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Open up a command prompt, and type "tracert" followed by the ip address you want to trace...


"tracert http://www.nbnet.nb.ca" (my old ISP's webserver) will reveal that the last hop before it's final destination is Aliant's Atlantic - New Brunswick (alnb) gateway, meaning that the target PC is on Aliant Telecom's network.


To see how this works ideally, you need an actual connected user's IP address... Try it with a friend with a different broadband provider.


As a general rule, the last hop using some form of DNS is part of the target's network.

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Originally posted by Gold leader

Do you work at Danasoft, Nitrous?


Well, technically no, but I've got an old friend (since grade 3) that does... Albeit, I haven't actually seen him since we were 14, but we're constantly in touch.


That's the result of me figuring out how to do it, and him later coding it.



(If you want it, PM me... 14 and over, please, since you have to be 14 to watch movies with boobies in them.)


Works on the same principle as (the removed link), except instead of pulling the custom text from a user input, it grabs it from from a few secret scripts in a secret coding language.

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