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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*after some battling:lsduel: zaius powerfully knocks Lexx Down*


we do not have to fight , join the darkside, join me and together we shall rule the Cantina:sithm:


*Zaius patiently waits for Lexx to respond keeping his guard up for any interloopers*


and oh yes, JediNyt your next after she responds, just would like to let you to know

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Darth Zaius' voice booms thruout the Cantina to leXX.

"we do not have to fight , join the darkside, join me and together we shall rule the Cantina"


Quietly ckcsaber slinks behind an upturned table and grabs 2 arrows from his quiver. He lets them both fly, one after another. They each find their mark, one in Zaius and the other in leXX.


They 2 bodies collapse to the floor. Cackling gleefully, ckcsaber looks for Darth Zauis' wallet, until he realizes he already stole it:D . He then takes leXX's purse and runs away into the shadows.


leXX and Zaius are down for 2 posts

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*Sees ckc run away*


Hey! Wait!


*Begins to run after him into a dark part of the bar*




*Reaches out with the force, trying to discover his location*


*ckc jumps down swiping with his saber, but Darky rolls out of harms reach and draws his saber, ready to fight*



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ckcsaber ignites his saber. The familiar snap-hiss fills the room.


The 2 circle each other, swinging their sabers, looking for an opening.


Darklighter quickly parries aside an astray slash from ckcsaber, and counters with an onslaught of attacks, backing ckcsaber into the wall. Barely able too keep up, ckcsaber is pushed completly on the defensive.


As the wall looms closer, ckcsaber quickly leaps backwards, throwing down a flash-grenade......

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*Darky sees the grenade, and in the blink of an eye, rolls to the side underneath a table and sheilds his eyes*


*As the light fades, he jumps from beneath the table and looks up at ckc*


You're not getting away that easily...


*Jumps up to where ckc is standing and starts to attack forcefully, but ckc parries and blocks every single shot*


*ckc strikes overhead, but is caught off guard, and Darky force pushes him so he is hanging onto the ledge by one hand*

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With one hand gripping the ledge, beads of sweat drip into ckcsaber's. He stares up at Darklighter, who begins a downward stroke to finish ckcsaber.


With a twist of his body, ckcsaber flings himself away from the ledge, and Darklighters blade. He can smell his singed cloak, thanks to Dark'ys blade.


As ckcsaber lands deftly to the floor, Darklighter jumps down and begins his attack once again. The 2 jump towards each other, and meet in mid-air, sabers clashing. ckcsaber's muscles strain as he now attacks with more vigor.....

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*stumbles around drunkingly*

Hey, whats going on, Man?

*hears the battling*

Mebe its the Boogy Man...

*uses his Psionic powers to spin abuncha tables*

*throws one at JediNyt*


*misses and hits one of the confused laywers*

...Hi, Jedi:D...

*pulls out his Sith Sword and awaits Jedi's attack*

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*Darklighter parries, dodging ckc's more violent attacks, as ckc drives him back. Suddenly Darky leaps into the air above his head, flipping over and facing his back, about to strike*


*ckc quickly flips round and knocking Darky's saber to the side, then striking Darky on the shoulder and then again, ripping his cloak*


*Darky furiously fights back, throwing powerful attacks at ckc, before knocking him to the ground, hitting his saber out of the way and dangling his saber's edge inches away from his face*


Give up yet?...

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*shakes off the drunkeness and dives out of the steamrollers path*

YAH!!! what the...

*uses his overzealous telekenesis and throws the steamroller into JediNyt, smashing him through a wall*

*JediNyt spends 2 posts getting the bloody thing off of him*

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Staring down the length of the blade, ckcsaber could smell the stink of ozone emitting from Darky's burnt coat.


"Give up yet?" Darky smugly says, pushing the blade a few mere inches from ckcsabers throat.


ckcsaber quickly kicks Darky in the nads/groin/privates, and rolls to the side. ckc yelp's out in pain as Darky's blade slices the skin above his shoulder. As ckc rolls to a stop he see's his saber lying on the ground. Without a thought he quickly grabs it and leaps in the air, blade snap-hissing mid-air.


