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X-Men 1.5

Darth Groovy

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I managed to pick this up at the used CD/DVD store today. Basically it's the same film as the original. Using the current marketing stunts, released with extra tid bits and a teaser for X2 (can't wait for that). Only thing, is that I am thankful I did not buy the original version. Hat's off to all you pitiful LOTR fans that went and did that. X-Men Really surprised me as a film. I had seen the trailers and thought it to be a gimmicky flop, but it turned out to be a superhero movie, with some soul and feeling. This movie makes me want to actually go and read the comics. Anybody else get your hands on this recently?


BTW- This movie marks my 100th DVD in my collection. :cool:

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I got X-Men on vhs as well. I was very captivated by this movie for some reason. It just turned out so much better than I had anticipated. The heroes in this movie have heart and soul. The love interest between Rogue, and Wolverine is admirable, it added alot of reality to a movie that could have been horrible if not done right. This movie was superb in nearly every catagory!

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I have x-men on vhs, but I hate my vcr so I recently started getting dvds. The dvds I have are: LOTR extended version, LOTR, Reign of fire, spiderman, Triple X, The scorpian king, The Sum of all Fears, Mr. Deeds, Star wars Episode 1, Star Wars Episode 2, The Bourne Identity, The Back to the Future trilogy, and Buffy season 3.

I am getting X.5 and Minority Report this weekend.

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