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steal massive ships in the expansion


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I dont know where but i think i heard you will b able to pilot large ships in the expansion co-oparatly


It would b kinda neat if you could pilot large ships like the millenion falcon or even star destroyers:vsd: co-coparatly


and if you could it would also b kinda neat if you can attack and steal a large craft while its in space like say your in a smaller but big ship with like 20 other people (probibly not gunna get that may people in 1 ship) but you get into the enemy ship and the people from your ship come out and run to the comand area, kill the pilots, sit down, and start flying.:)


you would probibly get killed realy quick:(


but if you do pull it off then you clean out the ship of enemys(hopefully), land it and sell it for tons of money. you could even sell it back to the owner maybe


you would probibly get the group that owned of the ship mad at you and b hunted by bounty hunters maybe:( but you get a ton of money:)


I dont no if this is how it would b but it seems to sound fun in some wierd way:)


what do you all think of the idea?

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hey thew are you sure you cant steal ships? i will see if there are any questions on it. ahh




9.03 What will happen to my vehicles when I log out?


Vehicles are planned to stick around for a while if left unattended, but not forever. The safe way to keep hold of your vehicle is to store it, and we're going to provide ways to do that.




ah look at this:) this might mean it just goes awayor someone could steal it thats all i could find

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The main reason against stealing items/ships, is because it is a clear example of one player having fun at someone elses expense. Really big expense, in the case of spaceships.


But shooting players? Now isn't that at someone elses cost? Not in the same way. If you get shot by a player, it is because you are in a free-for-all zone, in case it is totally your fault, or because you are an overt member of a faction, and if so, it is totally your own choise. To put it simple: I'd get more pissed if my blaster is stolen than if I get shot in PvP combat 10 000 times.


Game functions that makes people really pissed = bad game functions. There's a reason why the devs left stealing out of the game. :)


Though, I must agree that the thought of cooperating and flying large ships together is not just a little bit exiting. I call shotgun!!!

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uhmm for people who are not that familiar with some of the developers abbreviations.. i made a small dictonary page on the associates website with some of those abbreviations:




edit: the page looks a bit silly cause the background isnt all right.

but if you check out the mains site there is no problem:


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Originally posted by Wraith 8

uhmm for people who are not that familiar with some of the developers abbreviations.. i made a small dictonary page on the associates website with some of those abbreviations:




edit: the page looks a bit silly cause the background isnt all right.

but if you check out the mains site there is no problem:




Ah, the joys of shameless advertising :p

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Go Wraithy! Go Wraithy! Go-go-go Wraithy! :D


That's the advantage of having a PA based on this forum. Corrupt? Yes. Nepotistic? You bet! Working? Laughing all the way to the bank, hehehe.... :D


Seriously, though. Abbrevation lists are good for players new to the mmorpg scene. After all, the lingo is special, and everyone doesn't immediately understand what kiting, TFS and tanking means. Once you get the hang of such things, the rest is much easier.


[EDIT] Short list. I'll send you some more useful terms if I get some time over this week. However, this will be a mighty busy week for me, so no promises.

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