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I'm getting an attitude because your being aggravating. Yes, TTT is a sequel, yes Empire Strikes Back is a sequel. Whether they were planned before hand or not is irrelevent- any related work that is released after the original is called a SEQUEL.


2. A literary, dramatic, or cinematic work whose narrative continues that of a preexisting work.


Does Empire Strikes Back continue Star War's narrative? Yes. So it's a sequel. You have a problem with it, write Webster's and ask them to change the definition.

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I'll tell you what, you can call them whatever the hell you like, I honestly don't give a crap. I'm not gonna waste any more time arguing over something quite as trivial as the definition of 'sequel', especially with someone who has an attitude problem. :rolleyes:

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1. You cannot, in any way, insult (or "flame") someone else on the board. People may not be insulted just because their opinion differs from your own. Flaming includes calling people names, insulting them in any way or saying offensive things to them.



Flaming other members is against the board rules. So please cease doing so.

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Originally posted by Aerothorn


Does Empire Strikes Back continue Star War's narrative? Yes. So it's a sequel. You have a problem with it, write Webster's and ask them to change the definition.


ESB is a sequel to ANH and a prequel to ROTJ. :D


TTT is a sequel to FOTR and a prequel to ROTK.

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Aerothorn - You seem to think a lot like me, I was just curious but that's interesting.


And cmon where's the love guys... the matrix is a welcome addition to the many sci-fi universes... and IMO one of the better ones. I think the Wachkowski)sp) brothers meant to name 'The One' 'Neo'.

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Originally posted by Notion

And cmon where's the love guys... the matrix is a welcome addition to the many sci-fi universes... and IMO one of the better ones.


Exactly Notion I agree! :D


So can we please end the sequal/trilogy discussion? Now, I don't want any posts about who started what or anything........let's just move forward in this discussion. As a big fan of the Matrix, I really don't want to have to close this thread - but I will if I have to.

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Honestly everyone, enough of the semantics.

I think we can all see what both of you are saying, so lets not be pedantic :)


I've only managed to download one of the trailers...The "Superbowl" one I think...


Looks great! Mind you, I thought the CGI of Neo fighting all those agent blokes with the pole was a bit ho-hum. I mean very, very good, but not so outstanding if you put it next to LOTR or AOTC.


Mind you, it will probably look better on the big-screen.

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Originally posted by Aerothorn


1. You cannot, in any way, insult (or "flame") someone else on the board. People may not be insulted just because their opinion differs from your own. Flaming includes calling people names, insulting them in any way or saying offensive things to them.



Flaming other members is against the board rules. So please cease doing so.


I said you have an attitude problem and you said I'm aggravating. 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other. I certainly havn't 'flamed' you so do be quiet and get back on topic.

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Sorry, folks, but I'm going to have to disagree with the ajority of you and go with Count_Dooku 2 here.


Whilst The Matrix is a fun film and the actual concepts behind it are great, it's full of plot-holes and obvious screw-ups. I watched it again two nights ago, and yeah, I did enjoy it, but I couldn't help but notice a load of things that just didn't make any sense. For example:


NEO: Hello?

MORPHEUS: This line is tapped, so I'll be brief.


He proceeds to chat to him for a further 5 minutes... :confused:


MORPHEUS: Come to the blablabla bridge...


Umm, hello? You just said that the line was tapped... So where was the army of agents waiting for them or following them?


And that's just one little thing. Perhaps I'm being picky and looking too deep into it all, but hey, that's what fans o movies do, right? Otherwise there'd be no Star Wars EU.


I downloaded the SuperBowl trailer about a week back. I'm worried that the films are going to be crappy, TBH. The trailer really does seem to be just teasing with brief images and resting on its laurels, as Thrift said. Yeah, I'm going to go see them, because I'm a fickle, fickle man - I like aesthetics, and the two sequels (Uh-oh! Fight! Fight! LMAO) do look quite pretty... :D I'm just worried that they're going to be the same as the original and fall apart at the seams in terms of story when you sit and think about them.


I actually thought "The One" (with Jet Li) was a far better film. It had a much more interesting concept behind it, and ar better acting and action. Jet Li is an incredible fighter. My sides were sore in the cinema when I watched the Neo-Morpheus fight. :D


BTW, LeXx or someone, can you finally clear up for me what actually happened with the whole Thomas Anderson / Neo thing? When Neo was shot in the Heart O' The City Hotel, did Anderson die and Neo take his place, his body? Or did he just realise that the construct was just a program, and that his body was still alive, so he shouldn't have died? Or did he realise that he was "the One"? Or was it something else even more obscure? Never really could understand that bit fully.


Cheers peeps.

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Originally posted by Darth Zaius

im sorry lexx but im going to have to disagree, the matrix isn`t the best trilogy ever to be on the silver screen, it is the original Star Wars trllogy, that`s why we are all here, think about it.


