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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*Slowly walks over to the bar*


"Uh, Bartender?"


*Notices a corpse lying against the floor*




*Yanks a glass and pours some Corellian ale*


"Hopefully no one will hurt me, break any of my arms, or throw misc. items at my head! :)"

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Err.. Pnut, you needt worry - we would NEVER do anything like that...



We can come up with MUCH better than that...





Try this for instance...


*Set fire to P_Nuts hair...*


No? Then what about this...


*swaps his drink for beaker of acid*


Still not what you were after... try this then....


*covers him in bees honey and leaves hi to and angry mob of African Killer Bes*


What - how can that not be it... Look, Im kinda running out of ideas here....


*feeds him a napalm grenade*


OKAY! Look - the best I got next, okay!


*beats him to death with a wet kipper*


Oh dear! Think I over stepped the mark just then....



Pnut_Master is out for 1 post per injury... 5 posts... actually, makes that 6 posts - that wet kipper strike was quite visious!

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*rises slowly*

*his army, seeing him reborn, regains their composure and destroy's Zauis army*

*my army binds Zauis with Psionic powers*

*I walk up, draw my Wrath of a Mind's Hell double sword, and proceed to cut Zauis in half*

*my army now decimates whatever is left of Zauis' army*

*we free the Cantina from his rule*

Now Zauis, my army doth rule supreme over your LIFELESS corpse!

*Zauis is down for 5 rounds from lack of self esteem cuz he lost*

*and then he realizes he's dead for another 10*



EDIT: Unofficial message from Moderator Lexx: OWNED!!!

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reincarnates himself as Obi-wan kenobi (see avatar), and returns to the bar, hoping to defeat Darth Homer.


Homer walks through the bar when a Jedi falls from the ceiling and engages him in battle. Homer uses his force grip again, and boinga1 (as obi), with his dying breath, strikes down Homer, then falls dead himself.


Boinga1 and Darth Homer are out for 4 posts each

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No Zaius, you shant return...

*pulls out the mighty Soul Reaver*

...for I am here to make sure of that...

*swings it into the incorpreal form of Zaius*

*Zaius laughs*Zaius: You fool, Mydnight! No material weapons can harm me now! I am more powerful than ever before!!

*a smirk comes across Mydnight's face*...then why, Zaius, is your soul being drawn into this sword?

*Zaius looks down with an evil grin, before realizing that indeed his soul is being devoured by the Reaver*Zaius: DAMN YOU, MYDNIGHT!! DAMN YOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooouu....!*Zaius soul is now trapped in the Soul Reaver, until such a time when it can be released...which probably won't be for awhile*

Now, Zaius...the people of the Cantina are free from your blasphemous Sith tyranny...though I may have destroyed a tyrant only to make one far worse...

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*Corran sits watching all of this. He sees Zaius' soul drawn into the Soul Reaver, and Mydnight seems to gain a kind of power. Corran gasps, downs the rest of his miraculously unharmed tea, and gets up.*


"Mydnight.. what are you doing! You must know what that weapon can do... you've absorbed Zaius' lust for power!"


*Mydnight grins manically and begins destroying random objects.*


"Zaius... what have you done..."


*Corran shakes his head sadly, then draws his saber smoothly and ignites it with his right hand. With his left, he draws a small hand crossbow, and fires at Mydnight twice.*


*Mydnight dodges the shots, and turns upon Corran.*

*Corran shoves the crossbow back in his pocket and switches his saber to his left hand.*

*Mydnight leaps at Corran, swinging with the Soul Reaver wildly.*

*Corran tries to block, but his saber is knocked out of his hand. It spins off across the cantina, cutting a few tables in half, and taking a few inches off $am's hair.*

*Corran dives onto a lightsaber lying next to a random corpse. He ignites it. It's blue.*

*Corran and Mydnight duel. They battle back and forth across the cantina. Corran begins to tire, but Mydnight never falters.*

*Finally, Mydnight knocks Corran down. He raises his sword for a final strike. Corran is too weak to block it physically...*

*Corran's orange lightsaber comes whizzing over and blocks the strike. Corran leaps up, grabs it out of the air, and stabs Mydnight through the chest with both blades.*


Mydnight Psion is quite dead for 6 posts

$am is at a hair regrowth facility for 2 posts

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*Homer walks over to Corran*


You should be more careful with your blade, next time you lose it you may pay with your head.


