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CP - Segment 3-


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This is the third showcase thread of my level "Corrupted Paths". . .


Pretty ceiling fan, eh?



Control panel on a deck.



A security station.



Here there is a control panel that that has a camera screen. I need to replace the red texture with the camera screen. Where is the camera screen texture in Radiant?



Comments, suggestions? Thank you for your time.

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I post them in little segments because then 1) so people don't have to wait long for all the images to load up, and 2) it gives a comprehensive conclusion of progress made from the last segment. Also, my threads seem to die quickly. My last intention would be to revive a dead thread.


Thank you Count_D00ku for commenting on the screenshots that I was concerned about more than the trend of my Lucasforum posts. Please Aru-Wen, just chill.

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Looks really good, a bit more colourful than some base stlye maps, which is a nicd change. The architecture is great, really detailed and varied, and the texturing just seems to fit the architecture just right. Is this map SP or MP? Erm, also, Aru was merely asking why, not having a go at you. If he has a go at you, he turns into The Rock and shouts profanity, trust me, you know when he's having a go at you.


There aren't any set rules as far as I know on threads on the showcase forum anyway, I dug out my old post on my level in massassi showcase forums (they move much faster than here) and people asked me if I knew how to start new topics (idiots...). Erm, anyway, the one big advantage of keeping the whole thing together is that we'll still have the original spiel at the top about whether the map is SP/MP, where you plan to go with it etc. Or you could just paste it into each thread I guess.


BTW, I think the camera screen textures are under the doomgiver texture set.

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Originally posted by Aru-Wen

I'm curious as to why you feel the need to make a new thread each time there's an update to your map...

I'm curious as to why you don't :p


I really like your architecture, Your texturing is unusually refreshing (but I think your archi helps out the most in this respect).


I'm curius as to what the entire layout is - hence, i, too, am interested in stolling around this environment you've given us a taste of.

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Thank you everyone for the comments. I will look into Doomgiver for that camera texture.


Leslie Judge - There isn't enough area to wander around in yet. I still have a lot of work to do.


Kengo - SP map. There are too many MP maps that nobody really plays. I used to be addicted to JK2 MP being a clan gamer and all. Now there aren't many players. After seeing the amazing stuff people did with Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Single Player, that stuff is what I want to share among others in the community.


Wudan - The layout for now starts with a multipurpose facility housing a cargo room, holding cells, maintenance clearing, security station, and waste disposal dumpster. This is all complete so far. The remaining floor (this Nar Shaadaa, gang run "facility" is multi-floored) includes a cargo storage area, cafe, small atmospheric craft pad, interrogation chamber, medical room, server shaft, conveyor tunnels, and several elevator shafts.


I might make a diagram in Paint to show this in 2-D perspective. Maybe.

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Originally posted by JDKnite188

Kengo - SP map. There are too many MP maps that nobody really plays. I used to be addicted to JK2 MP being a clan gamer and all. Now there aren't many players. After seeing the amazing stuff people did with Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Single Player, that stuff is what I want to share among others in the community.


Glad to hear it, I love SP maps too, and this one looks really great architecture and texture wise, if you can get the storyline and scripting in the same ball park, could be great :)

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These pictures were truly good. Your graphics will certainly support your plot, that's for sure. Although I must say your map seem a little lifeless or monumental or grandiose, if you know what I mean. And I mean absolutely no offense, because the map is of high quality. Of course, given the location, this may be it's ultimate aim.

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I can understand how someone might see it as lifeless. If you are refering to the lack of NPCs around, that is only because I haven't taken screens of them around. The place is kind of supposed to be lifeless in a spooky way. I am trying to incorporate stealth into my map (security cameras and alarms will be found around the facility). Gameplay will make it lively; maybe a "busy" look will change things.

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It has a real industrial feel to it, I like the use of yellow lighting/texturing, it makes the place look gritty. Really like where you would expect to find a den of smugglers' base of operations.


I like the fact that the walls aren't just straight-horizontal-and-vertical structures: they are angled, canted, indented, etc. Especially in the shot at the top of this page. Varying the wall structure like that has given this map a very distinct feel, stick to it.

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Originally posted by Kengo

I dug out my old post on my level in massassi showcase forums (they move much faster than here) and people asked me if I knew how to start new topics (idiots...).


They asked because reviving old threads, like you did, is against the rules. You'd know that if you read the rules when you registered, instead of ignoring them only to make yourself look like a fool later.


JDKnite, it looks excellent like the rest of it. I only suggest you turn up your texture resoultion when taking screenshots. :)

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I don't know why I am hesitant to turn up the texture detail, Emon. Stupid me. I did turn it up though from the last time you told that to me :p


Wedge, the orange lighting really makes it nice. I always saw orange lights around buildings and stuff; it does give an industrial feel that I am aiming for. It seems to me that JK2's atmosphere can't get the industrial feel as easy as JK or MotS.

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You know what you might try, to get an even grittier look, is adding a global fog with a really far draw-distance and a reddish (or just grayish) color. AKPiggot got very nice results in his Party Crasher shots with that technique, you can find more information by doing a forum search for "foghull" or checking out the Party Crasher WIP thread.


That's only an added bit of detail, and it might hurt your frame rates if you have any large areas, but it's something to consider.

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Originally posted by Emon

They asked because reviving old threads, like you did, is against the rules. You'd know that if you read the rules when you registered, instead of ignoring them only to make yourself look like a fool later.


On Massassi, the forum rules state: "Do not revive old threads on the Discussion or Showcase Forum. Old threads are basically anything older than 3 weeks. This is more of a pet peeve than anything, really."

My largest update gap was 10 days. Perhaps you should read the rules more carefully.

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Wedge, I will consider the fog. The only thing is that my architecture is complicated enough (i would prefer to make it more intricate); the fog might be a insignificant detail. At least I know it has been used already by someone.


I didn't get a chance to work on my map for a few days so I dug up a screenshot just to keep this thread going . . . I probably won't be able to show anything for a while without the screenshots showing large areas of needed development.




/me likes orange

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Well, here is an update. I added a junction room which links a ship platform, a prime corridor, and an elevator shaft.


The junction room. There is a nice white tray in the corner.



Hallway to the ship platform.



Prime corridor in development.



Comments, suggestions? Until later then . . .

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