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Occupation: Ground Assault


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Any updates? Been awhile. PC down again?


This post is mainly to keep this thread from being lost in the sea of mapping WIPs.


Can you give us a z-axis(overhead) map to give us a feeling of the size?





Were these pictures taken during the same play? The fps in number two is almost twice that of number one. The only difference is that you moved around the middle thing about 45 degrees.


<ponders what to say next for 5 minutes>


Oh well. Nothing left so say in this post.

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Hmmm, I need to work on the FPS a lot, thats to come.


I can't give you an idea of the size of the level, I'm doing it in pieces and then putting it together near the end, to save on compile times. It's gonna be...well, 4 levels, 2 cutscene levels two playable, first is the town from Occupation, second will be about the same size I guess....as for progress....my PC isn't down, I've just been involved in both another project (nothing to do with actually making a map...) of late, and Deus Ex....hey, I'm doing research into good SP :) I really need to get to work on the map some more, but when I do it will be a long time ill its screenshot worthy methinks - thanks for keeping the thread going :D


... is addictive, it represents the way I speak, and indeed think(with many pauses) quite nicely........

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  • 2 weeks later...

How's it going (your life, and the map)? This post serves the same purpose as the others in this thread. I enjoy salvaging posts that are not dead, but will be. I had an embarrasment with my first post and I don't want to talk about it.


Sematriclen, I've done something like that, and it's not too difficult (but frustrating for the first try).


Sniper towers would be nice, but remember. The player is not a jedi. He/she can't dodge sniper shots and they would be very hard to survive (for some, I'd just fire rockets at, snipe, etc.


The stormies in the towers could have merr-sonn portable missile systems. That would work out nicely.

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Well thanks for the interest man. That *little project* I had going is now open to the world. However, you're not allowed to promote non lf sites on these forums apparently, however you are presumably allowed to have it's address in your signature, which is below, its a map review site basically. Obviously I'm gonna be reviewing there but I was kinda just thinking about the site, now its open I can dedicate some real time to the map again!


Sniper towers - nice idea indeed. Like you say rocket launchers might be better than sniper rifles, we'll see. There will be some outdoor bits so they may definately come into play.


I notice to my surprise that Legion has mentioned this map on a post about showcased projects here so if anyone is reading this who hasn't before - hi there! Some new screenshots soon :) And thanks a lot Legion, much appreciated :D

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  • 1 month later...

Well, its been a loooong time, but now to get this thread back on track. Whats been happening these last few weeks and months? Part way through this project I got involved with JK2Review, and so thats slowed things down some. Recently I've been making a huge amount of progress with this again and there are going to be a lot of new screenshots in the coming days.


First a recap of the now totally formalised structure.


There are 6 maps, which follow the route below:


____________________________O2Route 1

___________________________ / \

O2Landing - O2Town - O2Security ________O2HQ

___________________________ \ /



Now O2landing is a map purely for (5 minute long ) cutscene purposes (shots up above in this thread, little has changed here except Leslie Judges work on the skybox). O2Town is a jazzed up version of the town from Occupation, with a completely new set of events. At the end of O2 Security you get to pick where to go next, route 1 or route 2. Route 1 is through storage areas then a starport, Route 2 goes across barracks and an armoury. Your chances of success will vary depending on your choice of route. I may make the two routes mearly varying in gameplay but fairly even, or I may make one far harder. Both routes lead back to the HQ, the final chapter in the map.


The architecture I'm glad to say is about 90 - 95% done. I just need to optimise it for most of the areas. Then we have NPC placement proper, items and then scripting and cutscenes. All round, I'm maybe 70-75% done.


OK, below some early screenshots from Route2:



A security nexus








Training area. Needs some work.


If any really good custom texture creators would like to step forward, I could do with some for signs and stuff like that. Full credit will of course be given.

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Now some shots from Route 1, which has been involved in more screenshots throughout this thread than Route 2.