*starts searching for the Soul Reaver & sabers nova_wolf who happened to be in the way*


nova_wolf is down for 3 posts


Now where did that sword go?

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noticing inside the sword that he is not constricted to it for a certain amount of posts (next time remember:p )and just plainly releases himself from the sword


*still in ghost form:holosid:*


thank you corran for killing MydnightPsion, and as a token of my appreciation, I shall exterminate any single person in this cantina (with the exception of the admins,mods and my sith bretherin) and I shall spare your life, and after that I shall resume my haunting duties of the cantina


*Darth Zaius calmly waits for corran`s response*

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*Pnut enters the Cantina once again*




*Pnut grabs a lightsaber from his belt and activates it*


*Pnut slices off Nova's head with the lightsaber*


Nova Wolf is out for 4 posts


EDIT: Didn't see above post, just add 4 posts to that count ;)

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returns to life in his own body....


Wanders into the bar some hours later, carrying an item dreaded by many....an ysalimiri....yes, the creature that blocks out the force (EU books...read 'em)!


As the jedi and sith around him, stripped of their powers, move to attack, Boinga1 assembles an E-WEB heavy repeating blaster. He begins mowing down jedi.


CorranSec, Pnut_Master, and Darth Homer are out for 3 posts because Boinga1 forgot to charge the blaster fully...


Boinga1, under heavy fire from non-jedi members of the catina, retreats to cover behind a table and decides that, in retrospect, this wasn't a good idea. He then activates a class-C Thermal Detonator, and keys it to his own heart rate (Boinga1 dies, bomb explodes). He then waits for someone to come attack him, and hopes the charge on his blaster is high enough that maybe he won't need that TD.

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*a past version of Mydnight returns, bearing another Soul Reaver*

*runs up behind boniga and cuts him down with it, killing him for 3 posts*

*seeing Zaius returned, he enters a duel with him that lasts until I next post*

*Corran watches as the duel goes on, knowing the TRUE power of the Soul Reaver, but does nothing because he knows the consequences of Zaius' rule*

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*still in ghost form:holosid:*


*sees what happens*


woah...I should lay off the beer


*steals another beer from the bartender drinks some and puts it right in fron of nova_wolf so he`ll have to pay*


*begins to haunt the cantina in response of not being replied to and CorranSec dieing*


*haunts LeXX*




*a Note to MydnightPsion: im still a ghost remember, and Im just doing my usual haunting, and anyways you cant kill a person if he is a ghost, or just plain dead*

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I return!..... But Im kinda short of ideas now....


Hell - I have even used the wet kiper attack... kinda low on offense strategies....


nova_wolf wanders off into the deepest darkest wilderness for 4 posts in an attempt to find a new method of attack....

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Boinga1's Thermal Detonater (the one keyed to his heart rate) finally goes off.


Past form of MidnightPsion as well as Captain wing as blown up for 4 posts


Boinga1's spirit then goes off for 2 posts to meditate upon what he should reincarnate himself as....

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Ah... so the fate of the Sould Reaver and the cantina in general shall be decided in one mighty battle between Psion and Zaius (if Zaius decides to be sporting and not be a ghost), eh?



*gets some popcorn*


And Zaius, I am concerned over your proposal. Allowing a Sith to wantonly release his powers on innocents would be violating my Jedi-ness. But...

These people are far from innocent. They throw random objects at random people. And better the devil you know. Slay away!

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*in ghost form:holosid:*


as you wish Corran


*Darth Zaius goes ballistic and kills almost everybody by possessing them and killing them in ways that goes beyond the term "Gratuitous violence"*


everybody in the cantina is dead for 4 posts and are horridly disfigured for 8 posts (besides the sith, mods, administrators, Corran and yours truly...wait a sec im already dead)

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