'm a trekkie!!
    • I love both!

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Originally posted by Devil Doll

I really like LOTR but I hate to see the end of the movie and don´t think anything good about that, they can make it like harry potter, SW or any other movie with a second or third part, you can make something to end the book and not just to say to be continued...


This is because LOTR isn't a triology, it is an continious story, but it is split into three parts because no one would like to sit and watch the same movie for 9 hours, or carry around a book with over 1000 pages.

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LOTR is not new, it has been around since the 1950's. I voted for "I love both"


SW is great, especialy 4,5, and 6. Episdoe 1 was sweet, i dont know why people say they dont like it.

Episode II was pretty good, I thought the dialogue couldve been A LOT better, though. But hey, the last scene was GREAT.


LOTR is f&*^ing AMAZING!!! I read the books and then i saw Fellowship of the Ring, it was sweet! Two Towers was great too, just great. JM Qui-Gon is right, too: it is a continuous story split into 3 parts to make reading easier and now, watching it easier. Cant wait for Return of the King.


Actually, Im gaining more interest in LOTR and slightly losing interest in SW.

GL beter make Episode III great, because its the final movie, he has to finish it off with a bang!

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

You know here is the thing, This is LUCASFORUMS and yet everywere I go it's LOTR This LOTR That, TTT, Matrix, whatever, Blah Blah Freaking Blah! Here we have a brand new Star Wars Forum, and This poll pops up again.


Star Wars Rules, the rest are contenders, leave it at that.


Yes Groovy, this is a Star Wars forum but do you really expect people to not like anything else or want to discuss other films?

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I am with leXX. This may be a Star Wars Forum but we also do have other intrests and likes you know. It's bound to pop up. Just like you like 007 Groovy. We could say the same thing but there isn't a lot of new stuff with 007 these days. The other movies are just works in progress and there are a lot of people that have that taste so that is why there is stuff like that in here. I am suprised that there is very little ST stuff here cause it is another popular franchise.



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I just think it would be nice to see more variety in thread making. Matrix and LOTR threads have been done over time and time again, it's just getting too repetitive. Nobody ever talks about TV shows, or Terminator 3 anything like that. Don't get me wrong, I like the Matrix, and LOTR as much as the next guy, but people are just soooooooo obsessed with it. It doesn't matter though, I got caught on the computer at work, and I got a love note from my boss, not to use the computer anymore, so I won't be around as much anymore. Take care all. :cry7:

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Sorry to hear that man. That really blows. Now what are you going to do at night while you guard the place that you guard?


It's going to be real boring. You can still sneak every once and awhile. Just give it some time and then he'll forget about you even using the laptop and then you'll be able to get on easily but secretly. ;)


It is going to be a little sad without you being here at night and posting those funny Sp@m pictures that you have. I always get a laugh off of those.


We'll still leave the light on and the door unlocked for you.



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Ah man Groovster, that sucks! :( Hopefully he will forget about it soon eh. ;)


Back to the topic - yes people are sooooo obsessed with them but isn't everyone here just as obsessed with Star Wars? I do talk about other films though, T3 and X2 etc but these are very exciting times for LOTR and Matrix so expect to hear a lot about them. :)

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I can admit, I'm obsessed with Star Wars. I can Recite the OT from any point. I have had my room decorated with posters and collectables since my childhood. I do try and contain my addiction as much as possible. Too me, it is a part of me now. :)


I talked to my boss this morning, he's not singleing me out. There is a bunch of people using the computer, and he is just passing the message to me. I guess I can blame it on January. Stupid Stuff like this always happens when bosses get bored. ;)

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Originally posted by leXX

I admit I'm obsessed with Star Wars, The Matrix and the internet. ;)


That is not obsession, [dracula voice]"The Net is the Life!"[/dracula voice]


Anyways, I found another thing that bugs me about LOTR.




The Names.


How much ganja was Tolkein smoking when he came up with names like; "Frodo", "Pippin" , and "Gandalf"?






What is his nickname? Fro?




"Pip"? "Pippy"? Pippin ain't easy after all.




Sounds like a side affect of the flu. I hear someone say Gandalf loud enough, I either get out of the way or say "kazuntite(sp?)".


One thing in common with all of them, is with names like these, all of the above are guarenteed to get their asses kicked in High School. Sorry folks1 :p



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lol, come on Groovster, you trying to tell me the names in LOTR are any less ridiculous than the names in SW! :D


Human names:


Wedge Antilles

Nyrat Agira

Hermione Bagwa

Biggs Darklighter

Mon Mothma

Lorth Needa

Barriss Offee

Luminara Unduli

Jek Porkins

Elan Sleazebaggano


etc etc etc



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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

That is not obsession, [dracula voice]"The Net is the Life!"[/dracula voice]


Anyways, I found another thing that bugs me about LOTR.




The Names.


How much ganja was Tolkein smoking when he came up with names like; "Frodo", "Pippin" , and "Gandalf"?






What is his nickname? Fro?




"Pip"? "Pippy"? Pippin ain't easy after all.




Sounds like a side affect of the flu. I hear someone say Gandalf loud enough, I either get out of the way or say "kazuntite(sp?)".


One thing in common with all of them, is with names like these, all of the above are guarenteed to get their asses kicked in High School. Sorry folks1 :p



did you ever see GL making the special edition? he saw the RONTO being formed and move.... its line a brontosauris..... hey.. lets call it a ronto....
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