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The Hunt for Teraytiro Rodiar

Darth NeoVenom

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"Mon Mothma will not be convinced until you get the evidence of the drugs from your investigation. Seh suspended Kyle Katarn several times for his ruthless runs and guns way of dealing with his assignments, and he's the best guy the NRI's got!"


Katarn07 looks to the back of the bar to spot Dante. He doesn't see him, "And that guy didn't help us out much either. Now that Goru's brother is involved, I am as deep in this mess as you are... And I wonder what that something is. Jokemaster will meet his contact soon, so Zofire and I better get outta here. Your friend's help could be useful, but they'd search her joint for you. I think our best choice is to fly around. I'll drop Slave II of at the NRI HQ, you and take Sable Dove and then Wra'fo and I'll take Savrip Strike. Your friend can meet us at the Batha Oasis. She can help us out there."

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Katarn07, Zofire, R9, and Jokemaster leave. Wra'fo meets up with them, "I thought I'd never shake those goons. Hurry up your plan."


Katarn07 explains their plan, "Sounds a bit weak. I'll take Slave II back, Gunny. You 4 get airborne. Those bounty hunters will be back soon."


Wra'fo takes Slave II back to NRI HQ to hide it.


Katarn07 climbs aboard the Savrip Striker with K\Jokemaster. R9 and Zofire are left with the Sable Dove.

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Zofire and R9 aboard the Sable Dove and contacts Kostar Moonknight, "Hey Kostar, how are you?"


Kostar replies, "Good and you?"


"Not so good, I'm in a predicament with the NRI and also Terayitiro gang."


Zofire continues, "I'll tell you everything when I see you. I'm going to pick you up. I'll contact you when I'm near you."


"Ok" Kostar says. "See you later. Bye."




Zofire heads to Kostar's place and contacts her. Kostar then comes out and boards the Sable Dove.


"Where is your ship Zofire?" Kostar asks.


"It is at the NRI headquarters." Zofire says.


Zofire then tells Kostar the whole story on Teraytiro.


"We gotta find out what exactly is happening over at Batha Oasis. Most likely, nothing good. Jokemaster, a fellow companion, is going to meet up with someone that will give him inside info on Teraytiro."


Zofire then contacts Jokemaster and Katarn07, "I have Kostar with me. Tell me the situation over there."

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"I've just dropped Jokemaster off. Wra'fo has contacted me. He has managed to get your ship back without being caught. It will be impounded, but will be safe from Teraytiro, and they can't track you. I'm on my way to pick up Teraytiro. Meet me at these coordinates."


Katarn07 sends an encrypted code to Sable Dove with the info of their meeting spot. "Bring your friend Kostar with you. She might have of great use in the operation. She may know the rivaling hunters of this planet... And know what else Goru's brother was looking."

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Katarn07 notices a transmission coming through...


"Sincere apologies for my quick exit at the bar, had some "business" to take care of. I wish to meet with you soon. I'll contact you later for the location, but for now, keep this encrypted code safe."


An encrypted code is sent in the transmission.

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*arrives at alleyway where meeting is*

Contact: You're early

Jokemaster: Would you rather i be late?

Contact: no, when you can get me out?

Jokemaster: as soon as you can give me the info

Contact: The Bantha Oasis is just a cover for a drug making operation.

Jokemaster: we know that. We need some info on the supposed new drug

Contact: It's supposed to do something with mind control. Blocks off memories for temporary amnesia.

Jokemaster: why would that make money?

Contact: Why should it?

Jokemaster: I thought Teraytiro was only intrested in money

Contact: He wants power now. When he heard about the drug he went

* a shot rings out, passing between the two and burning a hole on the near by wall*

Jokemaster: oh crap. *pulls contact with him while running and taking out comlink* GUNNY, WE NEED A PICKUP

*a shot barely misses them from behind*

Jokemaster: NOW

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Katarn07 was no further in reading the message from the mysterious man at the bar when he got Jokemaster's message.


"On my way. Zofire, stay on course. I may be a little late..."


Katarn07 takes the Savrip Strike to Jokemaster's dropzone area. Katarn07 turns to Wra'fo, "Man the turret. Jokemaster is under attack. We need that contact alive. Open fire on my mark..."


