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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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Boinga1 hears a voice by the door...


"Mr. Anderson!"


"Wtf?" Boinga1 thinks. "There's no Mr. Anderson here."


Smith begins attacking. He dodges pleto4_ryan's Quifle 24. then overwhelms him and knocks him out for 3 posts


Smith begins turing random patrons into copies of himself. Now there are 4 Smiths attacking; one leaves to go make other copies, while the others stay to fight. Jedi Nyt begins defending himself.


Boinga1 goes after the other Smith, the one who went to make copies. He draws his lightsaber, and takes chase.

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*The microtcip on the back of the head starts working and makes pleto regain his self immidiately...


*looks at smith......:confused:


So this alien have came here also...


*Points the Quifle 24 towards the 2 smiths...change the pattern into Quifle 134 and sends an antivirus wave that deletes both smiths


*points at the next one

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*pleto looks at boinga


You are very impolite knocking someone when he gets in this place....


and also, i will give you a small advise. Never attack someone if you don't know his powers.


*hits self in the head with the hand




Hear that.....My head is metal


*turns the Quifle into Quifle 3 and paralyzes boinga....




you are paralised for 2 turns


*goes to finish the other 2 smiths

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Pleto, if someone says you're out for X posts, you're not allowed to post for X amount of posts. That's just the rules of the game, and it makes it more fun for everyone.


*Corran sighs.*


"Okay, let's try that again."


*Corran reaches into his pocket and pulls out a remote control. He hits the 'rewind' button and everyone goes back to where they were before they started getting hurt.


*JediNyt is getting attacked by a Smith, Boinga is chasing smiths, Pleto is fighting back against a Smith with his Quifle, and Corran is serving drinks.*


"Drinks? Anyone?"


*A Smith comes over to get a drink, and Corran taps a button under the bar. Two hidden ports in the drinks cabinet fire a pair of mini-detonators at the Smith. A second later, they explode, throwing the Smith out the door.*


"Hmm. I think we need more people in here."


*Corran starts putting up signs that say 'FREE DRINKS AND FREE GETTING KILLED BY RANDOM PEOPLE!' to encourage people to come.*

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Originally posted by CorranSec

Pleto, if someone says you're out for X posts, you're not allowed to post for X amount of posts. That's just the rules of the game, and it makes it more fun for everyone.


(oh alright, but its not fun not being able to defence...:( )


{and also i could easily.....(hits all in the head, you cannot move for the rest 10 posts... :p ) and wait for a newcomer to get inside :D }

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*JediNyt takes a hard punch from one the Smiths and flies back towards the wall but does a wallkick and launches back at the Smith. He spins while igniting his saber and takes off Smiths arm. JediNyt lands and stands with his blue blade at the ready. Smith snears at him.*


Smith: "That will cost you Mr. Nyt, your petty Force skills are no match for my witty remarks!"


*In 3 more quik slices JediNyt removes the rest of Smiths limbs leaving just a torso with an angry head glaring back at him.*


JediNyt: "Haha lets see your wit now you petty excuse for an exile!"


*Then with one final slice JediNyt takes off the Smiths head. Terminated. Suddenly he feels a stab in his back, he starts feeling paralized. Another Smith has stuck his hand in JediNyts back and started copying him! He uses the Force to attempt to hold back the copying process but is struggling.*


"Oh ****! Corran I need help!"

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Just for the record, pleto, I think 4-5 is the unofficial "out" limit



Ok, Boinga1 chases the Smith out of the bar, but rounds a corner and finds two Smiths waiting. He slices one in two , while the other flees to make more copies...


"This could be a while, this..." Boinga1 thinks when suddenly he hears several shouts of "Mr. Anderson!"


"Not again" says Boinga1, and turns to find 3 Smiths fighting Neo.


Boinga1 Force Pushes Neo out of the way, sabers two Smiths, and finally throws his saber at the last, eliminating the temporary threat. Boinga1 races back to the bar, as Neo takes to the sky...

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I finish bashing Mydnight, and then spot one of the Smiths trying to make Jedi into a Smith copy. With use of the Matrix and the Force, I run at the Smith copy, grab him by the neck, and send him crashing out of the 4-story cantina.


Smith:"You are powerful, Mr. Shot. But you will remain far less powerful than us!"


me:"Wanna bet you can't say that again?"


Smith:"You are......."


I take out an AK-47 and begin blasting him and a few other Smiths.

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"Thanks topshot I owe you one. Now lets finish this...for now."


*JediNyt charges the last Smith and does a jump triple front kick followed by a powerful Force punch sending the Smith crashing out the door and into the street where hes run over by a swoop gang.* :D


"Well that takes care of that! Anyone got any explosives? Id like to mine the doorway in case any more Smiths decide to crash the party."