Security area





I will be posting some extra screenshots and details about this project not avaliable on any other forums except the forums at JK2Review.com, so check it out there too :)

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I will have some shots of the re-jigged town from Occupation up hopefully tonight, as well as working on the lighting of the other maps. I've basically tried to make the external architecture a little more interesting in the town without changing the overal layout.


Lighting in all the maps needs some work, and there are a fair few errors and scale issues to work on, still I hope to have the archi pretty much done within the next few days...bout 5 extra shots at JK2Review.com so far

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At the moment I'm working on the scripting a collecting all the voice acting together. This doesn't really give me a great deal to show in showcasing, so I thought to keep things going I'd post up some more info on the characters. Character Bios will be included with the download, I will post up say one of them here every other day to keep things going. I will post a few extra ones only on the forums at jk2review.com


So, first up the central character you play, Lieutenant A Marshall


Lt. A Marshall

Republic Assault Commando Lieutenant, First Landing Team 7

Race: Human

Home Planet: Chandrila


Born on the quiet, peaceful world of Chandrilla, also home to Mon Mothma. He was a keen student, showing a particular interest in history and literature. His tranquil existence was ended with the Imperial occupation of his idyllic home world, which had opposed the Empire despite a lack of weaponry for defense. His favorite teacher and mentor was killed by Imperials and this drove him to join the Rebellion at a very young age. A rogue force user helped in his assassination, and since that day Marshall has had distrust for Jedi. He served the Rebellion initially as a scout, soon becoming a fully fledged agent. By the end of the war he was already a decorated agent, and despite his relative youth, was offered the rank of Lieutenant in the Assault Corps. Marshall no longer has the burning hate for the Imperials that Drynalt suffers from, but he believes they must be fully disbanded before the Universe can rest easy and he can return home. Since joining the Rebellion he has only returned home once, immediately after the end of the war, though he keeps in regular correspondence with his family on the planet. He is rather private about his past, infact; no one else in the Squad knows his first name, although Reton has a betting ring going on the subject. His fellow team members were initially a little skeptical that such a young Lieutenant would be fully capable of leading the team, but Marshall has won them over with a combination of bravery and tactical skill. He is not the most personable of people, but he has the full commitment of the rest of the team.

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Originally posted by Louis



So this is that you do all day...write up character bios? :p


It takes up a large enough proportion of my life to have me serious worried!


Originally posted by wudan

Hmmm, looks like you need to tweak the architecture to add some sexiness to it, and your compile options are ship-shod.


What are you using to build / compile this map?


I agree, architecture needs some extra detailing. I'm using JK2Radiant, yeh yeh I know, everyone hates it...I might possibly move over to GTK for the next map, but I think I'm too far down the road with this one to bother. I'm only doing these on Fast Vis atm, I thought as the lighting still needs a lot of work and the skybox is temporary, I'd just speed things up with that.


Thanks for the info Wedge, I'll give it my best shot then.

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Originally posted by Kengo

I'm using JK2Radiant, yeh yeh I know, everyone hates it...I might possibly move over to GTK for the next map, but I think I'm too far down the road with this one to bother.


Bah...I switched mid-map (CotA) and it went fine, the UI is identical. Plus much better compiler. Plus it doesn't die at random times.

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Originally posted by wedge2211

Bah...I switched mid-map (CotA) and it went fine, the UI is identical. Plus much better compiler. Plus it doesn't die at random times.


Yeh, and look what a fine mess THAT map turned out to be...


Hmm...ok, so maybe it didn't. :p But for me it surely would. And the sky would fall upon my head!

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Originally posted by master_thomas

Long have I tried to convince you to change, long have you said you were too lazy. In response, I have told you that some plugins make laziness less hindering. Now, you're planning to. Finally.


No I'm not, I'm considering it a possiblity for some time long into the future, maybe.


Did about 3 hours of scripting last night, slowly getting towards the end. I am half way through the biggest cutscene in the map, then I have a few more bits of scripting on the two alternate routes, then some end scripting, then I can get back to testing the level, and some more screenshots. Trying to collect all the voice acting in too now. This is definately going to be my last big proejct that I attempt all at once, on my own, EVER.


