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Durge, huge discrepancy or major contributer to character's back story?

Havoc Stryphe

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I already posted this at the Star Wars EU Forum, but I wanted you guys to take a look at this and see what kind of theories and conjecture we can come up with, after all it seems to be directly related to Boba Fett.


Posted Today on StarWars.Com:


Introducing Durge


Discussing the upcoming toys, comic books and animated shorts on cartoon network concerning a new character, Durge.


Excerpt from StarWars.COm's Durge Description:


Spotlight: Durge

A long-lived bounty hunter who has replaced Jango Fett as Count Dooku's right-hand man, Durge has long held a grudge against the Mandalorians. Emerging from hibernation after the Battle of Geonosis, the bounty hunter learned that the Mandalorians were all but extinct. Their legacy continued, however, in the form of the Republic's clone troopers, forged from Jango Fett's genetic material. Durge then joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems to enact his revenge upon Jango's clones, and fights alongside Asajj Ventress in the Clone Wars.


Now take a look at these pictures from StarWars.Com:


Durge Pic 1

Durge Pic 2

Durge Pic 3


Notice the familiar symbol that graces Durge's Breastplate? That is the same symbol found on everyone's favorite bounty hunter, Boba Fett, albeit Boba's is red, not blue, and located on Boba's shoulder, not chest.


Now here is my question: If Durge hates the mandalorians so much that he takes up the fight against the republic solely for the purpose of fighting the genetic clones of ex-mandalorian, the late Jango Fett, then why does he share a symbol with Jangos' very son and genetic twin, Boba Fett?


Does Durge play a vital role in the development of young Boba Fett? Does Boba know of Durge's despise for his father and the mandolorians, and his hatred of his very genes? Does Boba, denounce his father and his mandalorian heritage altogethor and later Join with Durge? Or does Durge overcome his hatred for the mandalorians and take Boba under his wing? Or is this just some oversight in character creation and design?


Notice, I never said the symbol in question is mandalorian, as a matter of fact, at this point I would be more likely to think the symbol is anything but mandalorian! So why does Boba Fett end up using this symbol, especially considering Boba has a mandalorian heritage and Durge hates his father?


Can somebody shed some light on this new development? Maybe somebody knows more about this, Durge character, than I do, and can answer a few questions for me.

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Here's some pictures of the unknown symbol on Boba:








Like I said, it's red, not blue like Durge's, and it's on his left shoulder guard, not his Breastplate like Durge's, but Identical otherwise.


This symbol has long been associated with Boba Fett, but nobody knew why. Maybe we are going to finally find out, and Durge plays a big part in it?

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

I think Jango Fett has that symbol too. It's on the Bounty Hunter game


Really? I wasnt' aware of that. I though it was unique to Boba. Where does Jango display the symbol?


Even so, why does Durge use the symbol if he hates the Mandalorians? :confused:

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I've never even heard of this Durge character before. :confused:



But now that I have.....



*prints out Durge pictures*

*runs outside and gets a bucket*

*places pictures inside bucket and dowses them with gasoline* *throws lighter into bucket*



Ahh... there we go. As for that insignia, I read that it was the symbol of a long gone deadly unit of mandalorian soldiers.

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I was under the impression that the symbol was for the entire Mandalorian race & was put on their star ships, armor, etc...thus accounting for it being on both Jango and Boba, but why so large on Durge, then? Hmmmm....a quandry....maybe he is also using mandalorian armor...but if he hates them that much it doesn't make sense...unless he's trying to lull them into a false sense of security....BRAIN HURTS!!!!

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

I've never even heard of this Durge character before. :confused:



But now that I have.....



*prints out Durge pictures*

*runs outside and gets a bucket*

*places pictures inside bucket and dowses them with gasoline* *throws lighter into bucket*



Ahh... there we go. As for that insignia, I read that it was the symbol of a long gone deadly unit of mandalorian soldiers.


You might as well. This character will never appear on screen.

This is something for the comic books between Ep 2 and 3.

It would branch the story out to much to have this guy in Ep3.

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Originally posted by Hannibal

You might as well. This character will never appear on screen.

This is something for the comic books between Ep 2 and 3.

It would branch the story out to much to have this guy in Ep3.


*hopes Hannibal is right*


He looks so DORKY. Like Shredder from Ninja Turltes...but WORSE. Good grief. And the name...DURGE. It sounds exactly like Dirge (funeral Hymn). On purpose? Duh.


Mucho Feh.

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Well, there were two groups of Mandalorian type people: The Mandalorians, including Jaster Mareel, Jango Fett, and Montross (from Bounty Hunter), and the Death Watch, rogue Mandalorians who didn't like them for some reason.


Maybe Durge is one of the Death Watch, a Mandalorian hater with their armor. Also, I heard it was confirmed that the person he's standing on top of is none other than Obi-Wan.


Either way, it seems that Dooku's gonna go through 3 bounty hunters for this war (4 henchmen, if you count Sev'Rance Tann): Jango, Cydon Prax, and now Durge. Gah.


Edit: The symbol, the skull thing, is the symbol of the Mandalorians. I'm guessing Boba gets that same symbol because he uses Jango's Mandalorian suit later on, just gives it different color, like Slave 1.


Edit 2: I can also explain how the X-Wing and TIE Fighters ended up in the Coruscant chase scene in AOTC. :D

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If you have the commentary on for the DVD, he should tell you where it is.


If you don't have the DVD, it's the part where Zam's speeder is making that huge dive right before Anakin almost crashes into that large ship. The TIEs and X-Wing are near microscopic, but they're in a little stream of traffic to the left of the screen.

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