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*Corran finishes putting up his advertisements and heads over to the bar. He rummages in a hidden compartment, then pulls out some remote detonators and tosses them to Nyt.*


"Put them at the entrances. I've got the trigger here."


*Suddenly a Smith drops in from the ceiling and lands on Corran's head. Corran frantically tries to wrench him off, but another Smith dashes up to him. Corran snap-kicks the Smith in front, but is still being strangled by the first Smith.*


"Somebody! Help!"

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I grab the Smith attacking Corran and snap him in 2. I then turn to Corran.


"You ok?"


Unbeknownst to myself, a Smith sneaks up from behind and tries to turn me into a copy.


"Agh! Someone help! I'm being warped into a copy!"

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*JediNyt Force grips the Smith attacking topshot and lifts him up and throws him out the window then quickly mines the door and hole in the roof.*


"No problem topshot. Corran you still selling drinks? I need something strong."


*JediNyt goes over to a Sabac table and starts a game with one of the patrons.*

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*Corran links up the detonators and arms them for manual triggering, then moves to the bar and fixes Nyt a Merezane Gold.*


"This is one of the strongest we've got. Hope you're up to it."


*He gently Force-pushes the drink over to the sabacc table, where it sinks into Nyt's hand.*


*The bar returns to a semblance of normality. Patrons order drinks, people laze around, the band starts up.*

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*The bar returns to a semblance of normality. Patrons order drinks, people laze around, the band starts up.*


((Topshot gets drunk! :D))


*Suddenly gets the urge to go outside and look at the moon.*


"Beautiful, simply beautiful."


*Begins to gaze at the stars, wondering what's happening at the bar.*

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*Back at the bar, patrons are getting drunk and fairly disorderly.*


*At a table, one excessively intoxicated Rodian giggles, picks up a chair, and calmly breaks it over the neigbouring Wookiee's head. The Wookiee looks puzzled for a second, then lashes out with a right hook and knocks the Rodian out.*


*Corran takes some time out from bartending to join the band. He takes a seat behind the nalargon and strikes up a well-known jizz melody. People begin dancing drunkenly.*

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*JediNyt glances around and realizes that he, CorranSec, and topshot are the only people left in the cantina. He walks to the door and yells.*


"Hey! Whats goin on?! Whered everyone go?! Get back in here you cowards! We still got lots of killing to do!"


*JediNyt walks back in side and grabs a bunch of fireworks out of Corrans bag and sets them up on top of the cantina then makes a new sign with big lighting up letters "FREE BAR FIGHTS AND CHEAP DRINKS! COME ON IN AND DIE!" and puts it over the door. He sets off the fireworks and waits in his comfy spot inside.*


"That outa get their attention."

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Boinga1 is still speeding towards the door, when he notices 2 things: the new sign, and the mined door.


He tries to stop, skidding, screaming, "HOLY-"


He trips over a mine, but it does not explode, set for manual detonation. Then, one of JediNyt's fireworks goes off with a bang and slams into the ground next to the mine. The fireworks explodes, setting off all the other mines and transforming Boinga1 into a sad, smoldering, ball of plasma, and then, simply ash.


Boinga1 is dead for 4 posts, unless no one else shows up, in which case he shalt be deceased for 2 posts.

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*after months of being down (forgot my password all of this time, sorry to all I could have killed), Darth Zaius finally returns back to like*


it seems some old friends are still here ever since I cracked that beerbottle and got hit with the first blow...memories... TIME FOR SOME PAYBACK CORRAN!!!


*Darth Zaius turns on his curved lightsaber and fornce speeds toward Corran and chops off his arms and legs, and begins to slowly skin Corran alive untill all the skin becomes peeled off, Darth Zaius then raises his lightsaber in the air and impales corran through his stomach, turns his lightsaber off and puts it in the loop on his belt*


*Corran is down for 4 posts*


the dead is done, now its time to go! *Darth Zaiusplants 3 timed self destruct mines on certain key points of the cantina, evewrybody runs frantically runs out of the cantina, meanwhile Zaius casually walks outside, gets into his ship and safely leaves the cantina then suddenly explodes, killing nobody, except for maybesome robots*


that was fun...


*eveybody in the cantina is down for 0 posts, and yes I will return!*

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"Rockets away!"


*Fires Mer-Sonns Missiles at Zaius' ship using the seeker function. The rockets hit Zaius' engines and send him crashing down into the desert.*


Darth Zaius is out for 3 posts, or until somebody with a canteen revives him with a swig of water.


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*gets slapped by OmegaNothing*

*slowly turns head back at Omega and slowly walks toward him as he walks away*

You know what, boy? You just messed up...

*grabs Omega by the neck and lifts him with a single hand*

*uses free hand to draw the Soul Reaver from its scabbard*

Now then...heads, tails, or the side of the coin..?

*beats Omega's face with the buttend of the sword before finally running him clear through and throwing him through a wall*


Omega is down and out for 4 posts

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