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How do you want your lightsaber

Gian Skywalker

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*steals when Hannibal is eating*






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Thank you old wise jedi master Leemu Taos,

this site is sooo much better.More members,better topics,better welcome.(although the last forum had a cool greeting)

i look forward to many posts,replys and readings on this site.


I got a question....can you throw a double-edge saber?


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Originally posted by TheChosenOne-

Thank you old wise jedi master Leemu Taos,

this site is sooo much better.More members,better topics,better welcome.(although the last forum had a cool greeting)

i look forward to many posts,replys and readings on this site.


I got a question....can you throw a double-edge saber?



Not only that but we allow more room for off topic discussion here than on the official forums. :D

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I thnk i'll be going for mace windu style, one single purple lightsabre.. but later on in the game i might switch to a double ended purple sabre... Woudn't it be cool to have two double ended lightsabres? Would take alot of skill to weild :eek:


For the dark side i'll start off with a dual red sabres.. then when i'm more of a master switch the the traditional red single sabre :saberr:

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I would like to point out that Exar Kun, the Sith Lord whom practically invented the double-bladed saber, fought with one hand in a totally different style than Maul's.


However, I believe the developers already mentioned somewhere that you can't find with two double-bladed saber. Besides, I personally think it would look silly anyways.

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Sorry Mace...her lightsaber is crimson.Its silly,but its true.

All this talk of double edge sabers,but the million dollar question is--can you throw it like a single saber???Someones gotta know.

--Hows this for a idea,use two sabers,then combine them for a double edge....sounds good,but it'll never be seen.:(

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the color doesnt really matter, what id want is like 10 light sabers at once .i read this in a SW book in which a crazy jedi thing (he was like a force experiment, kinda hard to explain, ud have to read the book) had lightsabers popping out of this elbows n knees and shoulders and of course two in his hands. now that would be awesome (though uncomfortable).


too bad you cant do that in the game, but it would be impossible to hit the char if something like that happened.

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Does any1 know what the advantage of using 1 singlebladed saber is over a doublebladed saber and over 2 singles and vice versa?


I doubt it will change my choice of 2 sabers, I just think it looks cool and I think all wil be just as deadly when you know how to use them. However I think that some special attacks will be more powerfull with 2 singles or a dualblade (like the whirwind feat)

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Different sabers are faster than others. This is how someone told me it goes:


Double bladed= fastest

Single blade= medium

Double Sabers= slowest


Dont eat me if this is wrong(it'll only be the second time:D). This is just hearsay. Also, having a double bladed or two sabers has certain penalties towards the player I believe. :)

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Originally posted by KaBuTaR

whaaaaat? now what is the point of that? :mad:


Frankly, sir, it is to keep things a wee bit in check. After all, since dual-wielding or wielding a double-bladed saber gives advantages, it also must give disadvantages. And to stay a bit positive, any enemy who wields a double-bladed saber or dual-wields two sabers will have the same penalties as well. Also, those penalties are there to somewhat simulate that not any Jedi can suddenly pick up two sabers and fight with them.


Now, you can remove those penalties by choosing certain feats upon levelling, I believe, although there will always be some sort of penalty.


(note that if your post was meant to be sarcastic, slap me once for good measure... I shouldn't post at 2:16 AM :mad: )



As for jedi3112's question, I would expect that wielding two blades allows you to make two attacks during one round, which would be its advantage over the others. Of course, you also have a lesser chance of actually hitting your opponent, and possibly a lower chance to defend yourself as well. As mentioned, these penalties can be lessened with certain feats.


For a double-bladed, I seriously have no idea. My thoughts are that a double-bladed saber might give you a bonus upon defending yourself, but penalties upon attacking someone else. Naturally, the penalties can be reduced with, say-it-with-me, feats.


For a single blade, I think you'll have no bonuses, but also no penalties for it, which will probably be its advantage over the other blades. Plus, there might be special feats which you can only use with a single blade.

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