Wra'fo complies as Katarn07 scans the area with his monitors and his honed sense of site through the Force. he spots Jokemaster running through one of the streets ans sees a small group after him and his contact. They are Rodian; Teraytiros goons to silence the contact.


"Alright, Wra'fo. Now!"


Wra'fo squeezes the trigger to the quad gun and watches the group split up and take cover.


"Jokemaster, keep going. I am going to hover over your position."


Katarn07 takes the Savrip Strike down, only a few yards over the ground. "Lowering the loading ramp now..."


The ramp lowers. Katarn07 tilts his ship so that the ramp touches the ground allowing Jokemaster and his contact to run up easily. "Hurry up!"

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"He's in!" Wra'fo shouts.


Katarn07 pulls out as the Rodian mob reassembles below and aims their fire on his ship.


"Buckle up..." Katarn07 cuts through traffic lanes and up to the upper levels of the planet to escape.


Katarn07 contacts Zofire, "Check this out. Make anything of it?"


He sends her the transmission Dante had sent him.

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Zofire recieves the transmission from Katarn07. Zofire contacts Katarn07 on commlink and says, "Hmm. Interesting. I'll check out the encrypted code. If I can not figure it out, I'll let me ask Kostar if she seen a code like this."


Kostar then says, "I have seen these two Twi'lek before. I had a few conflicts with them from my previous missions. They were probably hired by Teraytiro to make sure we don't follow him. I'm not sure why Goru's brother was looking for though. As for this encrypted code, I can not get through it. Zofire is trying to crack the code. We'll let you know when something comes up."


As soon as Kostar finished talking to Katarn07 and the others, the Savrip Strike picks up a small ship tailing them. Soon after, the ship rocks from blasts that were nearly missed upon hitting the ship.

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"Spast! Jan just put this thing back together and already Teraytiro's men are taking it apart! That contact of Jokemaster's must be hotter than we thought..."


Katarn07 opens a safe transmission to his other ship Zofire, R9, and Kostar are in, "Goru's brother is after me, no doubt. News of his death must have spread... Hey you two, I'm gonna be late again. Some goon is chasing me. I'd best settle this fast before New Republic forces spot me and arrest me for assisting you..."


Wra'fo mans the turret again and aims the quad cannon at the pursuing force. He lets out several vollies, hitting the ship in several, non-vital areas leaving black carbon scorings on the sides of it. Wra'fo shkaes his head, "Nope. No good. His evasive tactics are too good."


Katarn07 turns to Jokemaster, "Jokemaster, get what ever else you can outta your contact so we can arrive at the meeting place with some more info..."


Katarn07 pulls up and over the high skyscrapers, leaving all innocents out of his battle. "Son of a Gundark, this guy is really good..."


Wra'fo lets out another series of blasts, this time they scored some of the laser cannons, "He's weaponless! But e'd best take him out before he tells any buddies of our location..."


Katarn07 nods, "Do it."


Wra'fo squeezes the trigger.

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"I don't know. He said he'd contact me again. We'll meet at the rendevous. After we get there, he will probably get more info. We are going on that assault tomorrow afterall. Hey, do you think that goon tracking me was one of those Twi'leks? Or would that be to reckless and bold of an action for such experienced hunters to even think about attempting?"

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Kostar replies, "Most likely it wasn't probably one of those bounty hunters. I bet they came up with the plan to try to eliminate you by sending Teraytiro's forces after you. See what else Jokemaster's contact knows. Contact us if anything comes up."


Zofire says to Kostar, "This code seems harder to crack then I thought. R9 is trying it's best."

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Katarn07 enters the encryption codes he and Jan used and opens the message.


It reads:


Hey Gunny,


Mon Mothma has got me working on the assignment now that you are gone. So you know what that means. Yep, I'll be working with you and Zofire. I will come in the Ravens Claw to your location. Which is where? Also, I heard about the use of your first mind trick. Congratulations. Maybe when Kyle gets outta the infirmary, he can teach you a thing or two with the Force. Hope to see you soon.


Regards, Jan


Katarn07 forwards the unencrypted message to the Sable Dove, "Hey, Zo. Looks like we are gonna get some help on this. Read the message I just sent you."

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