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The Hunt for Teraytiro Rodiar

Darth NeoVenom

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"Oh, please, don't. I'll pay for your stay if anything. Although my paycheck may get cut for doing this... OK, I'll take the offer. I owe you one though. This won't go unforgotten."


Just then, both the Sable Dove and the Savrip Striker land. Wra'fo gets out of the Dove with R9 at his side, "Gunny. Glad I caught you. Jan will get suspicious, so I told her I was going to AJ's in the Sable Dove. She'll know I followed you when she asks AJ for me to return..."


"She can't. You're not in the NRI... yet."


"Soon I will be. This'll look bad on my application you know."


"Yeah it will. Forget it, it's for a good cause."


The three enter the hotel. Wra'fo produces some credits, "Where is the bar. I am getting myself a Rodian Gin..."


"No you're not. Get nothing stronger than a Juri Juice."


"Right." Wra'fo leaves.


"So, let's check in." Katarn07 says to Zofire.

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Zofire looks at the screen that shows all available rooms. "We will have rooms adjacent to each other." she says to Katarn07.


"Can we please have rooms 3-01 and 3-02." Zofire says to the Robot on the other side of the counter.


The Robot replies, "Definately, 2000 credits please."


"Here." Zofire hands the credits to the robot. The robot then turns around to pick up the card keys and gives the card keys to Zofire. Zofire then hands Katarn07 a room key. "I'll see you tomorrow Gunny. Come on R9." Zofire then heads to the elevator.

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As Zofire takes the elevator to the 3rd floor, she commlinks Katarn07 and says, "Gunny,if anything comes up, let me know through commlink. Zofire out."


The elevator stop on the 3rd floor and Zofire walks out with R9. She then goes in front of a door that says Room 3-01. Taking out the card key, Zofire slides the card on the door and opens the door. "Nice toom, isn't it R9?" she asks R9.


R9 beeps and whistles in response.


Zofire then takes of her armor and goes to the bed. "Goodnight R9."


R9 whistles and then Zofire turns off the lights.

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Katarn07 enters the room a few minutes after Zofire arrived to hers. He entered and went to the recliner which a small radio was next to on a table top. He switched on some Jizz music and took out his Personal Data Assistant (PDA).


He began reviewing the map of the casino while the song, Drive Me Mad, played on the radio. He got no further in his reading when the song ended and the announcer spoke, "That was Drive Me Mad, by the Modal Nodes. Great group. Figrin Dan and the gang will be visiting here on Coruscant tommorrow for a man by the name of Teraytiro Rodiar..."


Katarn07 turned up the volume and contacted R9, "Hey, record this for Zo."


The announcer went on and on as to how Bantha Oasis was going to hook up with another club called Burgandy Moon, whom Teraytiro was owner of. Katarn07 got all the info. This would help reduce Jokemaster's and Zofire's undercover investigation. It appeares Teraytiro is going to use the gambling profits for himself to fund for whatever smuggling job Teraytiro plans to do.


He took his comlink and radioed Jan, Jokemaster, and Wra'fo with the recorded message and asks them to meet him in the bar, each alone without any NRI agents. He then went to Zofire's room, "R9, wake her up and you two can meet me and Wra'fo, Jan, and Jokemaster in the bar."

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R9 beeps and whistles is response to Katarn07. Then after Katarn07 left Zofire's room, R9 approahes Zofire and a little mechanical hand comes out of R9.


R9 shakes Zofire gently.


Zofire wakes up yawning and says, "What is the matter R9?"


Zofire then turns on her commlink and says, "Gunny, come in Gunny."

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*gets message from Mon Mothma about Zofire's actions*

Jokemaster: why am I not suprised

*finds some info on what Teraytiro may be smuggling and just before getting message he sets up a meeting in 2 hours with a conman*

Jokemaster: On my way

*secretly sneaks out into the streets and heads to Gunny's and Zofire's direction*

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R9 plays back the recording and the 4 sit down in a booth together.


Katarn07 speaks first, "Jan's not coming. She said it could mean more than a demotion if she was caught. So, I will have R9 record this and send it to her. I know this is good, and it will prove useful in the trial the NRI will have for Zo..."


