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Question about PA's


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I have a question about PA's. Can just about anyone start a PA. is there anything you have to do (officially) to start one?


In a PA would you get a certain budget for how many players you have? Or is it just like a group of players that are together?


What is the difference between a PA, and a faction, Can you start your own faction, In a faction would you get a certain budget for how many players you have?


Thanks for your help. :mob:

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Yes, anyone can start a PA. I will warn you in advance though, it is a lot of work. Recruiting, creation of rules, rank structure, these are just the starting points. Recruiting becomes big, but who do you want to let in, what are the requirements, process? If you need help I can offer some of my knowledge, but I do have my own PA taxing my every neuron. ;)

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Originally posted by Genesis16

I have a question about PA's. Can just about anyone start a PA. is there anything you have to do (officially) to start one?


In a PA would you get a certain budget for how many players you have? Or is it just like a group of players that are together?


What is the difference between a PA, and a faction, Can you start your own faction, In a faction would you get a certain budget for how many players you have?


Thanks for your help. :mob:

Well like Darth Sidious says. there is a lot of work with a PA.. i didnt even start one and i have bearly any free time left. ofcourse our PA has 45 members i think.. dont know.. lost count after 20 ;).


the last one.... it is just like a group of players that are together.


there is a difference. A faction is:




and a PA is just a group of players. They choose one of the faction to go by. Like the Associates are Neutral. But the PA of Darth_Sidious is Imperial.


Get it?


and if i havent welcomed you yet:

Welcome to



Hi im Wraith 8 your local Moderator.

Please Read this before you post!

If you have any problems what so ever, send a Private Message to me.


Here you have your welcome gift to the forums :D:

*gives a large box full of Chocolate Gnorts*


I hope to see you around more :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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Ahhh, ok I get it, thanks for your help, And thanks for the Chocolate Gnorts (is that right?) :burg1: yum,...ohh wait... :barf: hehe jk. For my other question, if you join say the Impirial, would you get some kind of budget, to spend on making your group better. (Sorry I don't know if that sounds dumb, I joined the SW Combine along time ago {it sucked} but anyways. If you were a group you recieved a budget.)


And DS thanks for proposal, when I know a little bit more about what I want to do, I will contact you (if that's alright) Thanks.


Also, can a player create a Mafia typed oginization?

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The FAQ, I thought, made reference to PA bank accounts. So we must assume that there will be PA income either based on the actions of it's members or some form of taxation. On the other hand, if you join a faction, Imperial or Rebs, you will earn faction points that you can use to 'check out' equipment like ST units and AT-ATs. Faction points can also be used for training you would normally have to seek otherwise. :D


Anyway, sure, feel free to contact me when/if you decide to start a PA, also, I am sure you can post on here and a million shining knights will jump up to help. ;)

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Originally posted by Genesis16

Thanks again for your help, would you recomend building a website and all that?

well... if you want my recomendation:

find at least 4 or 5 guys/girls to join in your PA before you begin one. people dont tend to join PA's with just one or 2 members. there are exceptions ofcource. But you dont see them very often.


have a gmae plan.. a motto or at least a plan for the game.


Website can wait when you have morer members and have more info on what you are gonna be and do with your PA.


my 2 cents


-Wraith 8-

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Yes, Wraith is right. I think it would have been a hundred times easier if I hadn't started with only two members. As far as a site, if you can, it will attract more members, if that's what you want. My PA currently utilizes a Yahoo group, of course we may be closing our doors soon. Creative differences suck. BTW, you should also advertise your PA on these two sites:





Most of the other sites, including the main sony site, are wastes of your time. I have never received any good feedback from the sony site's members. The Potentium site has the most extensive server and faction based listing, while SWGalaxies.net offers the ability to create news articles and rank listings, which I especially like. They are both extremely well done and neither should be left out. Anyway, enjoy. Also, you can use these two sites to find a PA to join if you don't feel like making your own.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, what's that supposed to mean. Mildly hardcore obsessive? My girl tells me I'm hardcore, but I just thought she liked the way I sang along with KoRn. ;P


Anyway, like I was trying to say, it is probably a lot easier to go out and find a PA in it's formative stages. There are a lot with only 5-10 members. They are almost always recruiting.

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Well, you are in luck. I have surveyed just about every PA out there, being intel and all. Just tell me what kind of PA you are looking for and I'll direct you to a few. Take these questions into consideration:


What do you want to be?


Imperial, Rebel or Neutral?


PvP or RP?


Small tight knit group or Large powerful PA?


What kind of activities do you want to be involved in? i.e. Espionage (My favorite), military, crime, manufacturing, mercantilism........

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Well, I'll start with recommending The Associates. First of all, you'll have freedom with what you desire to play. They are a Neutral PA, with slight Rebel tendencies. This of course, is without me checking my listing, which I will try to do sometime this weekend to update you. But first of all, they are all here in these forums. Wraith 8, Jan Gaarni, Setsuko, Gaalgoth, Thew Rydur and the list goes on and on. They have a little under fifty members, which is a respectable sized PA, without being out of control. I expect that they will grow within the game due to their personable natures.


Except for that Joken Guy, he killed my RP thread. ;P


BTW, here is a link:

The Associates


They also have their own webpage and their own forums listed in the PA forums here.

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