OK, another character Bio which I'm sure are already becoming the hightlight of your day...


Bail Chevolt

Republic Assault Commando Engineer, First Landing Team 7

Race: Human

Home Planet: Coruscant

Growing up on Coruscant during the Imperial years, Bail learnt an extreme disrespect for authority. His friends and he kept a quietly opposing view to the Empire, but managed to avoid a direct conflict with them which would have meant death for them and their families. Fortunately for him, Coruscant was liberated from Imperial hands shortly before he would have been of the age to be shipped out to one of the Cadet Academies. If he had reached this age, he had a pact with his best friend Wes to run away from home and go into the lower levels to hide. As it was, Bail studied as an engineer, showing good technical skills. He never lost the feeling of loathing for the Imperials, and joined up as a Republic Cadet. A shortage of Cadets with engineering skills lead to speedy promotion to the Assault Corps, though he is still pretty green in combat terms. He still finds it hard to believe there is more to the Universe than Coruscant, and he tends to be rather arrogant and ignorant, but his adolescent manner hides a much more resolute character.


EDIT: Page 4 at LAST. Did it seem to anyone else like we were on page 3 for an age?

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EDIT: Page 4 at LAST. Did it seem to anyone else like we were on page 3 for an age?

You know, you could write a biography for every storm trooper you kill, and soon we would be on page 13... Just joking :)


Well, you never know if this project is going to be finished before mine.

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Originally posted by lassev

You know, you could write a biography for every storm trooper you kill, and soon we would be on page 13... Just joking :)


Well, you never know if this project is going to be finished before mine.


Not likely man, we're talking years till my project is finished...I guess I can do a few more hours of scripting today, maybe it will make a dent.


I was thinking of doing some character bios for some of the baddies yes :)


And now, part 3 of my character Bios segement, which Lassev has described as "excellent" and "truely wonderful".


Marek Aldranicus

Republic Assault Commando, First Landing Team 7

Race: Trandoshan

Home Planet: Trandosha

A fearsome figure who has faced a great deal of mistrust. A merchant trader like his father, intolerance towards his race led him to be defensive and wary of others. Whilst trading he was offered several Wookie slaves by another Trandoshan trader, who said they were worth a great deal to the Empire. Incensed, Marek wounded the trader and freed the Wookies. They led him to the Rebellion, whom he served as an information gatherer and weapons and equipment supplier in the Outer Rim until the end of the Galactic Civil War. He was very successful, after all, who would suspect a Trandoshan was working for anyone but themselves? The irony of preconception working for him instead of against him was not lost on Marek. He intended to go back to Trading, though not with great relish, when the war ended. He quickly accepted the offer of a military posting in the Republic Assault Corps when it was offered to him. The rest of the team trust in his calm judgment and steely nerves, his bravery in the face of any odds and his amazing strength and hardiness.


Thats right, a Trandoshan is in your squad :)

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And now, part 3 of my character Bios segement, which Lassev has described as "excellent" and "truely wonderful".

Yes, and it's going to be awesome, when we actually see some bios of the bad guys. I heard they are going to be truly villainous. I mean real BAD. SO bad, you can't sleep at night after playing the campaign.

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Originally posted by lassev

Yes, and it's going to be awesome, when we actually see some bios of the bad guys. I heard they are going to be truly villainous. I mean real BAD. SO bad, you can't sleep at night after playing the campaign.


Err...yeh. Many of them hold degrees in being bad guys, and one or two have post-grads in things like 'evil laughter' and 'giving away their secret plans'. A few even have suspicious moustaches and metal claws for hands and stuff. One of the bad guys actually lectures at Bad Guy Tech, PA.


Actually, the main guy is behind a desk and not seen, and the Imperial subcommander makes a few brief appearances. The real confrontations are going to be left till part 3, which is unfortunate as it may never get completed!

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