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Kings of Chaos!

Boba Rhett

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I now have an army of 10 elves. I have sucessfully attacked 3 times with a spoils of war (Sucessfully stole) grand total of 2700 gold.


I have sucessfully defended myself once, and lost once, losing 157 gold in the process! :(


I have purchased several short bows for added offensive power, and I intend to attack again before sundown. I hope my lord has found favor in his humble servant. :D


EDIT: By the way, if any of you have yet to click my link or it's been 24 hours since you have. Please click this link. There is no questions asked, no software to dowload, no commitment or anything it just registers another elf to my army. You don't have to play or anything! Help a brother out, I need more men!



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This was posted in the swamp, so to spread it's popularity i thought i'd post it here too cos it's quite great.

Brief- The more people who clicks on your link the more join your army. You can crete your own army and go and attack other people etc. etc. Here's the link, you can look around and sign up and thinks. Make your own army. I suggest you check it out :)


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My own activities are not going well...so far all but one of my attacks have been turned away and I've been attacked twice...only once successful though (they used 15 attacks & my 2 guys turned them away on one and then they attacked again & got through, taking all of 13 gold, I'll accept that loss)


edit: I counterattacked the person who went after me, defeated him & got 40 gold from it :D

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well, i didn't get a chance to attack yet b/c i had 2 people yesterday, but now i have 10 or so so i'm gonna attack soon.


i clicked all your links again. thanks to those that clicked mine.


yeah, the games pretty fun, but it does take forever to load.


yeehaw! i had just enough money to buy 1 short bow! :D but i have 51 attack turns, so i should do pretty good. going to attack now!


EDIT -- I attacked once and got 2513 gold and lost no people, then again and got 2673 w/ no casulties, and again and lost.

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TD, to your last 2 questions. No, and no. It's a good idea to check it at least once a day, yes, but it's not neccesary-although I warn you the more money you have the more of a target you are, so you should be on hand to spend it. No you DON'T get e-mails. I don't think I've gotten any but the confirmation one ever sinse.


Basically everone that goes to your link gets you 1 soldier, every soldier gives you a little bit of gold per turn, every turn lasts half an hour and starts on each half-hour. You also use your soldiers to attack other people, from which you get money. With that money you buy Armor, Weapons, Siege Weapons, or Fortifications.


Hope that clears things up...

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I believe My record speaks for itself. Lord Rhett, should be most pleased of our progress!


Attacks I've Made


Date Name-------Attacks Used--Result----------Enemy Losses--Your Losses

1/22--FoeHammeR-----8-------Successfully Defended---0------------0

1/22--FoeHammeR-----6-------Money Gained: 57--------0------------0

1/23--samoose--------15------Money Gained: 1563-----0------------0

1/23--samoose--------15------Money Gained: 1094-----0------------0

1/23--Cirgulator-------13------Money Gained: 6143-----0------------0

1/24--Sorrow----------15------Money Gained: 10774----0------------0

1/24--OrcSlayer-------15------Money Gained: 8952------0------------0

1/24--ViNcAO-----------5-------Money Gained: 2648-----0------------0



Attacks on Me


Date Name----Attacks Used----Result--------Enemy Losses--Your Losses

1/22--the_trooper----7---------Sucessfully Defended---0------------0

1/22--the_trooper----6---------Money Lost: 136---------0------------0



Now onward to war!


EDIT: Daily Support Please


Support Link: Click Please!

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Here's my attack log:


Attacked: Attacks used: Results:


Rck^ 11 +2513

Rck^ 15 +2673


Matthew 10 DEFENDED

Pain 15 +4128

Pain 15 +2889

Pain 14 +1888


Attacked By: Attacks used: Results:

Adrian_86 13 -2708


no one had any casulties on any attack.


also, i got 2 of my friends to join under me, so here are their links:




i'll post the other one later, cause i don't know it right now.


i clicked EVERYONE'S links, so plz click mine; it's in my sig. now.

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Nope, no quitting allowed, but you can just stop playing.


And, btw, joining a dude with a ton of troops may SEEM smart, but for him to attack someone that attacked you he has to be at least twice as good as that dude.




someone with 20 troops attacks you. Rhett could only have 40 troops or less to be able to attack that guy.


So, basically, it's probably a better idea to sign up with someone with less troops, who's UNDER someone with a good number of troops.


My lesson of the day...

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