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Bastila the almighty


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i didn't mean it like that but mabye both jedi and sith used force lightining at that time, remember at that time a double bladed lightsaber was rather comon but in the movies it's almost not used for a millenia. cause it was used to duel multiple enemies and as the sith were belived to be extinct they had no use for it.


and do remember im only speculating here.

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I've always just thought of lightning as another force power that the Jedi choose not to use. I'm sure Yoda could dish out lightning if he wanted to. Why the Jedi choose not to use it I don't know. Perhaps KOTOR will give us some answers! In fact, now I think about it, lightning is a very agressive force power and the Jedi we see in the movies only use the force for defensive purposes. Perhaps the use of aggresive force powers is the key to the decent of a lot of Jedi so the council rules that certain force powers are not to be used. Grip is another one, we have only ever seen Vader using it.

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Originally posted by leXX

Grip is another one, we have only ever seen Vader using it.


Correction: In Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, we see Luke use force grip on the two Gammorean guards at Jabba' palace.


I don't remember Luke being around Vader when Vader used force grip, so I don't know how Luke even stumbled unto that force power. Maybe he read about it Obi-wan's hut on Tantooine during the events of Shadows of the Empire(EU). Or maybe Yoda actually taught him to use it. However, it is unknown wether it is to show that Luke, unguided as he was, teetered perilously close to the dark side, or not.

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Force grip is just using telekenesis to grip them around the neck rather than lifting an X-wing or somesuch. You could look at it from a number of ways but I always thought it was just the quickest and quietest way to get them out of the way.


You can look at the lightning thing a few ways too, I don't see y a Jedi couldn't use that power in any given situation, although "a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and...." "sometimes the best defense is offense" well imo, plus if u used it in a non-combat situation e.g. to fry some control panel to free ur friends how is that bad(then of course people argue that u use hatred to create the lightning etc....)

In the game it would have to be more black and white about what I said but yea..maybe I have just seen too many ethical/philsophical debates about the force.

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Even when you're playing a Dark Sider, Raven?


In a way, I'd personally enjoy if you didn't have to fight Malak in the end, despite the whole "he-is-in-your-way-to-top" aspect. I personally hope to see that you can betray and defeat him close to the ending, and then take the Sith Army and start your final assault against those meddling Jedis... meeting some of your old friends amongst the way, and slicing them down, forever putting you on the Dark Side.

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Originally posted by Ulic Qel-Droma

yes i like the idea of betraing malak at teh end and launch a grand assault on the jedi academy, that would be cool.


I don't think you'll get to betray Malak cause I think even when you're evil you want to defeat him. I think either side of the force, dark or light, you'll have a reason for wanting to kill Malak. Whether it be for the good of the galaxy or evil revenge.

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