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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*Looks at torn out throat. Sees a piece of lasagna hanging off it. Luckily, he remained unharmed, due to an adamantium-laced skeletal system.*


Oh! So that's where my garlic-spiced lasagna disappeared off to!


*Disgustingly odor-ey garlic spores spread all over. A seering, painstakingly hot garlic spore sprouts into Kain's undead skin.*

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Hah! It's actually coated with rubber bands, fool! Rubber repels anything that has to do with electricity, including magnetism! :p


*Goes all-out Wolvie style and pierces Kain's armor.*


*For some reason, he still feels the magnetic pull.*


Blast it all! :(

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*The dust clears, and yet there is someone still standing, barely even scratched and not a dent in his armor.*


Foolish! You were expecting me to spontaneously self-combust? What a laugh. Your powers must be wearing you down, Kain. In fact, I have something for you.........


*Pulls out a sword the same strange shape of that of Kain's Soul Reaver.*


..........Look familiar?

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*erupts into a flock of bats*

*reforms carrying another Soul Reaver*

*engages into a duel with topshot*

*the 2 break off after a moment of fighting*

...well, I must say I'm rather disappointed in your progress

*fighting a bit more before breaking off*

I imagined you'd figure it out sooner.

*fights a bit more*

topshot: "Your fatalism is tiresome, Kain".

Kain: ...and profoundly ingrained, topshot. You must understand, our presence here doesn't alter history. You and I meet here because we are compelled to - we have always met here. History is irredeemable.

*fighting a bit more before breaking off because topshots Soul Reaver suddenly shatters*

topshot: "Wha-?! Keep your distance Kain!"

Kain: Two incarnations of the blade meet in time and space...a paradox is created, a temporal distortion powerful enough to derail history.

*Kain grins and vanishes*

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*Looks at the "entirely dramatic duel of G vs. E" post.*


Wow, Kain, that was certainly a very poetic post! I like it. I like it alot. Now, my incarnation of Soul Reaver is destroyed, so, uh......


*Looks to WildJedi's beating a useless outline of what was once there.*


......you gonna kill me? :D

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*Kain is standing in the middle of a field*

*topshot tries to sneaks up to get a cheapshot*

Kain: I know you are there, topshot.

topshot: Crow led me to you, Kain. Although I might have guessed you'd meet me here.

Kain: And if Crow told you I was hidden on the underside of Hell would you throw yourself into oblivion to pursue me? Crow trawls for the ignorant unwary, hauling his gasping prey from the streams of their destinies. Stay out of his net, topshot.

topshot: Spare me your elaborate metaphors, Kain. I have pursued you here for one purpose - you will pay for your destruction.

Kain: And whose will is satisfied then? The will of topshot or Crow?

topshot: Would I be better manipulated by you, Kain? Turn and face me; this chase is over.

Kain: This isn't a chase, topshot - we are merely passengers on the wheel of destiny, describing a perfect circle to this point. We have been brought here for a reason. I have seen the begining and end of our story, however - it is crude and ill-concieved. We must rewrite the ending of it, you and I.

topshot: Face me Kain. Even you shouldn't die a cowards death.

Kain: Isn't it customary to grant the condemned a final request?

topshot: I recall no such courtesy from you.

Kain: Indulge me, topshot. All I ask is that you listen. You can kill me or you cannot. There's a third option - a monumental secret, hidden in your very presence here. But it's a secret you must discover for yourself. Unearth your destiny, topshot. It's all laid out for you here.

topshot: You said it yourself, Kain - there are only 2 sides of your coin.

Kain: Apparently so. But suppose you throw a coin enough times...suppose one day, it lands on its edge...


*Kain vanishes, leaving topshot standing in the clearing alone*

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