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Undercrowding problem in SWG?


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One per server is a good idea because that stops new char buffs by making a fortune as miner to begin with... then trading it all to your new char so they can go get the best stuff on the market.


"Trade" is a loosely used word to describe the act of:

1.) Giving a friend your stuff so you can transfer it to the new character later


2.) Leaving huge mountains of stuff as far as teh eye can see in some non-disclosed, secret location so you can have your new character come get it later.


3.) The "better" idea for "trading" is to make a resource uber character... Uber resource... then "option 1 or 2" and delete that character. Come in the galaxy as someone new and "collect your due"... Kinda like a planned winning of the lottery. :( :( :(:D


This will encourage miners and such to be in the game and other econo buff characters so every new character can enjoy a *cough* synthetic *cough* standard of living. :rolleyes:

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I also believe many players will choose BH but i think its the way it should b, so jedi players always have 2 b on their guard. BH's would also make the jedis rare. Jedis cant trust every1 either bcoz u dont know if they'll tell a bh about em (a friend maybee who needs money)

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umm, im not sure i understood wot i ment.


I mean: there's 2 friends (irl maybee), 1 of em is a bounty hunter and the other...lets say...a dancer.

1 day the dancer meets a stranger in robe. They chat a little and the stranger tells the dancer that he's a jedi. The dancer who is a really good friend with his BH friend tells him about this jedi he met bcoz his friend lacks money.


bcoz if I met a jedi i would tell my BH friend (if I had a such) about the jedi

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Liver paste? That's really nasty Set. I think I'll have to go throw up now.


I'm pretty sure that they'll allow more than 2500 people per server. If not, I don't think it will matter. I think 2500 will still be enough to keep most cities populated (+ NPCs of course).

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