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GtkRadiant feature "Wish List"


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GtkRadiant is an open project, I've heard...meaning that it's theoretically possible for us to suggest new features and see them implemented. So I'm going to start off a wish list of GtkRadiant features, we can send them to the developers at some point.


1. JK2Radiant allowed a "select brushes only, don't replace" option in the texture search/replace dialogue...Allowing you to, say, find all the water brushes in a level, or see where a texture replacement would change things before you do it. I found that really useful, it's practically the only thing I switch back to JK2Rad for.


2. Fix whatever random issue causes system shaders (clip, trigger) to become temporarily invisible in the 3D view.

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you can get those shaders back with a flush, though no doubt you already know that.


I'd like to see mover previews in-editor, so you can check doors etc, and models instead of rectangles for npc entities.


while we're at it, why not have a real-language command line parser that'll generate maps for you..."make kick-ass map with jedi's and stormtroopers and s**t" ..... WORKING...DONE



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It would be nice if I could move more than one patch at the same time. If I select two cylinders only for example I can't move them together. They don't move just resize.


If I select a brush too or just have one of the patches different form the others (in direction mostly) then the moving works fine.


It is possible that I am too stupid to figure it out. If someone has a working idea then tell me. :D

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Originally posted by Leslie Judge

It would be nice if I could move more than one patch at the same time. If I select two cylinders only for example I can't move them together. They don't move just resize.


If I select a brush too or just have one of the patches different form the others (in direction mostly) then the moving works fine.


It is possible that I am too stupid to figure it out. If someone has a working idea then tell me. :D


Hit v for vertice mode and select all of the vertices by dragging your cursor over them, then move the patches to your desired location. Or, move the patches/cylinders from the side views (Z-X/Z-Y) and not from up top (Y-X).

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Thanks guys. But tell me: wouldn't be better if it were functioning well with patches as it does with brushes? :D


Something else what I found is that I can enter 8.5 degrees for rotation in the Surface Inspector, and it works OK. But if you save your map and reload it, the rotation is truncated to 8. So don't let me enter invalid values, or if those values aren't invalid, then save them properly.

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I'd like for the func_group option to work again. When I upgraded to the newest version of GtK, I found that the func_group just doesn't work. I've tried reinstalling, and it works perfectly other than that, so what gives? Anyone else have this problem?


I'd also like to be able to cut patch meshes, but I dare not even dream of this feature. :D


Oh, and how about something that automatically senses the degree of rotation for your brushes and adjusts the texture appropriately? Would be useful for those of us who use brushes that aren't just straight...

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Originally posted by Aru-Wen

I'd like for the func_group option to work again. When I upgraded to the newest version of GtK, I found that the func_group just doesn't work. I've tried reinstalling, and it works perfectly other than that, so what gives? Anyone else have this problem?




I'd also like to be able to cut patch meshes, but I dare not even dream of this feature. :D


Heh. You wish.


Oh, and how about something that automatically senses the degree of rotation for your brushes and adjusts the texture appropriately? Would be useful for those of us who use brushes that aren't just straight...


Just use a patch mesh for the side of an angled brush instead.

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Originally posted by AB_Legion



That just selects brush surfaces, Legion. Not the entire brush.


Just use a patch mesh for the side of an angled brush instead.


This still creates an incorrectly angled texture on my version of GtK. I've tried that one in the past. ;)

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Originally posted by Aru-Wen

That just selects brush surfaces, Legion. Not the entire brush.


What version of Gtk are you using then? If it's the latest, ctrl+alt+click does work for selecting a func_group entity. Ctrl+alt+shift+click, however, allows you to select multiple surfaces. You don't need to refer to my name in a patronizing way.


This still creates an incorrectly angled texture on my version of GtK. I've tried that one in the past. ;)


It isn't incorrectly angled, perhaps you aren't experienced enough working with patches. Also if you weren't aware of this before, there is a way to work with the texturing on a patch by hitting shift+s, rather the normal 's' for brushes.

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Originally posted by AB_Legion

What version of Gtk are you using then? If it's the latest, ctrl+alt+click does work for selecting a func_group entity. Ctrl+alt+shift+click, however, allows you to select multiple surfaces. You don't need to refer to my name in a patronizing way.

This one was my fault. CTRL+ALT+Click does let me select multiple brushes, but this isn't the problem. The problem is that the func_group option does not work like it should. For instance, I'll create 2 brushes, select them both, and then select func_group. When I click on either one of them, it should select both of them, but it doesn't. It only selects the one I clicked on.


And I wasn't refering to your name in a patronizing way, I was only refering to you by name. Using the name sounds more personal, and I often do it with those I respect (just ask Wedge or Shadriss how often I use their names in my posts when i'm refering to them). Sorry if you took it the wrong way, but I see you took a little shot at me in the next part of the message anyway.


