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I think Patrick Stewart said it best... However, I'm not talking about anything Star Trek related.


That's right, kids... Dear old Nitro's getting engaged!


Now for the story:

She's been in Ontario for a year, but she's coming back to go to UNB next year, and since I just recently discovered they offer film, and (post-tuition-hike) for less than Dal, I'm going too...


We were talking a few nights ago, and after not having seen each other for so long, we figured the only way to prevent an onslaught of bastard children was to get hitched... It started as a joke, but we got to thinking, and as things stand now, if we still feel like we do now come next christmas, we'll both have shiny new engagement rings to show mommy and daddy over the holidays, and a bit of travelling (to meet the folks) to do... See, she's originally from Ontario, so that's where her family is. Hellooooooo long drive!


Anyway, break out the balls and chains boys, cause old Nitro's about to join the NTAH (Nagged To All Hell) Club.



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I thought it was you, Kylilin... Wasn't sure, though.


And Niner, I'll have pics when I can find someone with a scanner I can use... Which could be a while. Everyone I know has digital cameras instead of scanners... Well, aside from my ex-girlfriend... The one I really can't stand. :p

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

That's great. I'll be getting married soon myself. Well, soon after I get engaged, anyway. Well, of course we have to date for little while, though. I actually still have to ask her out, really. And also, I don't even know who I'm talking about. I'm so lonely... :crybaby:




keyan stole my post.

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The secret is to remind yourself that this is how "a girl & you" evolve:


At first they're like beautiful princesses: :queen


But then when you're caught in their web and can no longer escape they show their true form: :vamp1:


And this is you: :monkbomb:


Once your head exploded you enter a phase of mental crazyness: :sheepdanc


And finally if you ever get over it you're left wondering how could you have been such a stupid baka moron: :headbump

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Well, obviously... It's just not a party if it's not on Niner. *tries to look serious*


And while it would be cool if our kids hooked up, if your boy doesn't have my little girl home at a decent hour, or so much as touches her before their married, I'll be forced to grab the shotgun. ;P

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