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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*The explosion wakes Omega up. Pissed off for being rudely awaken Omega grabs MydnightPsion by the leg and swings him into the only table left full of emtpy glasses, then Omega grabs a chair, breaks a leg off and starts stabbing Whimseyboy, buffy style whilst robbig his wallet..*

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*decides that Omega has crossed the patience threshold with his awakenings before he should and beats him into a lifeless pulp*


*then decides to beat the bejesus out of Whimsey boy midevil style, leaving him a lifeless pulp as well*


*OmegaNothing and WhimseyBoy lay dead until someone drops them into a Bacta Tank for 4 posts*

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Technially, Whisenboy, since Zaius emptied the bar, no one was in in it for your detonator...and knocking everyone else out just isn't cool.


So, Boinga1 returns to life as himself, and gives chase to Zaius in a stolen A-wing (stolen from whom, he does not know). Suddenly, he sees topshots missles seeking out Zaius and shooting him down. Boinga1 quickly realizes that, although he has not yet engaged hostilities, he may be shot down anyway. He quickly strafes the area.


Topshot is out 3 posts. Psion is out 2 from a laser graze.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finaly manges to reatch legs.

"RIGHT!! Wheres Darth Homer! i owe him some leg hacking!"

*sees Wesia Daoke with a white lightsaber8

"ohhh i want one of those!"

*runs behind Wesia Daoke and stabs his knees out with a rambo style hunting Knife*

*picks up saber and runs off looking for darth Homer*

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Leaps down from the ceiling and cuts down Wesia Daoke. SamFisher slabs Boinga1 in the face.


Boinga1 says, "Oh, so you want to play that way, do ya?" and slaps Sam in the face again.


boinga1 and SamFisher are in a slapping match for 2 posts. Wesia Daoke is dead for 3 posts.

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*runs up on boinga and Sam and impale them both with a rather large sharpened stick, then proceeds to stick them on a wall and graft a large metal door to the open end of the spear*


*watches the squirm and die from the shadows*


boinga1 and SamFisher are dead for 2 posts*

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Psst....when I say we're fighting for 2 posts, that really means we can't harm anyone/be harmed until the two posts is up...but I'll play along with you, Psion...this time..


Note: This does not count as post for those waiting to regenerate.

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