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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*before Zaius possesses him, Mydnight uses his Psionics to trap Zaius ghost in a small gem*

No Zaius, you know better...*Zaius will not be released until he agrees to come back to material form and I let his spirit loose*

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*nova_wolf returns with a new arsenal - logic....*


Originally posted by Darth Zaius

everybody in the cantina is dead for 4 posts and are horridly disfigured for 8 posts (besides the sith, mods, administrators, Corran and yours truly...wait a sec im already dead)


But if we are all dead, and therefore unable to post, thee would be no posts to count to four before everyone could come back to life and then start to post again without you having to Troll it up by posting 4 times in a row....


Zaius is out for an additional 4 posts whilst he is caught in such a devious logical mind trap

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*Boinga1's spirit returns from meditating, and reincarnates as.....a stromtrooper commander (one with the bad repeater guns, OK it sounds lame but trust me here).*


He leads his squad of stormtroopers into the bar. Unfortunately, the other troopers are soulless idiots and pull their triggers randomly pointing at random objects.


One shoots Captain wing's GameCube- wing is out for 2 posts fixing his GC


Another shoots CorranSec-Corransec is out for 1 post


The other troopers begin shooting each other, clueless and poorly trained. Boinga1 takes out them (and himself) in disgust with a Class-A Thermal Detentor. In addition, StarCords is out for 3 posts. Boinga1 is dead for 3 as well.


In addition, the local Imperial Garrison has noticed Boinga's use of their troops as well as the bar fight. They are sending more stupid troopers to "secure the bar" in 3 posts.

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*Corran peeks out a window*


"Um, it appears that there are stormtroopers coming."


*Corran hastily sets up barricades, automated turrets, non-automated turrets, weapons lockers, and build a few sentinel droids (armed with blasters).*


*The stupid troopers continue their march...*

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*Homer stops & looks up*


*wispering to everyone*

Corran, Psion, Zaius, Death...there is a scouting party outside...


Corran & Psion go out back...attack them from the rear, Death_jedi, Zaius and myself will attack them head-on...wait for us to attack first before you come out...catch them by surprise


*Corran & Psion run out the back, while Homer, Death, & Zaius ready themselves for the assault*






*The three burst the the door and windows of the cantina, sabers ignited and ready. A hail of blaster fire erupts, each of the three holds their own, deflecting shot after shot. Corran and Psion run up behind the squad and start to take down the troopers. This distract them long enough for Homer, Death, & Zaius to rush the remaining troops and finish them off.*


That was too easy...


*Homer looks around nervously*


Back to the cantina!! NOW!!!

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Look at the pathetic worms that assault us! THEY FALL BY THE SCORE!!! *dives into the Cantina through the window* THE DAY IS OURS!!! HAHAHA!!! *leans out the window and almost gets shot* YOUR RESISTANCE SHALL BE NOTED!! *ducks back in*

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*Homer calmly walks out into the middle of the fire fight, deflecting what blaster shots come his way*


When I give the signal, Death, run for the cantina...


*Homer raises his hand*


*Lightening is released from his fingertips...droids are dropping like flies*




*Homer stands taking direct fire while Death_Jedi makes his way back to the cantina*


*Homer uses dark rage to charge the droids...*

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''ARRR my arm make the pain go away''

*then a loud noise comes flying into the room*


*a big explosion causing a chair to go flying and hit me in the head*

''ARRRRRR my head''

*Homer pokes his head out the window and their are 10 bounty hunters standing outside each carrying heavy weapons*

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now for my trap to work


*Darth Zaius presses a button under one of the tables and suddenlt a giant log comes flying down,rope attached to the top of the wall and breaks off with an ewok riding on it shooting storm troopers with a mini blaster in his hand, shooting all of the bounty hunters to death and running over 5 storm troopers that were trying to get in the cantina. and the ewok rides down the hill*


where`d that ewok come from? Homer!


*Darth Zaius quickly uses sith force shield and force pushes all of the fire back to them killing the firsat wave instantly*


run homer ill try to fight them off while I still have the energy


* Darth Homer runs back into the cantina as Darth Zaius uses the Sith mind trick on the incoming second wave of storm troopers to kill the next wave and runs back to the cantina, nearly passing out*


that should hold them off for a while...planning must be done

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Comes back as his own avatar....


Oops! Wrong body.....oh well. (tries to help w/ Sith as a basketball star).


H4H H4H H4H!! S33 MY L33T SK1LLZZ!!


dribbles in circles around Sith and such...realizes there's no basket.


H3Y! WTF? H3LP!!


is sabered by Sith


Boinga1 is out for 2 posts

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im ok...just a bit drained from the force push


*turns on lightsaber*


this shall be the first time I go against The Sith Code, but Ill do it


*Darth Zaius quickly uses force grip on one of the sith masters and slams him against the wall, hitting his neck on a trophy rack, paralyzing him from the neck down*


*Darth Zaius, now looking like he is slightly decomposing with some blood slowly comming out of his nose*


time to die.


*Darth Zaius uses force drain on the sith master, untill he shriveled up to nothing but skin and bones*


*now back to normal*


*Darth Zaius then uses force speed and impales another sith master from behind*


ok three more to go, but I wont spoil the fun for you guys

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