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The Big Europeian Question...

Deft Aklin

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Originally posted by Benihana14

Not a clue, but if worse comes to worst, you could have him pay you...purchase a second game, and ship it to him yourself? Might be slower though, and a pain :)


That was my next option. I was hoping some of the European members of this forum had already thought about this issue. Thanks for the advice though Beni.

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Firstly I'd like to say 'Hi' to everyone.


I'm very excited about the release of the game and I can't wait to play it, but I'm from a small europeian country that most of you havnt even heard of (Slovenia) and I doubt that when the game is released on the 15th of April that I will get it within a month. It will probably take more...


I was just wondering as I saw another post with a similar issue... Is it worth it to preorder a game in America and have it sent overseas to my little backwater country...

(if this is even possible...)


If so... where (when) should I turn? I tried looking at ebay and amazon, but I didnt notice any similar options... anyone knows if they will become available when the game is closer to release?


Anyway enough of my ranting and silly questions...:)


I'll let you fine people continue your daily lives and not be troubled by little europeian countries and it's inhabitants.... :D

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Hell no! Us small European countries are what makes the world go round! Without us, there wouldn't be... middle east diplomatic solution, cheese with holes in, and... and... and Volvo cars!


Seriously, most often there's little problem with ordering from oversees (unless if it is AC2). If I am not wrong, I saw the preorder on egames.com in september or something, it should still be there (even though they said they'll ship it in january!:p)

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I just looked at amazon.com again and found that they do sell SW Galaxies for $50...


Maybe I should consider this and order it from there... it will only take a week or so for shipping... hmm...





is the exact adress for the game...



May the Force be With Ya'll

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We have a number of pre-order links on the front page @ swgalaxies.net. I do believe most of them will ship internationally. I know there were problems with AC2 going international, but I wasn't following it very closely so I'm not sure what happened. Hopefully it'll work out for you. :)

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Originally posted by Gorg

Firstly I'd like to say 'Hi' to everyone.


I was just wondering as I saw another post with a similar issue... Is it worth it to preorder a game in America and have it sent overseas to my little backwater country...

(if this is even possible...)


Well Gorg, that's cause I posted the question already for you....and since the admin seem to have lacked in their duties.... :p




Hopefully you can stay awhile and....make sure you avoid the Gnorts that I am sure Wraith 8 or Jan Gaarni will give you shortly.


As a side note, if you think the MUSH guys know their SW, you should see some of the crud these gentleman can pull out of their arses. ;)


BTW, this is where the Dark Sovereignty PA forum is located. :D

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Originally posted by Juztyn

We have a number of pre-order links on the front page @ swgalaxies.net. I do believe most of them will ship internationally. I know there were problems with AC2 going international, but I wasn't following it very closely so I'm not sure what happened. Hopefully it'll work out for you. :)


Well, simply put, if you were not from a selected four or so european countries, you could NOT log on to ANY server with your american copy, and the copy itself would prove useless when you eventually (this summer supposedly) should be able to get local servers. So, you got seriously screwed, and Microsoft said, with a straight face, that the never thought that anyone would order a copy from abroad! Thankfully, I was not one of the victíms of this scam.

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What does this mean? That I (if I happen to buy a copy off the amazon.com) wont be able to play on american servers because my IP wont be from the states or from the other (4 I think) europeian countries?


Sounds like a silly way to do business...:p



I will most likely be ordering the game before it's release and habving it shipped over to my country... I hope they wont swindle me ...

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well first of all let me say HI... i already welcomed you in another thread. and i do know slovenia :D... i myself come from a rather smaller country than i think all members here... unless there are people from luxenbourg or malta or something :p


I pre ordered on EB... and it ships one day before release it says.. so im not realy worried.


and i think Setsuko was talking about AC2.... not SWG..... dont worry :D


c ya around


-Wraith 8-

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Thanks for the welcome guys!


I'm sure I'll order the game from amazon.com... but first I have to con my parents into thinking that I really need the game... I'll have to wait for them to be in a good mood (which means I have to pass a few exams and tell them my request immediatly after Itell them that I passed an exam... :D:):D



Wish me luck :)

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Hey guys!


I tried ordering the game from amazon.com, but it said I cant ship any toys/games/electronics to anywhere outside the US (or Canada)...


I also tried on ebay.com but they dont even have Star Wars Galaxies... there's a link on Swgalaxies.net that takes you to ebgames.com, but shippment to Slovenia is not an option there...


I'm slowly running out of ideas on how to preorder the game and have it shipped to me...


Is there any shippment company other than the ones I've mentioned that can supply me with the game as soon as it is available?


Or will I have to find alternative means of transport...?




The Ever Vigilant Europeian - Gorg

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I will look into it. After all, the Dark Side will aid in my search.



*moves his PC to properly channel the force*

*Rapid typing and clicking*

*Loud bang as he kicks his PC*

"I wasn't looking for naked pics of Britney Spears Damn it! The force works in mysterious ways."


Try this one:


It's a New Zealand based company. It looks like they will be selling copies from the US release and they list Europe as a shipping location. Be careful, your bank may have a surcharge for currency conversion.

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No Dice... they dont ship to Slovenia... I guess we're a little backwater country that makes the world go around, but noone seems to notice us :)


If anyone knows any other way (or of some other Europeians who have allready ordered through the net...) please tell me before I have a heart attack :)




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Originally posted by setsuko

Hell no! Us small European countries are what makes the world go round! Without us, there wouldn't be... middle east diplomatic solution, cheese with holes in, and... and... and Volvo cars!


Seriously, most often there's little problem with ordering from oversees (unless if it is AC2). If I am not wrong, I saw the preorder on egames.com in september or something, it should still be there (even though they said they'll ship it in january!:p)


were not litle i recent this comment we will rise again i tell you and were gonna RULE THE WORLD well no not really but we could RULE GALAXIES MWWUUHAHAHAHAH MWWUAHAHAHA

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