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Darth Sidious In here


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I am exited about SWG. Most of my time i am on sites looking for groups and videos. So who out there is exited? i am.

Oh yeah my question. So people i have decided to be a Bounty Hunter, well i hope. Darth Sidious i want you to tell me more about ur group plz. Reply to this with the info on your group:

1. How many members

2. what plantet ur group ull be living on.

3. what are u most likely be doing in the group (crime / peace keeping / neutrals) an so on.

Reply soon.

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Let us see how well I can answer your questions. ;)


1) Membership.

Currently we have 7 members, with two people besides yourself seriously considering. I am working on a merger with another similar PA of around ten more members. Also, another member of ours is working out details with another group of players with more than fifty members. I anticipate at LEAST 30+ members before launch.


2) Location.

We intend to start on Corellia, but no planet will be left out if we grow to the proportions I intend. Corellia will be a great place to start as we can foil the plans of the Associates at every turn. Oh no, I thought this was a PM ;)

Seriously though, Corellia will probably be one of the most active planets and we want to be a part of that. We will probably start out in Coronet.


3) Well, our PA is Neutral with Imperial sympathies. What that means is, we will lean toward the Imperials cause without fully supporting it. As far as our plans, well much of that will be kept secretive to build the mystery of the PA. I have not released most of the info to our members and have no intention of posting it here. The circle of our leaders will know the most of our goals and aspirations, but the lower ranking individuals will be on a more need to know basis.


Anything else you want to know, please click on the 'PM' icon below my name and send me a private message there. Most of these people don't want to hear my senseless babble anyway. :p

You can check your PMs by going to the 'User CP' button above and then click on the 'Private Message' link on the far right of the panel it brings up.



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Hey, I made an offer to your venerable leaders. They turned it down, so guess where you're going? j/k


To those leaders I spoke to, the offers still stand. It would be very beneficial to both of our organizations I feel. PM me and let me know.


My PA does accept people that are already members of other PAs, so all members of the Associates are still welcome. ;)


*tempts you with white chocolate covered Gnorts*

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It's always been Corellia Setsuko. What, did you think I'd make my faithful followers dump sand from their boots on Tattooine. Id' only go their to try the old 'Ocean Reclamation' scam.


The following is a dramatization:

"Yes, excuse me sir, I have a proposal I doubt anyone could ever pass on. Here on Tattooine we will soon begin the first Ocean Reclamation project. We will be taking water from under the planets crust and settling it above the sand. In the process creating a large ocean. Now, I know what your thinking, this will never work, but I assure you the scientists are already working on it. In fact, they have just begun choosing which type of oceanic life to bring here to inhabit the seas. What I am going to offer you is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You can be one of the first to own property on the beaches of Tattooine. With a small 10,000 credit payment you will be on your way to the good life. Now imagine, drinking various native cocktails whilst enjoying a nice cool breeze off of the ocean in your own back yard. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it isn't. Now sir, how many plots should I put you down for?"

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KOS? Dare I ask?


I fear that in order for you to do anything to me......you must find me first. I think it is quite obvious that my name will not be Darth Sidious, but what will it be....??


Potential names for Sidious:

Arthur Ponchorelli

Arthur Fonzarelli

Chocolate Gnort

Slim Shady

Ozzy Osbourne

Cliff Burton (God rest his soul)

Ron Mcgovney

Scooby Doo



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Calm down Thracken. We don't want to make enemies yet. ;)

Besides, I don't plan on having a KOS list.


Reborn, I am aiming at between 30 and 40 members. That should be great to start. I was just messing with Wraith, but I fear he is actually starting to take me seriously. Not enough smilies perhaps.


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


BTW, I chose Starsider before I knew the Associates were going to be there. Purely a coincidence. I picked it because it's the official unofficial RP server.

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I know, I was able to read it the first time. :p

Seriously though, I thought I did put a lot of :D;):p 's in there, but sometimes I get carried away typing and forget. I read words with the tone of my voice in them already. Sometimes, when I don't get someones post I try it with different influctions in my tone. Sounds odd I know. Anway. :p:D;)

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Originally posted by Gaalgoth

Just remember....41 to 7 aren't good odds in your favor. =) And to any Associates members that read this, feel free to join his group, but keep in mind that if you do and any information is leeked to him, you will be killed on sight. That is all


Hey hey, it's 41 to 10 now. ;)

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