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Fakey is missing

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Fakey, my account that I use for debugging/troubleshooting seems to have gone AWOL.


I have conveniently lost the password to the account fakey earlier today in what seems to be, but isn't, a pathetic attempt at some kind of contest.


The account has 516 credits as well as 7 attachments. If found, feel free to embezzle the credits and hang on to the attachments for whenever you need them.


The only thing I remember about the password is that it was what one of the characters from Spaceballs introduced him/herself as.


Crappy, pointless, and useless hints will be given as I conveniently and seemingly periodically remember them. And remember, this is not any kind of setup contest.


Happy cracking. ;)

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I just got it but I just was in it for the challenge so continue on, guys. The prize is still there! :)


Awesome idea, Matt. Maybe this should be an ongoing thing where the password is changed after somebody wins? :) Sounds like a pretty fun thing.



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Is it a character's first words? Or one of their famous quotes? I've been trying all the quotes I know since 3rd period. plus, does capitalization count?


I can't believe it's that hard.... if Rhett got it, anybody can get it ! :p j/k Rhett

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

I give up. I've tried everything related Yogurt. you must have misspelled something or have a captial letter in it somewhere.......

Rhett got it. Seems I spelled it correctly.

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Woo, I got it :D


I knew that watching Spaceballs would come in handy some day :p:D


I really like Rhett's idea about making it into an ongoing thing with the password changed each time... What do you think to it, Matt? :D




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