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Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer


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dude, you're a dick. seriously. have you ever posted anything more than a half of a sentence? and have you ever given a real answer to a question? I officially dub thee SPAM Fisher. Because that's all you do... other than annoy the piss out of everyone.

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no one ever said you werent nice... you just spam like a mother. it's annoying to see a lame ass answer like "i dunno" or "no" everytime someone asks a legit question. and you do it ALL THE TIME!!! Not to mention spamming up the help center which is pissing off the mods. just chill with the lame 2 word posts which are completely useless and devoid of any other purpose than to get you your stupid 2 gil.


[edit] and i'm at work so i dont have time to fight.

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