It isn't incorrectly angled, perhaps you aren't experienced enough working with patches. Also if you weren't aware of this before, there is a way to work with the texturing on a patch by hitting shift+s, rather the normal 's' for brushes.

I've got enough experience working with patches, and I'm well aware of SHIFT+S to work with texturing patches and curves. I'm not some rookie, I know how it's supposed to work, but it doesn't - otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it. I'm working with the 1.2.11 version of GtK Radiant, by the way.

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So. ALT+SHIFT+LEFT CLICK slelcts the entire func_group by default. BUT! You can't select two func_goups at the same time with this. If you select the second one, the first one will be deselected.


If you go to Preferences \ 3D View then you can see an option for Paint Select. By default it is set to YES. If you choose NO, or YES (idon'trememberthetextinhere), then you can use a simple LEFT CLICK to select func_groups (two or more at the same time if you want) as in earlier versions.

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I saw my name! Were you talking down to me again, Aru-Wen? :)


Since were talking gtk1.2.11 I DO have on thing I'd like explained... and this time, ,it may well BE the "inexperiance" Legion was reffering to.


In JK2Rad, when I wanted to rotate a texture 90 degress and fit it, the angle would remain constant after I hit FIT. However, GTK doesn't appear to do this... I rotated a texture 180 (so that the inner portions of a top/bottom trim panel would facee each other, mirror-style) and when I FIT it, the texture auto-rotated back to the 0 degree referance point. I tried it with 90 degree rotations as well, similar result. THe only differance with the 90 degree ones is that the FIT option... doesn't fit. I get portions of the texture from another part of the square (IE it doesnt fit 2x2, it's more like 2.5x2.6).


Maybe this is an option I missed somewhere in GTK setup (as I'm new to it) or Maybe I'm all jacked up. Either way... let me know? :)

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Great idea for a thread. I'll offer a couple suggestions, but I'm a noob so correct me if anyone knows the answers:


1) Visibilty Bug - Sometimes when I func_group brushes together, or when I clone patches, the brushes disappear from 2D view (the white lines actually turn black, which makes them pretty much invisible when you are using the black and green 2D theme.


2) Marquee Select - I would love to be able to drag a big marquee around brushes I want to select in 2D view instead of having to shift-click all over the place.


3) More Modularity - It would be great to have a prefab that could be inserted into the map a million times, then if I ever want that prefab to change, I could just update the prefab file itself and it would propegate throughout the entire map. Basically being able to insert "instances" of an element rather than the element itself.



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Originally posted by clu

Great idea for a thread. I'll offer a couple suggestions, but I'm a noob so correct me if anyone knows the answers:


1) Visibilty Bug - Sometimes when I func_group brushes together, or when I clone patches, the brushes disappear from 2D view (the white lines actually turn black, which makes them pretty much invisible when you are using the black and green 2D theme.


2) Marquee Select - I would love to be able to drag a big marquee around brushes I want to select in 2D view instead of having to shift-click all over the place.


3) More Modularity - It would be great to have a prefab that could be inserted into the map a million times, then if I ever want that prefab to change, I could just update the prefab file itself and it would propegate throughout the entire map. Basically being able to insert "instances" of an element rather than the element itself.




1) So don't use the black/green theme. Problem solved, no? ;)


2) This is possible... create a brush that envelops the part you want to marqee select, then right click, choose Select, and then choose Select Inside. There are a couple of options in select, but that one works the most like what you're looking for.


3) I agree with you on this.

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2 - Even better, hold down ALT and click-drag. You can't control depth with that, but it's easy.


3 - Of course, a person might WANT to change only one instance of the prefab...both options should be available (maybe call them "prefabs" and "modules" or something, with a menu item, "insert > prefab as module"


Here's another one of my own: Gtk doesn't recognize .map files as prefabs, only .pfb files. Both should be accepted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.) When altering a texture of a func_group, it doesn't change the entire selection to that single texture. That is VERY annoying.


2.) Show shaders actually working (as an option to turn on so that you can verify positioning and how they work)


3.) Show LIGHTING! OMG! we need to see how lighting affects the level. Right now it just shows the light radius but it doesn't show you what the lighting looks like. We should have some sort of preview mode!


4.) The Sphere function doesn't seem to work for me.

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The reason lighting isn't rendered is because it would take forever to render it in real time. You know the light stage of your compile, the longest one? You would have to do that EVERY time you made a change in your map to view the effects.


The best option would be some simple stencil shadows that use algorithms similar to that of Q3Map2.


If that's too difficult to program, then I think at least we should be able to see basic shading on the level. It would take hardly any processing power and not much programming. You wouldn't see any shadows, just the level of light and some simple shading. It would be much quicker to adjust light brightness.

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I always wanted a "render" button like in any 3D program that could just give you a snapshot of whatever was in your field of view at that moment. This could let you see effects of lighting, shaders, etc but not require that you compile your whole map.


Maybe that's not technically feasible, but hey...it definitely qualifies as a wish.



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