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Free Picture Sigs and More On the Way!!!

Lost Welshman

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Originally posted by Lost Welshman


7. Uruk-Hai Sig:





WOW! :eek: when i saw the first Uruk-Hai in FOTR i thought.... I GOTTA MAKE THAT FOR JK2! , can i please use this picture as a refference pic for his face? (very clear facial shot and i though you might wanted the copyrights or something if this goes on my site as concept art)

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grrrrrrrrrrrrr. it was up there for a while. not too long a while but still.


oh well, here are some images (that i hope will work. im taking your advice and just posting the links. the rest is up to imagestation).








these are all at 50% resolution, anybody who wants any shot from any scene in the two towers or fellowship. this is the place to ask, ill post the links and i can say with some confidence that lost or matt will make it look very nice for you.




oh and if you really want, any scene from ROTJ or ESB or Robinhood men in tights. though the quality will be slightlly (not much) lower



edit: ok TOTALLY not working. grrrr, this is making me mad. i have absolutely no experience with making websites so hosting them myself is kind of out of the question for me (unless its really really easy and somebody tells me how).


why wont imagestation let it work? are their any free sites that will?

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thanks matt. as for the size i can scale it down or up or whatever pretty easily to make it fit the sig limit. i just thought id show the quality here. plus i figured that you and lost would be alot better at that editing stuff so you'd do it yourself. now to see if my website actually does what its supposed to do.




edit: ok it shows up for me but that may be a matter of time (knowing my luck). this is at 50% of the original size i think.


any particular scene anybody wants?

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I was fooling around witha art program I found on my PC (ACD something...) and converted my current sig to look like it was on a wall. I didn't save it, but check what I made with the newly discovered feature!


Tell me if you like it, probably won't use it. It doesn't fit my name or colored name....



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Originally posted by Lost Welshman

yeah, I dont know who Eldar Is?, I feel totally stupid and ignorant now. Tell me who he is and Ill fix something up.


Also, bacause of your nifty Avatar, Flanders, I might make you a LeChuck Sig, from CMI.


I would love if you did that! :D

EDIT: Look at this lechuck_ani3.gif I might use that as an avatar

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Originally posted by Lost Welshman

Ok. Here is one I just made quickly, and I must say its looking pretty cool.


8. Gandalf The White Sig.






Hope you enjoy the sig I made you Wes, and I hope you get your points soon.


Im working on Flanders and RpHotRods ones right now.


Is that taken? If not, can I have it?


*** Oh, does this cost anything?

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Ok, I said they were free, BUT... After Katarn07s sig im gonna charge 20 points for a templated sig and 50 for one that I have to look around to make. Unless Katarn07 your willing to give me a little bit of help on my way to getting a sig.


This is because it is taking up alot of my time to make these sigs, if you protest ill probly listen, being the good hearted person I am.


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