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Great news Prime, I very much look forward to it :)


I must appologise for the lack of screenshots, here are a couple of action shots...





I'm gonna compile and test everything I've tried to work on after the first round of beta testing tommorow, more pics coming up!

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Yeah, I can tell this level contains a lot of action. And you must also be careful, because the imperials just don't leave crates and barrels of ammo lying aroung in these maps. It suit me, because it encourages the slow playing style I always cherish.


I especially liked those extraordinary (Matrix inspired?) columns in that one big room.

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Originally posted by lassev

Yeah, I can tell this level contains a lot of action. And you must also be careful, because the imperials just don't leave crates and barrels of ammo lying aroung in these maps. It suit me, because it encourages the slow playing style I always cherish.


I especially liked those extraordinary (Matrix inspired?) columns in that one big room.


I've added some more ammo and health to make it a little less impossible, but I still want it to be a challenge - its worthwhile to creep around a bit. Yeh, those columns were Matrix inspired, its an old trick I used in Prison Escape, always worth re-using old material I say :)

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Originally posted by master_thomas

I'm thinking that my gun-shot-dynamic-light mod would look good with the RN-115 Assault Blaster Rifle.


I appreciate the thought but I'm not very fond of that look myself. All the gun modding is pretty much almost done already. More pics tonight or tommorow, beta testing continues...slowly reducing the massive list of problems :)

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Well, after some more work and testing last night, I'm basically declaring the mapping and scripting done! All that remain now are getting all the subtitles working, and some outside resources, and the documentation. Does anyone have any ideas why sometimes subtitles in palces don't work. It all works except for two maps, which work for a few lines then stop working. Any ideas? Frankly, I'm glad to have reached this point where I can now take a more lesuirely apporach to the project until its done, because yesterday my right eye was twitching all day...and now I seem to have RSI on my clicking finger on the right hand :D


I'll have some time to put some more shots up later :)

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Originally posted by Kengo

All that remain now are getting all the subtitles working, and some outside resources, and the documentation.

I would be one of those "outside resources". :) I have the the basic trooper pretty much done, and I am just trying a few tweeks here and there. However, I find that most of the tweeks I try at this point I'm deciding against, which tends to mean I'm done :) Hopefully this weekend I finish the trooper outfit, and then I can start on finishing the different characters. This shouldn't take too long, since the suit should fit the different models, because most use the same body. I'm aiming for everything to be done by next weekend.


Kengo, I'll probably send you some updated screenshots early next week...

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Hey Kengo, this mod just keeps getting better and better. I played your previous works and i especially enjoyed your prison escape map. Some great work there. Now this project just sounds groundbreaking in terms of gameplay and also adds a new dimension to JO. I also think it's pretty awesome that you can include some new weapons ingame instead of having the same old ones we always use.


Hey is there any place where we can download the DL-44? I always wanted to use the weapon and i seen model shots of one in progress about a year ago but it looks like the guy never completed it.

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From news gathered everywhere, I think we are going to get the final product next week, aren't we? Considering the number of third party components, it's a good achievement to integrate it all together to a working packet. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the faces of the biographied fellows and hearing their voices. The cinematics should prove interesting now that everything is at it's proper place.


And also I'm looking forward to playing the game without my bullets running out and crying desperately for even one little bacta. Man, it was hard...

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Sorry to say I found out earlier today due to outside resources it will be delayed maybe a week or so, possibly a bit more depending. However, never fear, I'm gonna get some screenshots up later, and I now have the documentation pretty much done, the subtitles should be fixed (thanks to Leslie) and I have of course added some SERIOUS ammo :D Gonna work on the levelshots later too, and just throwing in as many extras as I can.


I've added a lightsaber as an extra special Easter Egg for all those beta tester who said they missed having it around :) It's so obscure though, you should only find it after you see its location revealed at the end of the end credits...

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Originally posted by Kengo

Sorry to say I found out earlier today due to outside resources it will be delayed maybe a week or so, possibly a bit more depending...

This is my fault guys. I am on vacation this week and unfortunately I didn't get my part finished before I left like I had hoped. But as soon as I get back next week I'll finish things up. It shouldn't take long at all (a few days at most).


So direct your flames and blame at me for delaying this awesome project. Sorry :(

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Hey Prime, worry ye not, your great work on these skins is very much appreciated and I am happy to wait while you take a well earned break, it just gives me the opportunity to polish things some :D I know you aren't the type to rush something just to get it done if it isn't going to be as good as you want, and I respect that as well. It's actually pretty well timed for me anyway, I have a few things coming up that would have slowed the project down anyway.

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Some promised screenshots:






A (kind of) new NPC you may rememebr...the Imperial Commando! Model by Corto Maltes (http://www.cortocg.com)



Take some of THIS



An older shot with temporary skybox, just to show some architectural stuff


I'm trying to show some good stuff without giving everything away...


Been working on the documentation a lot, yet another character bio:


Micheal Jameson

Head of Galtech Industries

Race: Human

Home Planet: Corellia

Voice Actor: (In Occupation) Erik "Muurn" Moon


Galtech's founder Micheal Jameson is well known for going against the established system and it was a typical act for him to base his company on a planet not in the busiest parts of the Hub but somewhere between the Hub and the Rim of the Republic. A Corellian with a strong independant streak, he often visits his beloved homeworld. Details of his activities in the Galactic Civil war, and in the years preceeding it are hazy at best, certainly he did not set up Galtech until shortly after the Galatic Civil War ended. There are many rumours about his past, none have much proof behind them. Kyle doesn't trust him, along with several important New Republic figures. Also disliked by much of the Corperate sector in general, he appears to be low on friends.

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Nice screenshots. Quite finely elaborate the fact that many of your enemies in this campaign are not of the usual stock. It would be nice of you to show the faces of the biographied fellows, if you don't think it would spoil too much.


However, you could still, now that Prime gave you an excuse, do some juicy texture alignment. For example, if you look at your second figure, you see that the texture on the wall with the lamp does not end near the ceiling, as does the same texture on the wall with the doorway or in the corridor.


And if I may suggest further, it wouldn't hurt to add a couple'o'windows to your town. In fact, now that I think of it, it might be a good advice to me likewise. Maybe I should spend an hour or two to add some windows to the beautiful archipelago surrounding Lighthouse. Oh, thanks for giving me this idea!

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