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I'm a TKer -- How can I grief other players in SWG?


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I guess it depends on what you consider "griefing" to mean. If you simply mean to bother a person, that’s easy, any idiot can do that. If you mean the more griefing in the more Massively muliplayer, that is to kill someone’s character over and over again just to cause them grief, then no you simply can't do that in SWG. Unless you trick someone in to agreeing to a dual, but if they are that stupid that's their fault.


This is Sony and they wouldn't let you bother people in that game either so I can't see it going on here. The GM's will normally just tell you to quit harassing the person and if you don't they'll kick you off. I've seen it happen dozens of time. But by all means, please buy the game, which helps us all.

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i'm torn...on one hand i dont want some idiot like martha screwing the game up. but let's face it there are really annoying people everywhere. if this is gonna be realistic, SGW should allow it, i guess.


i mean she sleeps with goats to make money, i guess that herpes-infested wench should be able to spend it however she wants.

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Im warning the follwong people:



I must agree with you on many parts in this thread. only one thing bothered me about your posts. you use to much "colourfull" language. These are family forums. keep that in mind.



To state my opinion. I played only 3 games online in my entire life. (yes laugh at me). That were: C&C tiberian Sun, Delta force and Warcraft 3. now i had no problems with the last 2. but i did with TS. I never really liked people who anoyed others. And i always wondered..... WHY? WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD YOU WANT TO ANNOY PEOPLE?

can you give me a sollid reason? or are you just a mental patient.

(ok im out of line as a mod) (consider myself warned).


and you are gonna pay money to annoy people? have any of your victims ever tried something back and annoy you? or did some one annoy you so much that you van only get pleasure by annoying some one else?

(warned myself again) ok ill stop.


and you know. you already achieved your goal. you annoyed me.


consider yourself warned eatupmartha, if you go anoying more people around here.


-Wraith 8-

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It goes against just about everything I believe in by responding to this. I.e. If you feed a thing, that thing will stick around.


I will not respond to any further post written by "eatupmartha" and I suggest everyone follow suit. This type of exchange serves no purpose what so ever and detracts from why we are all here. The initial post is either to "Get a reaction" which was a success, or is truthfully someone trying to find bugs to exploit in the game (or both). Either way report it, /ignore it, and lets get back into more constructive exchanges within this great site!


Nuff said!


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Oh god Matt don't tell him yet, let him spend $65, THEN let him find out :D


Originally posted by Wraith 8


can you give me a sollid reason? or are you just a mental patient.


Two reasons usually for that


a) They seek attention because they want to feel special


b) Their parents either held them too much or didn't hold them at all


Simple :)

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I'm confused. If my only "crime" is annoying people -- but not actually breaking any game "laws" -- how can I be banned after having paid so much to play?


Because in a MMORPG, annoying people is a real punishable crime. Besides, you really won't be able to do much in SWG. There's no such thing as a team-kill, period. Friendly fire is off.


Would it be "legal" for me to squat on someone's farm and kill their livestock? If I did something like that, would the farmer be able to get me banned? If so, how?


Simple. You couldn't kill someone else's livestock.

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Some sort of hole probably will exist; every system has it's holes.

However, Griefing is against the "Play Nice" rule. So you would get banned after a while. It may take a month or two, until your reputation has grown quite big, until the devs do that.


Wraith, you played Deltaforce too? I was elite in my DF times, I could snipe with a saw :). I played DF2 too, that game rocked too, with all the grass.

My nick was Got milk?, what was yours?

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I am shocked ....... Whats the point


Any way...


Keep away from me or i will kill you if i do not kill you the first time i will come back for revenge ...REVENGE is my fav word :D


So come get some !!!! ;)


Anyone want to start a SUB-PA just to keep track of eatupmartha and post where he is to the web so any one can find and kill him and take revenge..... :D


Any just rember if you can find a hole in the game then so can other people and that means it will get fixed....

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I played Return to Castle Wolfenstien with someone just like you . They would wound someone just to make the game misarable. I got a few friends together, as you could kill someone 3 times before being banned.


We took turns killing the bloke then when the timer reset (your tk's were forgiven over time) we would make the rounds again. Killing him ever time he spawned then we'ed play without interruption. After a bit, the sorry annoyer left.


We will figure out how to handle your type in SWG Those of us who do NOT use exploits for annoying others but are capable of finding them and once we find them we/I will use them to stop folks like you as well. What ever you do can be turned against you.


I have spent whole games making life missarable for folks like you so others could play in peace. When you're a father I guess you learn to spend your time keeping, and enforcing the peace. I will be glad to do the same for you. :)

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Do you buy Madden 98 to play basketball?


Do you play GTA3 to save people's lives?


Can you take the blue out of the sky?!


NO...such is Mango!


I guess I don't understand why you wouldn't play the game for the reason its to be played. But its ok pal, I've played a few MMORPG's...so you best get a big arse group, because with the limitations of SWG to grievers, all the people you are going to "try" to grief will probably be able to come back down on you 10-fold.....so good luck with that, sorry thats all you are doing for enjoyment....sad really. But good luck.

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I am not sure if your post is directed at the tker who started the thread or me, none-the-less I am saying that I have spent my whole time griefing Griefers not normal players and my comments were directed toward the tker not anyone else.


I hate tker's annoyers and jerks like this guy so much I get fun our of turning the tables on them. They are so tied up with me they don't get any of the joy out of torturing others as they intended. I get just as much fun policing jerks (sorry, I'm trying to be nice) tkers like him as he does being a pest.


The only annoyers I have not found a way to stop, except putting them on ignore are flooders/ spammers I can put them on ignore, but I like to stop them from torturing everyone. Of course I would hope that the DEVS would take care of flooder/spammers themselves

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