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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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You want lavish? I'll give you lavish!!!!


*takes a coin from his pocket and tosses it from hand to hand*


Here you go!!


*throws the coin as hard as he can into Kain's mouth, causing him to choke on it*


Lavish enough for you?

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Um, I don't think he got the picture.........I'll do it now......


*Takes out a thick, sharp needle and throws it as if it were a dart aiming straight for the bulls-eye. Nails Kain in the head, and his right eye pops out.*


Bulls-eye!!!!! Erm.....well....not really......but close enough! :p

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*Invokes the powers of Hephaestus, god of the forge, and a huge hammer of immense strength falls from the sky and onto Kain. Kain remains unharmed.*


Ah, poopy!


*takes out a patch of garlic cloves, then wraps them around his right arm and holds a crucifix in front himself.*


Back! Back, I say!

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*Takes precise aim and spits the spoon at Crow's left eye.*


Gag me with a spoon, will you?


*Stabs his Soul Edge into Crow's stomach. The Soul Edge begins feeding off of Crow's soul energy, replenishing Topshot's health at the same time.*


That'll teach yah not mess with supernatural forces! :p

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(Another one to sway to the Swamp Side. Oh goody! :cool: )


Ok, Mr. Lord-of-Nosgoth guy! That was uncalled for! j/k :p


*Teleports just before Mack crushes into his already battered body. Takes out his sword and performs three quick slashes, invoking life-giving magic into the blade as well. All aimed at Kain.*


Topshot (screams): The sword that gives life!

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*stops about 2 inches off the ground and grabs the 9 iron*


You little...


*gets his trusty pole and cracks Mack in the face with it, sending him through a wall*


*spins and uppercuts topshot into the air*


*as topshot is going up, I jump up and start slapping him around with the pole before finally cracking him ontop of the skull and sending him into the cantina sub basement*

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