Katarn07 looks around, "So, Jokemaster. You said you were going to dig around for a bit more. Find anything?"

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"Deathsticks? Some illicit spice? I don't know; drugs are big all over the galaxy, but deathsticks have been for decades now the biggest craze here in the lower levels of Coruscant. Teraytiro could make big if he got at least 10% of Bantha Oasis's profits... And with wealth comes power. He may gain the upper hand in his war with the New Republic. That is almost enough to contact New Republic forces, but all we need is some proof. Now we know what to look for, you two."


Katarn07 leans back, "OK. What kinda guy is this contact? Wra'fo's brother can shed some light on this. Maybe he knows where they store the drugs..."


Katarn07 turns to his Rodian friend, "I dunno, Gunny. I can ask."


Wra'fo leaves. Katarn07 looks to Zofire, "Well, if this goes off correctly, the NRI will be looking at you as a hero, not a criminal. I wish they could see that now."

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"Don't get to close, Zo. Be careful you two. I'm gonna try to see if Wra'fo can get the info from his brother."


Katarn07 leaves to his room where Wra'fo is on the computer with a glass of Corellian Ale in his hand. Katarn07 snatches it away, "Hey, come on Wra'fo. Booze won't make your pain and failure go away!"


The Rodian recoils, then slumps in the chair, "Yeah, I know... I got my brother online. He is getting me the address to the data bank of Bantha Oasis. They'll have detailed interiors and the drug loaction. Your friends can snoop around there between gambling."


"Right, I'll tell them."


Katarn07 returns to the bar and tells the news and shows the map he has on his PDA, "This'll help your mission. Teraytiro will be onto you two after awhile, so we need all the inside info we can get..."

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"R9, scan the map and give me new info on Teraytiro." Zofire says to R9. R9 scans the map that Katarn07 has. Then a slot opens from R9 and a datapad comes out.


Zofire grabs the datapad, "Thanks R9."


Zofire then takes off her armor. "They will get very suspicous if I go over there with this on."


"I'll inform you of the situation Gunny on commlink." She tells Gunny.


"We should head over there by taxi." Zofire tells Jokemaster.

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"You'd better wait on going there. The VIP Wra'fo's brother got you 2 pass wil grant you more access and it is dated for tomorrow."


Katarn07 looks around the bar and sees a group of Rodians walk in, with a single Weequay and Trandoshan with them.


Katarn sat down and blocked Zofire from their site, "Don't look. Looks like Teraytiro's goons have arrived. They must have IDed the Savrip Striker when we were fighting those Z-95s earlier. Looks like Guro's brother is with them with a trandoshan friend. Not sure who it is... Stay cool. They'll leave soon."

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"Sithspit," Katarn07 whispers. He looks up to Wra'fo who is just enters the bar. He sees Katarn07 and the group, and through the use of eye signals, he understands what he must do. He walks up to the bartender, "Yeah, yeah. I've been on her trail for a day now. I know she was in here, but she left. Any idea where she would have gone?"


The bartender furrows his brow. Wra'fo slips the guy a 100 credits, "Any idea at all?"


"Yeah. She was going to leave her ship here to throw you off. She went to a place far below, in the underlevels."


"Thanks." Wra'fo leaves and draws the group out.


Katarn07 nods to the bartender, "Thanks alot man. Zo, we gotta get outta here. The NRI is the safest place to go. But you'll have to stay in a cell for the mission. Do you know of anywhere you can go? I'll take Slave II to NRI HQ first, and then we along with Jokemaster and Wra'fo can hide for a bit longer until the mission's start."

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Dante, a human dressed in lose, dark clothing, walks by the group.


"I couldn't help but overhear part of your conversation. I'd watch where you go outside, those guys arn't alone...and they arn't just looking for you...but something. We'll run into eachother later, I can promise you that."


Dante continues walking and dissappears into the back of the bar.

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Zofire remains silent for a second and asks both Katarn07 and Jokemaster, "You think that person is telling us the truth?"


Zofire then starts to look around to see if she can spot Dante again.


She then says to Jokemaster, "I don't know if Mon Mothma is going to let me go. But you can still try and see if she does let me go."

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