As the two face off once more, a cold rage fills ckcsaber's opponents eyes. Their blades crash together mightily, locked, each of them standing their ground with desperate strength.


ckcsaber quickly pulls his blade back from the lock and thrusts his blade into the leg of Darklighter, just as Darklighter......

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...just as Darklighter swipes at ckc's shoulder as he tries to duck, cutting the top of his clothes. Blood began to leak through his clothes as he yelped in pain, drawing his blade out of Darklighter quickly. Darklighter shouted in agony, as he fell to his knees, grasping the wound.


ckc slowly walked back to Darklighter, looking down at him through his blood-drenched over-garments with a disgusted smirk on his face.


"Well done" Darklighter said as he stood up, now letting go of his leg, and trying with great effort to balance. He started to laugh innocently.


"What's so funny?" came ckc's cold response.


"I've just...never been beaten before" he chuckled slightly, then stood with parallel feet and bowed slightly.


"We will meet again, ckc..." as he said this, he backflipped high into the air, and disappeared into the shadows before ckc even had a chance to blink.

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*Finally gets the steam roller off himself and Force throws it through the window smashing MydnightPsion and burying him in the ground under the weight.*


Payback...its funner...:D


MydnightPsion is stuck in the ground under the steam roller for 2 posts.

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*Darth Zaius rises up, with lightsaber turned on sneakds behind and impales cksaber through his back*


JediNyt we have some unfinished buisness to take care of, and believe me, I shall not back out like last time


HAVART THOU!!!!!!:duel:


*Darth Zaius and JediNyt saber battle undisturbed by anybody else for 5 posts*


*cksaber is dead for 3 posts*

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gets an idea*


returns from system he fled to*


boinga1 hops in the UPS Ford Taurus, and drives by the bar. he then unloads a random barrage with his blaster. his scattered and inaccurate shots nonetheless send occupants diving for cover. Boinga1 then sees several not-too-nice looking fellows with glowing swords heading towards him and decides to flee. he floors it and heads back to a spaceport as fast as a 200 mph car can go...


*several bystanders are out for a few posts.


* none of the major fighters are hurt, just really ticked.

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*Corran frowns and looks around, realizing that he'd become a bit too immersed in his tea. He sees Psion causing random senseless violence.*


"Quickly, Psion! Stop that before some of the evil lawyers sue you!"


*Psion laughs insanely and throws some bricks at Corran. They all miss, thanks to the Force.*


"Okay, stop that, it's not funny."


*Psion continues to throw bricks.*


"I'm warning you..."


*Psion finally throws a brick that's on-target, and it shatters Corran's teacup.*


"All right! I'm sorry, Psi, but that's just taking it too far. Nobody touches my teacup."


*Corran pulls out his handy-dandy Zapper and zaps Psion good.*


Psion's nerve endings are randomly firing for 4 posts

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*after fighting JediNyt for seeming it had been going on for nearly an eternity, Zaius pushes JediNyt high against the wall knocking him out cold*


time to die!


*thinking quickly Zaius uses force drain untill JediNyt is nothing more than a shrivelled up skeleton*


*JediNyt is dead for 3 posts*


CorranSec itseems we too have had a share of unfinished buisness to take care of


*Darth Zaius jumps forward at corran, lightsaber comming down but is blocked by corrans lightsaber and impaled by one of his handy bowie knifes through his kidney area, knowing that his time is now short, Zaius backs up a bit into a corner with all his strength and begins to slowly die*


*Darth Zaius is immobile and slowly dies in 5 posts*

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*stands up* Damn nervous system...

*looks at Homer shivering on the floor, holding his sack*...HA!!

Corran, man, that wasn't cool...*makes the roof collapse onto...Darth Homer, burying him for an extra 3 posts*

Whoops...I need to work on my aim...*starts to dig out Homer for 2 posts*

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