I agree, currently the SW original trilogy is the best but I think the Matrix Trilogy is going to be the best after they are released.


BTW, LeXx or someone, can you finally clear up for me what actually happened with the whole Thomas Anderson / Neo thing? When Neo was shot in the Heart O' The City Hotel, did Anderson die and Neo take his place, his body? Or did he just realise that the construct was just a program, and that his body was still alive, so he shouldn't have died? Or did he realise that he was "the One"? Or was it something else even more obscure? Never really could understand that bit fully.


It's a combination of all those things really. He died but he realised he wasn't really dead because it is a program. "You're mind makes it real" - He is the only one to be able to distinquish between dying in the real world and dying in the matrix, therefore he is 'the one'. When he was reborn, he was enlightened and was able to see the code. It's hard to explain.

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Fantastic, cheers for that bit of clarification there, LeXX.


It's funny though, Big_Hair and I were discussing this whole "becoming the One" thing the other day after we watched it. Surely the whole concept of not dying inside the construct is easy to grasp - billions of people all across the world play computer games every single day, and at least half of them will, at least once in their lives, have used cheats in a game, such as invincibility, speed up, slow down, infinite ammo, special weapons, etc etc. So why was it so hard for Neo to grasp this idea? So fair enough, his entire world has literally shattered around him and he's been thrust into a completely new world in which everyone's depending on him to save mankind, but hey, that's THE classic cliché computer game story. What about all of that was so hard for him to sit down an say, "hey, you know what, this is just like playing Max Payne ( :D ), and I used to play that with invincibility cheats on." Surely the average person would sit there and go into the construct thinking it was a game and have to be convinced of the reality and seriousness of it all?


I dunno. Personally, I don't think it would be such an emotional issue for me, and I think that the concept of becoming the One woud be a piece of cake. Neo's just a wimp. :p

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Originally posted by Darth_Rive

So why was it so hard for Neo to grasp this idea? So fair enough, his entire world has literally shattered around him and he's been thrust into a completely new world in which everyone's depending on him to save mankind, but hey, that's THE classic cliché computer game story. What about all of that was so hard for him to sit down an say, "hey, you know what, this is just like playing Max Payne ( :D ), and I used to play that with invincibility cheats on." Surely the average person would sit there and go into the construct thinking it was a game and have to be convinced of the reality and seriousness of it all?


If this happened for real your mind would be thrown for such a loop that you would believe it before you actually accepted it. Think of your life now. You know not to jump off buildings and not to get hit by cars. You'll get seriously injured or hurt. Now imagine you suddenly find out that you can do those things. For a little while you won't believe because you've lived a life of looking both ways. Even after you get used to the fact that you are capable of such feats inside something will tell you that they're dangerous.


Think of the movie. Morpheus tells Neo we don't usually free a mind past a certain age. Children are more ready to accept change than adults. Because children will listen and believe what you tell them and because they aren't anchored in decades of reality.

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"The body cannot live without the mind". Basically Morpheus is saying that your brains reaction to pain/death is a chemical reaction that is too fast to do anything about. It's a natural instinct to avoid pain/death and it would be very hard to convince your brain that it would be ok to inflict them on yourself. It's mind over matter. Neo is the only one to have that ability out of everyone who has been unplugged. Of course, the people who are still plugged in are oblivious to the fact that it isn't real so when they die, the mind makes it real and they die in the real world.

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I think Neo was shot in places that had a painful effect on his body, and when this happened his body went into a simulated shock and making his pulse stop, but his body was really alive his mind when boosted back up, realised how close he just came to death and with that near death experience he unleashed "The One" which was held inside him, and then fully understood his powers as "The One". All of this is ill-relavent in the real world, but in Sci-Fi anything can happen.

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Actually you did flame me. I said you were aggravating me- that is not a flame, simply a fact. You said I had an attitude problem, which is a flame, a negative remark targeting another user. Being a mod, you should know better then that. Now either follow the rules or leave.


And just my opinion, trying to look to deeply into the plot of the Matrix seems kinda pointless. I mean theres not too much plot to speak of, certainly almost no original material. Its mostly just an excuse to blow things up and do some stylized camera work.

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I was arguing my point in a perfectly civil manner and you chose to argue back with siarcasm and an attitude. You are obviously looking for a fight. You are what we call a troll. Don't try and tell me the definition of the rules ok. Saying someone has an attitude problem is not considered a flame. By your definition, saying I am being aggravating is a flame because it is a negative comment, no less of a negative remark than what I said. And yes, I am a mod, and if you don't stop your trolling, I will have to take further action. This ends here and now.

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No, trolling is when you go around and try to tick people off. And calling you aggravating was not a negative comment about you- it was a fact that you were aggravating me. Its your OPINION, and a negative one, that I have an attitude problem. The only reason you claim its not flaming is so you don't have to be in trouble. Being a mod doesn't make you above the rules. If you have a problem admitting your wrong, that doesn't give you the excuse to flame.

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