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Monkey Island Sig Images, Ill make them for you

Lost Welshman

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A humble request that MI-themed sigs stay at least thin enough that they don't stretch out the forum design. I really really dislike when sig images are wider than the forums they're appearing in :)


For instance that one up there breaks the forum.

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I like your work, but I'll have to think of something I want on it... Thats for the offer. It's harder to think of a good MI banner. In JKII all you need is a stormtrooper saying something like "DAMN THOSE JEDI". In MI you have to think of something that comes up to the level of cleverness in the game. So I"m thinking :confused: and thinking :confused: ! THANKS


:D I came up with one!!! :D


It has to have Captain Smirk, Captain Smirk's monkey, and "THE MACHINE" on it. And the only words will be STORMY's Automated Dogeball Cannon. inc.


Can you do that? By the way captain smirk is my avatar so you have an idea who he is.

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I like the 3D monkey, you did a good job on it. Looks good.


Put the monkey first , then the machine, and then Smirk. That will make it look like Smirk's using the machine in the monkey and smiling in the end. TAKE THAT MONKEY!


Change the words to:




And in small print its can say at the bottom:


-No Monkeys were harmed, they are only sleeping.


Something like that.



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How do I give you 10 pionts, I don't know how to talk me through it, I'm a newbie at giving points and erning points. What's the Point of Points.


I have a tip for you, get the point? (MI1 sword fighting insult awnser)


I click on donate and it doesn't do any thing!!!!!

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